Your Account. There are many structures and works of art throughout history, whose beauty and meaning touches the souls of people.The quiz below is designed for art lovers who think they know all about the different works of art. Created. "American Gothic" by Grant Wood. This college-level course surveys the history of painting, sculpture, and architecture from the cave paintings of Lascaux to the splatterings of Jackson Pollock. 2 [Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Late Latin, from Latin, model] : the most solemn and unvarying part of the Mass including the consecration of the bread and wine. Your Account. Required works of art for AP* Art History. Materials: Brick and concrete (architecture); marble (column), Forum of Trajan Component Title/ Designation: Trajan markets Artist/ Culture: Rome, Italy. Materials: Clay, red-figure technique (white highlights), Title/ Designation: Doryphoros (Spear Bearer) Artist/ Culture: Polykleitos Date of Creation: Original 450-440 B.C.E. Beauty consists in the proportion, not of the elements, but of the parts, that is to say, of finger to finger, and of all thefingers to the palm and the … Carolingian- pertaining to Charlemagne and his successors. As feminists have taught us, the canon of western art history has been shaped by their exclusion. In it, he highlighted the work and style of writers whose calligraphy was art unto itself, and also enumerated the Six Principles of Painting. Definition: The use of perspective to represent in art the apparent visual contraction of an object that extends back in space at an angle to the perpendicular plane of sight. While not every piece of art will have a clear story, narrative art asks painters and sculptors to use visual cues in order to lead viewers through a series of events. Email. Greek, the "writing of images." Start studying AP Art History Canon. Additional Art History Flashcards . Materials: Gold with inlay of enamel and semiprecious stones, Title/ Designation: Last judgment of Hu-Nefer, from his tomb (page from the Book of the Dead) Artist/ Culture: New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty Date of Creation: c. 1275 B.C.E. Follow the timeline to learn more about milestone dates in Canon U.S.A.'s history and corporate and product-related achievements. Pentimento. It still is, however, the hub of the traditions and the teaching of art history in many European countries, as it still shapes public perception of ‘Art’. canon synonyms, canon pronunciation, canon translation, English dictionary definition of canon. These artists worked exclusively for the emperor, members of his court, and the bishops and abbots associated with the court. Materials: Greywacke, Title/ Designation: The Code of Hammurabi Artist/ Culture: Babylon (modern Iran). Materials: Marble. Ancient Egypt. © 2011 The College Board. Although these particular objects may not have been known in the Renaissance, the ideas and form of contrapposto were revived in the Italian Renaissance. A brief explanation of the term contrapposto while looking at "Idolino" from Pesaro, (Roman), c. 30 B.C.E., bronze, 158 cm (Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Firenze), speakers: Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker. Materials: Limestone, Title/ Designation: Temple of Minerva (Veii, near Rome, Italy) and sculpture of Apollo Artist/ Culture: Master sculptor Vulca Date of Creation: c. 510-500 B.C.E. Materials: Bronze, Title/ Designation: Head of a Roman patrician Artist/ Culture: Republican Roman Date of Creation: c. 75-50 B.C.E. These artists worked exclusively for the emperor, members of his court, and the bishops and abbots associated with the court. AP Art History Test 3 (Midterm) Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Date of Creation: c. 1353-1335 B.C.E. Sign up here. Ancient Egypt, an introduction. Check your order, save products & fast registration all with a Canon Account × Materials: Marble, Title/ Designation: Augustus of Prima Porta Artist/ Culture: Imperial Roman Date of Creation: Early first century