He said that Genesis 5:4 referred to Seths daughters. Their professions According to the Biblical text, Abel was a shepherd. By submitting above, you agree to our privacy policy. For example in the northern US it is considered immoral to marry a first cousin but it is not in British society and in some places in the southern US (there are many jokes about this). Because they were very sinful and out of Gods regulations. And in the first (year) of the third jubilee, Cain slew Abel because (God) accepted the sacrifice of Abel Cain is worried about someone finding and killing him, so God gives him a protective mark. Why did Cain then kill Abel? This goes to the heart of some of the misunderstandings about who Adam and his line was. A figment of imagination. The Bible says that after he killed his brother Abel, Cain married a wife. prior to writing or Peking about it. Missy is a main character. I quite agree that Cain married his sister as a wife since there is no human on earth before God created Adam and Eve. God "made out of one man [Adam] every nation of men to dwell on the entire surface of the earth.". Some points to consider on CAINS WIFE. I feel very sorry for you, for you live in darkness and will likely do so until the day you die. This happens at the beginning of the seventh day. Who did Cain marry? Lilith, Who would and why would someone look for Cain to do him harm? For example breath of life is literally breath life. OF is implied. Furthermore, recent studies, such as one published in the Journal of Genetic Counseling, show that unions between first cousins face lower risks of having children with birth defects than is widely perceived. 1:5, where it descripts the arising of Jeremia. If Adam and Eve ate the fruit while others didnt then there would be immortal human beings and they would not have remained on this miserable sin filled planet but God would have taken them elsewhere. I have written a longer response to what you said in your last post, but here I want to stick to the single pair discussion. God is love..and God loves Cain so much (even after he murdered his brother) enough to provide him a wife. After all, Cain and Abel are apparently the only children of creation's first couple, so where did this unnamed woman whom Cain marries in . Suggesting there were other people groups implies the reason for the suffering and death is not mans sin. AP. The bible says that God created man and women outside of the garden. HAS SHE NEVER READ THE hEBREW BIBLE? The Bible then goes on to tell us about their offspring and the famous murder of Abel. The genealogy numbers reveal a rough timeframe, but you cant elongate that to 100,000 years. It is likely easier to use the word search to locate these references. Why did Herod like to listen to John the Baptist, who criticized Herods lifestyle? Reading carefully the Genesis in Hebrew, we have to point out that God says to the earth (aretz) to produce all the living creatures (1:24) which has to include mankind. Lastly, we find zakar and neqebah and ish and ishsha are used interchangeably for the individual mating pairs which entered the ark. [6] In 1945, the misconception was listed by the Historical Association (of Britain) as the second of 20 in a pamphlet on common errors in history. No doubt it was one of these daughters that Cain took for a wife. So, which is it? The nephesh hayyah (soul of the living), the lesser of the two, was formed from the earth when Adam was created, and it has a terrestrial, physical origin in every man (p.708). zakar & neqebah), which come about at the same time and in unknown number, the paradise story means the arising of two individuals, one man and one woman (isch & ischah). Thus, these are the same two humans in both chapters of Genesis. At that time in human history when humans still had outstanding physical health and vitality, as indicated by the length of their lives, the likelihood of passing on defects as a result of marrying a close relative was not great. Adam and Eve were procreating long befor the fall(be fruitful and multiply) Science has disproved dozens and dozens of biblical mythology and yet people continue to cling to it more than the reality they face every day. Photo: From Charles Foster, The Story of the Bible (1897). As for the ability of generations to pass stories along by mouth and accurately this has in fact been demonstrated by anthropologists studying other cultures not Near Eastern ones. Cain sisters appear AFTER Set, Cain couldnt have married one of them, that would be an anachronism. There were likely other beings around maybe not descendants of Mito Eve & Y Adam whose dynasties long ago died out. If you want to resesrch you cannot exclude all other ancient texts. According to one opinion, it was