There are several things you can do to stop this from happening. What types of grip can affect my golf ball going right? Make adjustments to your own body and club size to find the best grip. What is happening on the other nine shots? Are you desperate to find the secret to hitting longer and straighter tee shots? There are a few reasons why your golf ball might be veering to the right. If you dont hold the club tightly enough, its likely that your hand and club will not align with the target. That explains the adage, 'a pro thin' shot is better than an 'amateur fat' shot, the latter obviously caused primarily because of the lack of that lateral forward movement in the downswing. After impact, the golf ball will fly very fast in the direction your club is moving. Make sure that your feet are properly aligned with your shoulders and the target. Unlike slice, duck hook is shots that curve hard to the left side of the target. Allows them to aim center on approach shots and work the ball towards the hole. target line Many factors can contribute to a slice, but there are three main culprits: an incorrect grip, an outside-in swing, and a clubface thats open at impact. Shindig, July 18, 2017 This is one of the most important steps to hitting the golf ball straight. Place your left hand on the club with the thumb overlapping your right hand. Keep the rounded edge of the club straight up when you swing back. As you swing through the ball, make sure to keep your arms, wrists, and shoulders in line with the target. What do I need to do to correct this?--Curtis H. from Amarillo, TX, Hi Curtis. Drives going straight, then curving right. This will help you keep the club head on the correct path and ensure you hit the ball straight. With a little bit of practice, youll be well on your way to fixing that slice for good! That ensures a square clubface which is critical to hitting straight shots. Putting the ball further ahead in your stance will reduce accuracy. A slice describes shots where you curve hard to the right side. Either way, you should draw the club up and back before swinging. So the first thing for you to get control of is your club face. Longer traveling distances can be a huge advantage, but it comes at the expense of precise stops. You want to hit longer, straighter tee shots and want to know why golf balls go right with irons? Actually, those are incomplete swing theories that will do little to fix your slice as well as just giving you more to think about in your swing. This will ensure that your shots are not pushing right. They all started clapping for me. Another possibility is that you are hitting the ball with an open clubface. You want to make sure that your feet are shoulder-width apart and that your weight is evenly distributed between your feet. Move the ball back in your stance. Especially when it seems like you try everything to stop the curve but nothing works. Correct a bad swing with free golf tips for beginners and reap the rewards of an effortless swing. Get the most distance from your swing by using a high tee. Swing back until your left shoulder is right under your chin. With your years of experience teaching, what are the most common things your students do wrong. Id lean towards agreeing with the above folks that SkyTrak is probably your best less expensive option (if youre OK with a subscription model). ShawnQ, Yesterday at 01:06 AM If your grip is incorrect, it will be difficult to hit the ball squarely with the clubface. One of the most likely culprits is an incorrect stance. Do you want to lower your score and shock your buddies with your newfound golf prowess? The next time you play study them and see if they are pointing down your target line or to the right or left. If you want to get some distance with your swing, tee your ball high in the ground and stand so that the ball is aligned with your left toe. When we compare this with the average 20-29 year olds distance, we see that is the exact same at 243 yards. Threw a 70 yard dart within 5 foot of the pin in front of a group of old people in their backyard. If you place the ball too far back in your stance, you can contact Without this movement, you will see how the ball patterns change drastically for the driver. Gripping the club up high allows for power at the cost of accuracy. 80s and low 90s shooters with faster swing speeds. If my clubface is open, then how could it possibly be going perfectly straight for the first 125 yards? Make sure that your "v"s between your thumbs and forefingers on both hands are pointing up towards your right shoulder. Click here to submit your #1 question about golf and claim your FREE copy of the GOLFEASER MANIFESTO, How To Play Better Golf: Build A Golf Swing You Can Be Proud Of, How To Shallow Golf Swing - Get A Better Swing With Easy Fix, Free Golf Tips For Beginners - Simple Tips To Improve Your Swing, How Every Golfer Can Combat the Start of a Downswing in Golf, How To Play Golf Better - Taking Your Golf Game To The Next Level, Learn How to Make Uphill Lies Work in Your Favor, How To Fix Your Shanks In Golf With 1 Simple Drill, Golf Swing Fundamentals for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide, The Best Way to Learn Golf - How To Improve at Golf the Most, Best Golf Tips For Beginners: How To Be Proud Of Your Swing, Free Golf Tips For Beginners: Improve At Golf With These Tips, A Guide to Affordable Golf: Teeing Off Without Breaking the Bank. That said, I would make sure that I'm hitting the ball on the center of the face, always. and replicate. This can cause you to swing out-to-in relative to your target line, resulting in a right-to-left ball flight. Get out there and start improving your game today! How can you diagnose if the grip is the cause of hook/slice? There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. Power Turn | The Fastest Way to Pick Up Distance Today. Grip the club. Turn your hip toward the target and swing down at the same time. Watch this video if you want to see how golfers make a real straight shot! Now that we know the cause of the slice, lets move on to fixing it. By using TST, you agree to our Terms of Use, our Privacy Policy, and our Guidelines. However, its not always necessary to hit the golf ball straight. 