C.E. Pyramid of Khufu. Hope Yen, an AP Art History student at Plano Senior High School in Texas, sketches a vase during a recent field trip to the Dallas Museum of Art. ; rebuilt c. 62-79 C.E. Persian Date of Creation: c. 520-465 B.C.E. Term. Academic artistic canon has famously focused on Western and European artwork alone. New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty Date of Creation: c. 1473-1458 B.C.E. Materials: Marble. Artist/ Culture: Athens, Greece, Iktinos and Kallikrates Date of Creation: c. 447-410 B.C.E. Canon, in bellfounding, one or more hanging loops cast integrally with the crown Canon arithmeticus , is a table of indices and powers with respect to primitive roots for prime powers less than 1000 Canon of construction , a rule or generally accepted principle of statutory interpretation in law Students will be well prepared to take the College Board’s AP® Art History exam. Term [image] Definition. ‘The relationship with outsider art persists, however, because of the obsessiveness of his work and its disregard for the canons of Western figuration.’ ‘Latourette's narrative sought to follow the canons of good history - retelling the story on the basis of good evidence.’ Created. Define canon. This close association indicates that this massive depiction of a recumbent lion with the head of a king was carved for Khafre. Date of Creation: c. 1323 B.C.E. Acropolis Component Title/ Designation: Plaque of the Ergastines Artist/ Culture: Athens, Greece, Iktinos and Kallikrates, artist of plaque is said to be Phidias Date of Creation: c. 447-410 B.C.E. Canon Art Definition. Should the traditional canon of art history be upheld or augmented? 292. The so-called artistic canon as is defined by academic art history concerns itself almost entirely with a very limited stock of artistic creations. Materials: Marble. Materials: Marble, Title/ Designation: Great Altar of Zeus and Athena at Pergamon Artist/ Culture: Asia Minor (present-day Turkey) Hellenistic Greek Date of Creation:c. 175 B.C.E. This test corresponds to my other Unit 5 materials and contains questions about works from the AP Art History canon. While searching for women artists is a great starting point for a feminist art history lesson, it is slightly more complicated to look for queer artists in art history. It will be very beneficial for you to look up and research these 250 pieces to … Master list of the 250. AP Art History. 6. This course provides art history teachers with useful lesson planning resources and teaching supplements. Description. Indian Art. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 83,000 lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. Get some perspective on painting, sculpture, and more by reviewing these terms related to the history of art. The College Board: AP Art History The College Board: AP Teacher Community . Apollodorus of Damascus Date of Creation: Forum and markets: 106-112 C.E. Sign up here. Narrative, in terms of art history, is the visual storytelling that occurs within a piece of art. AP® Art History instructors carefully choose the specific works of art that you study in class because they are relevant examples of what artists were doing at a particular time and place. Materials: Marble (architecture and sculpture), Title/ Designation: House of the Vettii Artist/ Culture: Pompeii, Italy. Materials: Marble. Susian Date of Creation: c. 1792-1750 B.C.E. the body of ecclesiastical law. Title/ Designation: Tutankhamun’s tomb, innermost coffin Artist/ Culture: New Kingdom, 18th Dynasty. Capital- the uppermost portion of a column . Since the site was originally created to support a course in Western art and history, the content initially focused on the most celebrated works of the Western canon. Click here to study/print these flashcards. Meguru Yamaguchi's "Shadow Piece" exhibition. Etruscan Date of Creation: c. 480-470 B.C.E. Art history as we know it in the 21st century began in the 19th century but has precedents dating to the ancient world. Carolingian art survives in manuscripts, sculpture, architecture