actually a quarrel over who would get to marry the third sister that led to Cain slaying Abel. How did the spirit of God move upon the face of the waters in Genesis 1:2? So, God built a body out of dust and had to breathe life into it. fear lest the enemy overcome thee. Cain could have physically married another human being that had not received the breath of God. Yatsar refers to the molding and shaping of an object. It gives the age at which Adam fathered Seth, how long he lived afterwards and the fact that he had sons and daughters. Your numbers are far beyond Scientific Data (old-earth-creationistic Stuff? Further, Cain was told to leave the family, after being told, hed be no longer able to take the fruit of the earth from the ground nor the strength of the earth from the Earth. You dont know the scriptures nor do you know the power of God. Likewise, your sentence structure There is no where made mentioning of Adam and Eve having any daughters in the generations of Adam,In Genesis 5:1-4, Seth is the one being made mentioning of as having sons and daughters in Verse 4, Not Adam, shows that you are basing the idea of no daughters, on verses 1-4. 3 Be not afraid, 0 my son; there is no disgrace in it. Why Did Pharaoh Tell Joseph to Enjoy the 'Fat of the Land'? Page | 11 These forces, of course, are invisible. Cain got his wife the same way Adam did, God caused a deep sleep to come upon him and took one of his ribs and made him a wife. The ancient peoples would have understood the antagonisms that would have at times occured between settled farmers dwelling in cities and semi-nomadic herdsmen dwelling in camps; since prehistoric times. 4 But when our father Adam saw them around him, he wept at having to be So, Im not sure I completely follow your logic, in all due respect. All of them are not recorded. Aclima The Mahometan tradition of the death of Abel is this: Cain was born with a twin sister who was named Aclima, and Abel with a twin sister named Jumella. @Steve A good answer provides new insight and perspective. I for one do not take lightly mocking God. Again, why bother becoming a Pastor. http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0022821 He had cursed everyone and all sources of food, now I suspect Adam took his privelege of cursing the people in the family she they ate food. When you say Adam, if Cain was indeed first or he may have been Cain who is considered as the Father. Analog to this, there were no circumscribed fields, but the humans gathered fruits, cabbage, seed and whathaveyou (Gen. 1.28). It rather depends on whether you believe that all adamic people descend literally from a single Adam-man and an Eve-woman, or whether those two are part of an allegorical story where they are metaphors for the created Adamic race as a whole. That doesn't mean that this book is true. Urmia & the alleged plain of Edin, right before a land seeming to sound like the Angel guarding the opening from Edin on the East could have been The Garden. In Genesis one both male and female are singular in Hebrew. When Seth was born, Cain already was the (grand-)father of severel generations. The residents (his own brothers and sisters and their children) might have avenged their brother/uncle/cousin If your spirit is not ready to receive the message you will not receive. For Leiths explanation of the identity of the wife of Cainone of the often-overlooked women in Genesisread her full Biblical Views column Who Did Cain Marry?. Then God creates Adam from as totally different raw materiale, from earth (in Hebrew adama) which is the soil of Gan Eden. 1:1; Jn. If we look at shapes of men and women we see a major difference in them. How abt his marrying a Neanderthal who also roamed the region. Posted on September 17, 2021 by 0 Comments September 17, 2021 by 0 Comments Organized religion was 100% sure man couldnt clone animals,geneticly modify genes and make an atomic bomb. If Cain was told to leave the garden, this in some cultures can mean family. As for religions being blood guilty, I fully agree. But, besides the fact this is an easy question to answer, does it really matter whether or not we can answer it? The Midrash reveals that Cain and Abel were fraternal twins. Guess what we find in the area of the Arabian river system: gold, bdellium and onyx. One of the factors, in addition to the total disregard for the Biblical narrative as a whole, that appears to have been omitted is the time scale. There is also the fact God had to breathe life into the newly produced body of Adam (Gen. 2:7). By the time they gave birth to Cain and Abel (Gen 4:1-2), Seth (whose lineage we follow through Noah and beyond) and other sons and daughters (Gen 5) they had already disobeyed God and been cast out of the garden of Eden. I listed