95. r/golf. Having trouble with your uphill lie? Its nice to have you here. Make sure the ball isn't beyond your left foot. Having been golfing for several years, I am well-knowledgeable about the sport, including its equipment. Your left hand should be lower on the shaft than your right, and both hands should be positioned so that their palms face each other (not the ground). To practice this, you should hold your club in the correct position and focus on keeping your grip firm but relaxed. Check out my friends onEvolvr!Follow The Sand Trap onTwitter! There are several possible causes of slicing weak golf shots to the right, including a poor grip, incorrect posture, and incorrect use of the club. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Callaway Supersoft. Its very difficult to guarantee a dead straight hit because it requires an accurate swing as well as the alignment of the clubheads face with the target at impact. Because the swing is an arc, the clubhead actually moves toward the right during the downswing. Again, this is NOT a slice, so do not give me tips on how to fix a slice. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including an improper grip, incorrect stance, or a poor swing path. If your ball is starting straight (without seeing your swing) it's safe to assume that your path is probably pretty good, but that your face is slightly open at impact. WebBall Position: You might have the ball too far forward in your stance. Top 4 Benefits of Standing Closer to the Golf Ball. With a few simple adjustments to your swing, you can start launching monster-level shots that sail away with ease. Oftentimes, simply slowing down your swing and making a more controlled pass at the ball will fix this issue. Golf swing fundamentals for beginners: perfect your grip, stance, and swing. Pay attention to these and you will have a fair straight shot. That way makes it easier for them to achieve the goal. in Clubs, Grips, Shafts, Fitting, Copyright 2004-2023 The Sand Trap .com That might sound complicated, but it isnt. There are a number of possible reasons why you might be hitting the golf ball to the right. Moreover, the quality and properties of your golf equipment is also important. Rear Foot Only Drill By understanding why golf balls go right with irons and taking the time to practice, you should start to see an improvement in your tee shots. Because these Golfers (trying to fix swing path) are spending 100% of their time trying to fix 30% of the problem. Lets start off by discussing why we slice the golf ball. Ball Position: You might have the ball too far back in the stance. Many golfers tend to grip the club too tightly, which will cause their shots to push right. In fact, hitting a golf ball dead straight is nearly impossible, even for pros. Let's take a closer look at each of these: 1. If you are not yet satisfied and want to know more, check out these FAQs! Every golfer has preferred strike, either a draw or fade, but barely a straight shot. The club face should be square to Your grip should be firm but not too tight, and your hands should be aligned with your target. Make sure you're taking the time to practice your swing and get comfortable with your club. The reason is that a straight shot is not useful in most experimental conditions, as explained above. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Make sure you're in the proper stance and that you maintain your balance throughout your swing. Things that have helped me are 1)getting an R9 and setting it 2 left and 2) taking an strong overhand grip (basically take your normal grip then rotate your hands clockwise about 1/2 inch till you can see several knuckles on your left hand (I'm assuming you are a righty). So where is this open club face that is causing the side spin coming from? "Kindness is more important than wisdom and the recognition of this is the beginning of wisdom.". When I hit a drive my ball starts out straight but then fades off to the right and I am losing some distance. 3. As long as your hand is set properly and the clubface is aligned with the target, you can manage to hit the ball straight with either an open stance, neutral stance or closed stance. However, you can still try hitting the golf ball fairly straightforwardly. Have you ever wondered why the better golfers curve the ball one way or another. Learn how to shallow the golf club and hit it further with easy fix and understanding for shallow golf swing arc in the downswing. Watching GC is like being 12 years old and staying up late to see if something pops out on that fuzzy high numbered cable channel that your parents dont pay for "My response to that is a similar response to what it's always been with guys I've coached,'' Carroll said. An open clubface leads to a slice, which is a shot that curves from right to left in the air. Why Does My Golf Ball Go Straight Then Right? If its open (pointing to the right), that can cause a severe slice. Hi! With the proper technique and practice, you should be able to stop slicing the ball and hit long, straight drives in no time. A common mistake that many golfers make is to push their shots right. If you want to drive a golf ball straight, try adjusting how you tee the ball and how wide your stance is. The causes of this issue can be attributed to a variety of factors, such as incorrect swing mechanics, bad posture, the wrong club selection, the wrong grip, and other things. This problem is usually caused by an incorrect swing path. Straight-Line Release | Let It All Go for Maximum Speed. Maybe he was wrong, or didn't understand my description of my problem. Finally, you should focus on your grip. Don't know where to start with golf? I actually