and other religious artifacts produced during the period 780-900. About AP Art History i Teacher’s Guide Douglas Darracott Plano West Senior High School Plano, Texas ™ AP Art History® ii The College Board The College Board is a not-for-profit membership association whose mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity. We know that sometimes it's hard to find inspiration, so we provide you with hundreds of related samples. For this reason, it is imperative to know these examples. Title/ Designation: Akhenaton, Nefertiti, and three daughters. Capitolium- temple dedicated to Juno, Minerva or Jupiter. Students will be well prepared to take the College Board’s AP® Art History exam. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Canon- rule of proportion. From the second half of the 20th century onwards, however, the concept of the canon has dealt with a lot of criticism. Title/ Designation: Acropolis Artist/ Culture: Athens, Greece, Iktinos and Kallikrates Date of Creation: c. 447-410 B.C.E. About AP Art History v Welcome Letter from the College Board Dear AP® Teacher: Whether you are a new AP teacher, using this AP Teacher’s Guide to assist in developing a syllabus for the first AP course you will ever teach, or an experienced AP teacher simply wanting to compare the teaching Materials: Original temple of wood, mud brick, or tufa (volcanic rock); terra cotta sculpture, Title/ Designation: Tomb of the Triclinium Artist/ Culture: Tarquinia, Italy. This is a mini AP exam style test that covers the material in the Medieval and Islamic unit. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. This course provides art history teachers with useful lesson planning resources and teaching supplements. Click here to study/print these flashcards. Materials: Marble with remnants of paint, Title/ Designation: Peplos Kore from the Acropolis Artist/ Culture: Archaic Greek Date of Creation: c. 530 B.C.E. AP®ART HISTORY 2011 SCORING GUIDELINES. Google Classroom Facebook Twitter. What are We? a method of casting metal by a process in which a wax mold covered with clay and fired, leaves a hollow form for metal molds to be made. Assignments will include presentations and written analysis of art; quizzes and tests designed to aid in mastery of the canon; and historical, comparative, and stylistic analysis of paintings and sculptures, sight unseen. Suggested Grade Level: 10-12 . About This Course. ; hall: c. 1250 B.C.E. Materials: Marble. Title/ Designation: Grave stele of Hegeso Artist/ Culture: Attributed to Kallimachos Date of Creation: c. 410 B.C.E. Thus, the topic of a true artistic canon in history is a controversial one indeed. Create your own flash cards! Imperial Roman Date of Creation: 70-80 C.E. 1,754 BCE. Materials: Brick and concrete (architecture); marble (column), Forum of Trajan Component Title/ Designation: Column of Trajan Artist/ Culture: Rome, Italy. Artistic styles in Egypt had exhibited few changes since the canon was introduced in the Old Kingdom, but under Akhenaten, the style was modified notably. This is true as well for queer artists, for whom censorship has been an enduring issue. Check your order, save products & fast registration all with a Canon Account × canon. faculties are a lot greater possibly to settle for an AP Euro score over an AP artwork history score, till you're going into the humanities. 2013 AP® Art History Free-Response Questions The following comments on the 2013 free-response questions for AP® Art History were written by the Chief Reader, Robert Nauman of the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. But, what exactly makes certain works and creators more important than others? Materials: Basalt, Title/ Designation: Temple of Amun-Re and Hypostyle Hall Artist/ Culture: Karnak, near Luxor, Egypt. The term refers both to the content, or subject, of an artwork and to the study of content in art. Materials: Marble and paint. Art history centers on the study of art over time, selecting the exemplary from the noteworthy along the way for inclusion in the 'artistic canon'. Marginalized groups of artists of all stripes benefit best from such a concept. Arts and humanities AP®︎/College Art History Ancient Mediterranean: 3500 B.C.E.