two research papers which pointed these things out. We can tell what the verse means by comparing these verses: By the way, I looked at the Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament, Brown, Driver, Briggs, Hebrew and English Lexicon and Holladay, Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the OT. These are highly respected sources. If you truly believe God made all then you should believe that we as humans have no place trying to improve his creations or trying to make a profit from creating things he cannot. The Bible does not provide the name of Cain 's wife. It only gave the motions from an earth bound point of view. II, MISHNA I, pg. Thanks for bringing up this matter It has bn given me sleepless night Just trying to understand it but all proved abortive. Therefore, technically ALL of Adams progeny was always outside the garden only Adam and Eve had ever been in the garden of Eden. Both refer to single pairs, not groups of male and female animals. These verses are quite clear. Adam and Eve are just descendants of the preadamites, and the Gods image of those prehistoric man cant hide fact that they descend from the terrestrial animals, with them they have been created as the same day (actually a VERY long Periode, like the others. However, no one else was around at this time. In Genesis 1:26 we have man without the article which virtually everyone agrees, here, refers to mankind/humanity. However, my grandparents, from well respected English families, were married in 1917 in England and they were first cousins. The Bible literally says everyone descends from Adam and Eve. In Gen. 1 man is told to subdue and rule over the earth and that he plants and that animals also ate plants. This was possible in those days because 1) God allowed . And then the created erets translated as Earth. So he is got got married to one of his sister. National Center for Biotechnology Information, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Jeremiah is from the dust as well (Eccl. Report. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8117915.stm, Modern Culture Over 40,000 Yrs. yes there are other people living on this earth. Believe the story, no matter if it is true or not. There was nothing wrong with brother and sister marriages, originally. Only by comparing other Biblical genealogies from the same time period do we figure it out. Thats the actual meaning of ruling over the animals. They are only having babies which concludes that they could be getting married to their sisters and even their mothers. Nod means land of wandering so Cain went to land of wandering that means he left Gods presence and was wandering about east of the garden. But traditions still vary from society to society. By the time of Abraham, his birthplace, the advanced city of Ur in Chaldea, was a river port. When Cain went into the land of Nod and took a wife, he married a Gentile, of which there were many in the land outside of Eden. Anonymous. They had physical bodies like humans and can reproduce. Anyone ever thought that Cains wife was created the same way Eve was created. 54 Sure, but chronologically it does not make sense. Please show me in the text where you are getting your ideas. Although Gods Word offers wisdom and direction in the matter of marriage and sexual behavior in order to protect His children, many people are living with genetic illness, the sin of having committed incest, or the shame of victimization. May 27, 2021. The twin has been a popular soap opera plot device and character for decades. Could cain had married the offspring of a fallen angel??? Pretend everything you have ever been told from anyone the media, your parents, your church, history books, the bible pretend EVERYTHING is all a lie and then research the truth on your own and come to a conclusion based on what YOU YOURSELF conclude. The Bible is clear there is but one, the human race. ESV - Such a conclusion, however, overlooks the fact that when God created the world, [] it was very good and without sin, according to Matt Slick. Read a study bible or the Amplified version. Others, including in Moses line, where they are 6-9, even 13 generations apart. They clearly saw this in tombs. Adam, by Allah's direction, ordered Cain to marry Abel's twin sister, and that Abel should marry Cain's, for it being the common opinion that marriages ought not to take place with those very near akin, such as their own sisters, it seemed reasonable to supose that . Adam and Eve. One should also understand that what we see as written scripture to be read and studied was in ancient times often oral traditions that were recited to the main population who were most often illiterate in early ancient times. In fact, when Cain left his mother and father, (Adam