have printed it out, and have it on my office wall. Read more about me. If you want to explore more, check out the below content! Don't worry, you've come to the right place! Many of you might have seen it already but its worth viewing again. Well, the majority of Golfers that are hitting a slice are inadvertently opening up their club face before they are even hip high in their back swing. Do you wish you could feel the pride of stunning your buddies with every drive? Here, my body and feet are perfectly aligned with the alignment stick, which is my ball-to-target line. If your swing path is too steep, it can cause the clubface to be open at impact, resulting in a slice. Here is the guide on hitting the golf ball straight to a certain extent and how to improve on slice and hook. MembersBounce, 11 hours ago Yes, shaping shots is a skill that pros use to drive their golf balls. The most important factor is to ensure that you have the correct set up when you're hitting the ball. "Interesting. How Much Does It Cost to Get Fitted for Golf Clubs? in Golf Talk, By Why does it start fairly straight and then curve? By following these simple tips, you'll be able to stop pushing your golf shots right and start hitting those long, towering drives down the fairway. Once in a while, it still raises its ugly head. Fixing your club angle. When using a driver, you should generally play the ball off the inside of the front foot (left for right-handed golfers). But the other shots that arent perfectly timed are filled with inconsistency and frustration. Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do to help fix this issue and get back to hitting long, straight drives down the fairway. Common factors that cause pulled iron shots include bad alignment, poor ball positioning, and swinging over the top. Position it mainly in the left hand fingers in such a way that you can see 2-3 knuckles of your left hand when looking down the club. Here you'll find out why golf balls go right with irons and how you can start to hit longer and straighter tee shots. Analyst dishes on opinions and Tiger Woods. Post a video of your swing so we can all make suggestions on how you canfix your swing path. It's also important to make sure that you are using the correct club for the job. The 2nd, more easier fix, is to incorporate a lateral 'forward movement towards the target line' induced with the hips moving forward in the downswing, which will naturally shift the point of impact slightly further back in the swing path, which then eliminates the slight out to in path in the swing and you should then start seeing a much more straighter flight path. This means that the clubface is open (or pointing to the left of your target) or closed (or pointing to the right of your target). Want to stop feeling humiliated on the first tee, hit long drives and beat your buddies? Thanks for writing You want to know what causes a slice in golf driver? Should You Try to Hit the Golf Ball Straight? In other words, right-handers get the first ball into the golf course when using their clubs. Is hitting straight recommended? Your grip should be firm but relaxed, and your hands should be in the correct position to ensure the club face is square to the ball at impact. You can consistently humiliate your buddies with every tee shot and earn bragging rights in the clubhouse. Conclusion. 1 So often, a push shot one that starts right of target and stays on that line can be attributed to a poor set-up. A slice is one of the most common mistakes that golfers make, and it can be extremely frustrating. Its simple sidespin that is causing the golf ball to curve. may One of the most common reasons for popping up your driver is a poor setup position. I really struggle to believe I'm working on the right stuff if I don't see physical changes / performance changes straight away. You should also keep your stance wide to get more power in your swing. With more than 15 years of experience, Michael is adept at coaching all facets of Golf. These drills may help: If wikiHow has helped you, please consider a small contribution to support us in helping more readers like you. What Club Stuck Out. Its pretty aggravating you think you hit a good drive then, wham off it goes. It wasn't windy. Why does this happen? The key is to determine why this is happening and then make the necessary adjustments. As the slice mostly results from a downward impact angle, you should strike the golf ball on the upswing to improve. Then, put your right hand on the grip and hold it, the V formed by this hand also points at the right shoulder. If too much hook, cut it back slightly; turn it more if not enough. % of people told us that this article helped them. In exchange for your advice, Ill give you FREE access to the GOLFEASER MANIFESTO. Powered by Invision Community. It is a rather simple ball flight law that the ball will curve away from Learn the basics with our selection of the best golf drills for beginners. Try to keep your swing as level as possible and make sure to keep your hands close to your body throughout the swing. Otherwise, the ball will spin, leading to a fade, a hook or a slice. MrElculver2424, The ball initially starts fairly straight, but as it gets to 100, 150, or 200 yards out it starts to turn to the right. Privacy Policy, and website in this article, which will cause their shots.. The thumb overlapping your right shoulder all go for Maximum Speed aligned with your years of teaching! Shafts, Fitting, Copyright 2004-2023 the Sand Trap onTwitter clubface is open, how... How Much Does it start fairly straight and then curve understanding for shallow golf swing for... Or another exact same at 243 yards can affect my golf ball is also important shots where you curve to. Of hook/slice get the first thing for you to swing out-to-in relative to swing... And forefingers on both hands are pointing up towards your right shoulder and get with. 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