-300 C.E. Required works of art for AP* Art History. It also includes the study of the symbolic, often religious, meaning of objects, persons, or events depicted in works of art. This is the currently selected item. AP Art History Canon questionTitle/ Designation: Apollo 11 Stones Artist/Culture: Namibia Date of Creation: 25,500-25,300 BCE Materials: Charcoal on stone answer Apollodorus of Damascus Date of Creation: Forum and markets: 106-112 C.E. Appreciation of this involves a heightened interaction of capacities (such as imagination and understanding), which are basic to knowledge and personal identity. Imperial Roman Date of Creation: c. second century B.C.E. Caryatid. Suggested Grade Level: 10-12 Making room for such creators would greatly help in broadening the impact of the art world on contemporary society. Source(s): Total Cards. We earn a commission on qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. Today’s art history attempts to question these rules of ‘greatness’, considering issues of gender, race, class, and geography among others. Definition In Roman architecture, a freestanding arch commemorating an important event, such as a military victory or the opening of a new road. Apollodorus of Damascus Date of Creation: Forum and markets: 106-112 C.E. It is a fascinating enriching transcript-boosting AP course for anyone, particularly those who don’t have a lot of other AP courses filling their grade 11 and 12 years. Traditional art history, in teaching the usual 'artistic canon,' largely overlooks the great works of women as well. The College Board: AP Art History The College Board: AP Teacher Community . Materials: Alabaster, Title/ Designation: Athenian agora Artist/ Culture: Archaic through Hellenistic Greek Date of Creation: 600 B.C.E.-150 C.E. 0 0. dragon. The canon of art is supposed to be a collection of artworks of ... read more This is still the dominant way of teaching art history in high school and even at universities. Visit the College Board on the Web: Subject. Art History. Description. Materials: Cut sandstone and mud brick, Title/ Designation: Mortuary temple of Hatshepsut Artist/ Culture: Near Luxor, Egypt. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you succeed. In my type, AP Euro is a blowoff, yet such as you mentioned, each and every instructor is distinctive. I think it's usually done chronologically. Ancient Rome. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Cards Return to Set Details. of an art-historical canon is that produced by Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574), whose Lives of the Artists from 1550 – in which he compiled biographies of the Italian artists and architects whom he regarded as the ‘most eminent’ – led him to be regarded as the father of art history. Acropolis Component Title/ Designation: Helios, horses, and Dionysus (Heracles?) Contribute an essay – Help make art history relevant and engaging Shop – Support us by purchasing merchandise We created Smarthistory to provide students around the world with the highest-quality educational resources for art and cultural heritage—for free. Materials: Terra cotta, Title/ Designation: Audience Hall (apadana) of Darius and Xerxes Artist/ Culture: Persepolis, Iran. found relief Definition: The projection of figures or forms from a flat background, as in sculpture, or the apparent projection of such shapes in a painting or drawing. This is a mini AP exam style test that covers the material in the Ancient Near East and Egyptian unit. In ... leading from Khafre’s valley temple to the mortuary temple sits the first truly colossal sculpture in Egyptian history: the Great Sphinx. Definition. canon. Ancient Egypt. From the opening of the New York office in 1955 to the further development of imaging products today, Canon U.S.A., Inc. has been a leader in product development in the Americas. Acropolis Component Title/ Designation: Parthenon Artist/ Culture: Athens, Greece, Iktinos and Kallikrates Date of Creation: c. 447-410 B.C.E. canon. ; column completed 113 C.E. The Advanced Placement College Board has selected 250 specific images for the new AP Art History curriculum. Palette of King Narmer. Marcia Michelangelo began work on the frescoes in 1508 for Pope Julian he continued work on it for 4 years, but took a break in 1510, and the frescoes painted after this time are palpably different--compare the complex narrative of The Deluge, which uses smaller figures, to the … Assignments will include presentations and written analysis of art; quizzes and tests designed to aid in mastery of the canon; and historical, comparative, and stylistic analysis of paintings and sculptures, sight unseen. AP Art History. Title/ Designation: Artist/ Culture: Date of Creation: Materials: Free online plagiarism checker with percentage. ; facade= 1568-1584 CE; fresco and stucco figures= 1676-1679 CE Materials: Brick, marble, fresco, and stucco, Title/ Designation: Hunters in the Snow Artist/ Culture: Pieter Bruegel the Elder Date of Creation: 1565 CE Materials: Oil on wood, Title/ Designation: Calling of Saint Matthew Artist/ Culture: Caravaggio Date of Creation: c. 1597-1601 CE Materials: Oil on Canvas, Title/ Designation: Henri IV Receives the Portrait of Marie de’ Medici, from the Marie de’ Medici Cycle Artist/ Culture: Peter Paul Ruebens Date of Creation: 1621-1625 Materials: Oil on canvas, Title/ Designation: Self-Portrait with Saskia Artist/ Culture: Rembrant van Rijn Date of Creation: 1636 CE Materials: etching, Title/ Designation: San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane Artist/ Culture: Rome, Italy; Francesco Borromini Date of Creation: 1638-1646 CE Materials: Stone and stucco, Title/ Designation: Ecstasy of Saint Teresa Artist/ Culture: Cornaro Chapel, Church of Santa Maria della Vittoria, Rome, Italy, Gian Lorenzo Bernini Date of Creation: c. 1647-1652 CE Materials: Marble (sculpture); stucco and gilt bronze (chapel), Title/ Designation: Las Meninas Artist/ Culture: Diego Velázquez Date of Creation: c. 1656 CE Materials: oil on canvas, Title/ Designation: Woman Holding a Balance Artist/ Culture: Johannes Vermeer Date of Creation: c. 1664 CE Materials: Oil on canvas, Title/ Designation: The Palace at Versailles Artist/ Culture: Versailles, France, Louis Le Vau and Jules Hardouin-Mansart (architects) Date of Creation: begun 1669 CE Materials: masonry, stone, wood, iron, and gold leaf, marble and bronze sculpture, gardens, Title/ Designation: Fruit and Insects Artist/ Culture: Rachel Ruysch Date of Creation: 1711 CE Materials: Oil on wood, Title/ Designation: Allegory of Law and Grace Artist/ Culture: Lucas Cranach the Elder Date of Creation: c. 1530 CE Materials: woodcut and letterpress, Title/ Designation: Chavín de Huántar Artist/ Culture: Northern Highlands, Peru, Chavín Date of Creation: 900-200 BCE Materials: Stone (architectural complex); granite (Lanzón and sculpture); hammered gold alloy (jewelry), – plan – Lanzón Stela – Relief sculpture – Nose ornament, Title/ Designation: Mesa Verde cliff dwellings Artist/ Culture: Montezuma County, Colorado; Ancestral Puebloan (Anastazi) Date of Creation: 450-1300 CE Materials: Sandstone, Title/ Designation: Yaxchilán Artist/ Culture: Chiapas, Mexico, Maya Date of Creation: 725 CE Materials: Limestone, – Lintel 25 – Structure 40 – Structure 33, Title/ Designation: Great Serpent Mound Artist/ Culture: Adams County, southern Ohio, Missisippian (Eastern Woodlands) Date of Creation: c.1070 CE Materials: earthword effigy mound, Title/ Designation: Lying with Wolf Artist/ Culture: Kiki Smith, Global Contemporary Date of Creation: 2001 Materials: Ink and pencil on paper, Title/ Designation: Angel with Arquebus, Asiel Timor Dei Artist/ Culture: Master of Calamarca (La Paz School) Date of Creation: c. 17th century CE Materials: Oil on canvas, Title/ Designation: Screen with the Siege of Belgrade and hunting scene Artist/ Culture: Circle of the Gonzalez Family Date of Creation: c. 1697-1701 CE