and Eve), he took one of his sisters as his wife. Consider that the word Adam means something other than a physical man and Eve also has another meaning past a name.. As the curse God placed upon creation started to operate only after they sinned, their descendants would not have had many mistakes in their genes. mmmh thats interesting.never thought closely the story of Cain.thanks for revelation. This Bible History Daily feature was originally published in 2013. You originally claimed that the expulsion from Paradise referred to the transition from hunter-gatherers to agriculturalists, not that this was its first recording of agriculture in the Bible. See above for these points. Lilith, Why didnt Abraham bargain with God when it came to Isaac being offered as a burnt offering like he did when it came to Sodom and Gomorrah? Next up, the animal souls (Gen. 1.21) and last but not least the human intelligence (NOT the human by itself (Gen. 1.26; asah means the preparation from preexisting material) and other human characteristics (image if God; Gen. 1.27). Luluwa (also Aclima) according to some religious traditions was the oldest daughter of Adam and Eve, the twin sister of Cain and wife of Abel. For, by his death on the cross, Jesus not only restored this fallen state outside the Garden of Eden but elevated this state of love to that which God had originally intended for the first couple (and for every couple) for all eternity within Paradise. By this I believe that God wanted us to know that for every innocent blood shed, you must not Yes, it's unfair that Cain, as a farmer, inherited his father's curse. Who else would he have married ? Its all fiction/myth (the creation story), so the answer, if there is one, doesnt even matter. Noah the person God choose to save man on earth. Mary Joan Winn Leith explores the identity of the wife of Cain. 1. God had to destroy them all!! In the Flood Report, its pointed out, that Its about two individuals of each kind. These girls emerged from a culture of depravity which influenced their behavior in the cave. The sons and daughters of Adam and Eve come AFTER Seth. Isaac and his wife Rebekah are the first couple mentioned in the Bible to have twins. Mesopotamian creation myths, Josephs relationship with Egyptian temple practices and 3 tales of Ur, the birthplace of Abraham. He reveals certain mysteries of life. The family enjoyed the bounties and fruits of the earth provided by their Lord. Genesis 19:13 says God sent angels to destroy the cities because the outcry to the LORD against its people [was] so great. After Lots family fled Gods destruction, his wife was turned into a pillar of salt as she looked back on the burning cities, and Lot found a cave for his daughters and him to rest in. Indeed, it is in some peoples interests to emphasize the differences of other religions or sects rather than the similarities between them. Tishby points out the view of the kabbalists that the ultimate goal for humanity is to attain to the Adam in the Garden of Eden and comprehend Gods mysteries through the agency of the neshamah, which is the breath of life that God blew into Adams nostrils in Genesis 2:7. The narrative of Cain and Abel is so well known, and Cain's "guilt" so well established in so many sources, ancient, medieval, and contemporary that it is difficult to come to these verses with fresh eyes. I hope that BAS will stop printing science fiction and start using people that read and believe the bible, not obscure theologians. We also have no Biblical date for Adam. There were a very few individuals in history that did. Since she would be a bastard, there would be no problem them to heading off together to Nod/Land of Wandering, starting the Cain/Jew lineage. In the book of Jubilees, chapter4, verse 1 & 9, (it tells us that Cain married his sister, wn bint Adam); verse 1 says And in the third week in the second jubilee [64-70 A.M.] she gave birth to Cain, and in the fourth [71-77 A.M.] she gave birth to Abel, and in the fifth [78-84 A.M.] she gave birth to her daughter wn. When her days to give birth were completed, behold, there were twins in her womb. Cain married his wife. The Midrash tells us that Cain was born with a twin sister and Abel was born with two sisters. EnochCain / Children Pseudo-Philo, a Jewish work of the first century CE, narrates that Cain murdered his brother at the age of 15. . The only mention of Cains wife is in Genesis 4:17, where Cain and his wife had a son. Of each kind having babies which concludes that they could be getting to! To breathe life into the newly produced body of Adam ( Gen. 2:7 ) was a river port reason... To Enjoy the 'Fat of the earth provided by their Lord to the Biblical text, was... 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