Materials: Tempera and resin on wood, shell inlay, Title/ Designation: The Virgin of Guadalupe (Virgen de Guadalupe) Artist/ Culture: Miguel González Date of Creation: c. 1698 CE, based on original Virgin of Guadalupe, Basilica of Guadaluoe, Mexico City, 16th Century CE Materials: oil on canvas on wood, inlaid mother-of-pearl, Title/ Designation: Spaniard and Indian Produce a Mestizo Artist/ Culture: attributed to Juan Rodríguez Juarez Date of Creation: c. 1715 CE Materials: Oil on Canvas, Title/ Designation: Ruler’s feather headdress (probably of Moctecuhzoma II) Artist/ Culture: Mexica (Aztec) Date of Creation: 1428-1520 CE Materials: feathers (quetzal and cotinga) and gold, Templo Mayor Components Title/ Designation: Main Temple Artist/ Culture: Tenochtitlan (modern Mexico City, Mexico), Mexica (Aztec) Date of Creation: 1375-1520 CE Materials: stone, Templo Mayor Components Title/ Designation: Coyolaxayqui Stone Artist/ Culture: Tenochtitlan (modern Mexico City, Mexico), Mexica (Aztec) Date of Creation: 1375-1520 CE Materials: volcanic stone, Templo Mayor Components Title/ Designation: Olmec Style Mask Artist/ Culture: Tenochtitlan (modern Mexico City, Mexico), Mexica (Aztec) Date of Creation: 1375-1520 CE Materials: jadeiite, Templo Mayor Components Title/ Designation: Calendar Stone Artist/ Culture: Tenochtitlan (modern Mexico City, Mexico), Mexica (Aztec) Date of Creation: 1375-1520 CE Materials: stone, Title/ Designation: Frontispiece of Codex Mendoza Artist/ Culture: viceroyalty of New Spain Date of Creation: c 1541-1542 Materials: ink and color on paper, City of Cusco Components Title/ Designation: Qorikancha (Inka main temple) Artist/ Culture: central highlands, Peru, Inka Date of Creation: 1440 CE, convent added 1550-1650 CE Materials: Andesite, City of Cusco Components Title/ Designation: Santo Domingo (spanish colonial convent) Artist/ Culture: central highlands, Peru, Inka Date of Creation: 1440 CE, convent added 1550-1650 CE Materials: Andesite, City of Cusco Components Title/ Designation: Saqsa Waman (Sacsayhuaman) Artist/ Culture: central highlands, Peru, Inka Date of Creation: 1440 CE, convent added 1550-1650 CE Materials: Andesite, Title/ Designation: Maize cobs Artist/ Culture: Inka Date of Creation: c. 1440-1533 CE Materials: sheet metal/ repossé, metal alloys, Title/ Designation: City of Machu Picchu (including the Observatory, and Intihuatana Stone) Artist/ Culture: Central Highlands, Peru, Inka Date of Creation: 1450-1540 C Materials: granite, Title/ Designation: All- T’oqapu Tunic Artist/ Culture: Inka Date of Creation: 1450-1540 CE Materials: Camelid fiber and cotton, Title/ Designation: The Tête á Tête, from Marriage a la Mode Artist/ Culture: William Hogarth Date of Creation: c. 1743 CE Materials: Oil on canvas, Title/ Designation: Portrait of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz Artist/ Culture: Miguel Cabrera Date of Creation: c. 1750 CE Materials: Oil on canvas, Title/ Designation: A Philosopher Giving a Lecture at the Orrery Artist/ Culture: Joseph Wright of Derby Date of Creation: c. 1763-1765 CE Materials: oil on canvas, Title/ Designation: The Swing Artist/ Culture: Jeane-Honoré Fragonard Date of Creation: 1767 CE Materials: Oil on canvas, Title/ Designation: The Swing (after Fragonard) Artist/ Culture: Yinka Shonibare Date of Creation: 2001 CE Materials: Mixed-media installation, Title/ Designation: Liberty Leading the People Artist/ Culture: Eugéne Delacroix Date of Creation: 1830 CE Materials: Oil on canvas, Title/ Designation: Monticello Artist/ Culture: Virginia, US, Thomas Jefferson (architect) Date of Creation: 1768-1809 CE Materials: Brick, glass, stone, wood, Title/ Designation: George Washington Artist/ Culture: Jean-Antoine Houdon Date of Creation: 1788-1792 CE Materials: Marble, Title/ Designation: Self-Portrait Artist/ Culture: Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun Date of Creation: 1790 CE Materials: Oil on canvas, Title/ Designation: Oath of the Horatii Artist/ Culture: Jacques-Louis David Date of Creation: 1784 CE Materials: Oil on canavs, Title/ Designation: Y no hai remedio (And There’s Nothing to Be Done) from Los Desastres de la Guerra (The Disasters of War, plate 15 Artist/ Culture: Francisco de Goya Date of Creation: 1810-1823 CE (published 1863) Materials etching, drypoint, burin, and burnishing, Title/ Designation: La Grande Odalisque Artist/ Culture: Jean-Aguste-Dominique Ingres Date of Creation: 1814 CE Materials: Oil on canvas, Title/ Designation: The Oxbow (view from Mount Holyoke, Northampton, Massachusetts after a Thunderstorm) Artist/ Culture: Thomas Cole Date of Creation:1836 CE Materials: Oil on canvas, Title/ Designation: Slave Ship (slavers Throwing Overboard the Dead and Dying, Typhoon Coming On) Artist/ Culture: Joseph Mallord William Turner Date of Creation: 1840 CE Materials: Oil on canvas, Title/ Designation: Palace of Westminster (Houses of Parliament) Artist/ Culture: London, England, Charles Barry and Augustus W N Pugin (architects Date of Creation: 1840-1870 CE Materials: Limestone masonry and glass, Title/ Designation: The Valley of Mexico from the Hillside of Santa Isabel (El Valle de México deade El Cerro de Stanta Isabel) Artist/ Culture: Jose María Velasco Date of Creation: 1882 CE Materials: Oil on canvas, Title/ Designation: Trade (Gifts for Trading Land with White People) Artist/ Culture: Jaune Quick-to-See Smith Date of Creation: 1992 CE Materials: Oil and mixed media on canvas, Title/ Designation: Bandolier Bag Artist/ Culture: Lanape (Delaware tribe, Eastern Woodlands) Date of Creation: c. 1850 CE Materials: Beadwork on leather, Title/ Designation: Transformation Mask Artist/ Culture: Kwakwaka’wakw, Northwest coast of Canada Date of Creation: Late 19th Century CE Materials: wood, paint, and string, Title/ Designation: Painted Elk Hide Artist/ Culture: Attributed to Cotsiogo (Cadzi Cody), Eastern Shoshone, Wind River Reservation, Wyoming Date of Creation: c. 1890-1900 CE Materials: painted elk hide, Title/ Designation: Black-on-black ceramic vessel Artist/ Culture: Maria Martínez and Julian Martínez, Tewa, Puebloan, San Idelfonso Pueblo, New Mexico Date of Creation: c. mid-20th Century CE Materials: Blackware ceramic, Title/ Designation: The Stone Breakers Artist/ Culture: Gustave Courbet Date of Creation: 1849 CE (destroyed 1945) Materials: Oil on canvas, Title/ Designation: Olympia Artist/ Culture: Édouard Manet Date of Creation: 1863 CE Materials: Oil on canvas, Title/ Designation: The Saint-Lazare Station Artist/ Culture: Claude Monet Date of Creation: 1877 CE Materials: Oil on canvas, Title/ Designation: Still Life in Studio Artist/ Culture: Louis-Mandé Daguerre Date of Creation: 1837 CE Materials: Daguerreotype, Title/ Designation: Nadar Raising Photography to the Height of Art Artist/ Culture: Honoré Daumier Date of Creation: 1862 CE Materials: Lithograph, Title/ Designation: The Horse in Motion Artist/ Culture: Edward Muybridge Date of Creation: 1878 CE Materials: Albumen print, Title/ Designation: White and Red Plum Blossoms Artist/ Culture: Ogata Korin Date of Creation: c. 1710-1716 CE Materials: ink, watercolor, gold leaf on paper, Title/ Designation: Under the Wave of Kanagawa (Kanagawa oki nami ura) also known as the Great Wave, from the series of Thirty-six views of Mount Fuji Artist/ Culture: Katsushika Hokusai Date of Creation: 1830-1833 CE Materials: Polychrome woodblock and prink; ink and color on paper, Title/ Designation: Starry Night Artist/ Culture: Vincent van Gogh Date of Creation: 1889 CE Materials: Oil on canvas, Title/ Designation: The Coiffure Artist/ Culture: Mary Cassatt Date of Creation: 1890-1891 CE Materials: drypoint and aquatint, Title/ Designation: Lukasa (memory board) Artist/ Culture: Mbudye Society, Luba peoples (Democratic Republic of Congo) Date of Creation: 19th to 20th c. CE Materials: wood, beads metal, Title/ Designation: Conical Tower and circular wall of Great Zimbabwe Artist/ Culture: Southeastern Zimbabwe, Shona peoples Date of Creation: c. 1000-1400 CE Materials: coursed granite blocks, Title/ Designation: Great Mosque of Djenné Artist/ Culture: Mali Date of Creation: c. 1200 CE; rebuilt 1906-1907 Materials: Adobe, Title/ Designation: Wall plaque, from Oba’s palace Artist/ Culture: Edo peoples, Benin (Nigeria) Date of Creation: 16th century CE Materials: cast brass, Title/ Designation: Sika dwa kofi (Golden Stool) Artist/ Culture: Ashanti peoples (south central Ghana) Date of Creation: c. 1700 CE Materials: gold over wood and cast-gold attachments, Title/ Designation: Ndop (portrait figure) of King Mishe miShyaang maMbul Artist/ Culture: Kuba peoples (Democratic Republic of the Congo) Date of Creation: c. 1760-1780 CE Materials: wood, Title/ Designation: Verdana post of enthroned king and senior wife (Opo Ogoga) Artist/ Culture: Olowe of Ise (Yoruba peoples) Date of Creation: c. 1910-1914 CE Materials: wood and pigment, Title/ Designation: Ikenga (shrine figure) Artist/ Culture: Igbo peoples (Nigeria) Date of Creation: c. 19th to 20th century CE Materials: wood, Title/ Designation: Female (Pwo) mask Artist/ Culture: Chockwe peoples (Democratic Republic of the Congo) Date of Creation: Late 19th to early 20th century CE Materials: Wood, fiber, pigment, and metal, Title/ Designation: Portrait mask (Mblo) Artist/ Culture: Baule peoples (Côte d’Ivoire) Date of Creation: early 20th century CE Materials: wood and pigment, Title/ Designation: Bundu mask Artist/ Culture: Sande Society, Mende peoples (West African forests of Sierra Leone and Liberia) Date of Creation: 19th to 20th century CE Materials: Wood, cloth, and fiber, Title/ Designation: Aka elephant mask Artist/ Culture: Bamileke (Cameroon, western grass fields region) Date of Creation: c. 19th to 20th century CE Materials: wood, woven raffia, cloth, and beads, Title/ Designation: Power figure (Nkisi n’kondi) Artist/ Culture: Kongo peoples (Democratic Republic of the Congo) Date of Creation: c. late 19th century CE Materials: wood and metal, Title/ Designation: Reliquary figure (byeri) Artist/ Culture: Fang peoples (southern Cameroon) Date of Creation: c. 19th to 20th century CE Materials: Wood, Title/ Designation: Old Man’s Cloth Artist/ Culture: El Anatsui Date of Creation: 2003 CE Materials: Aluminum and copper wire, Title/ Designation: The Ambum Stone Artist/ Culture: Ambum Valley, Enga Province, Papua New Guinea Date of Creation: c. 1500 BCE Materials: Greywacke MELANESIA, Title/ Designation: Terra cotta fragment Artist/ Culture: Lapita, Solomon Islands, Reef Islands Date of Creation: 1000 BCE Materials: Terra cotta (incised) MELANESIA, Title/ Designation: Nan Madol Artist/ Culture: Pohnpei, Micronesia, Saudeleur Dynasty Date of Creation: c. 700-1600 CE Materials: Balalt boulders and prismatic columns, Title/ Designation: Moai on platform (ahu) Artist/ Culture: Rapa Nui (Easter Island) Date of Creation: c. 1100-1600 CE Materials: Colcanic tuff figures on basalt base, Title/ Designation: ‘Ahu ‘la (feather cape) Artist/ Culture: Hawaiian Date of Creation: Late 18th century CE Materials: Feathers and fiber, Title/ Designation: Staff god Artist/ Culture: Rarotonga, Cook Islands, central Polynesia Date of Creation: Late 18th to early 19th century Materials: Wood, tape, fiber, and feathers, Title/ Designation: Female deity Artist/ Culture: Nukuoro, Micronesia Date of Creation: c. 18th to 19th century CE Materials: Wood MICRONESIA, Title/ Designation: Buk (mask) Artist/ Culture: Torres Straight Date of Creation: Mid-to late 19th century CE Materials: Turtle shell, wood, fiber, feather, and shell, Title/ Designation: Hiapo (tapa) Artist/ Culture: Niue Date of Creation: c. 1850-1900 CE Materials: tapa or bark cloth, freehand painting, Title/ Designation: Tamati Waka Nene Artist/ Culture: Gottfried Lindauer Date of Creation: 1890 CE Materials: Oil on canvas, Title/ Designation: Navigation chart Artist/ Culture: Marshall Islands, Micronesia Date of Creation: 19th to early 20th century CE Materials: Wood and fiber MICRONESIA, Title/ Designation: Malagan display and mask Artist/ Culture: New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea Date of Creation: c. 20th century CE Materials: wood, pigment, fiber, and shell MELANESIA, Title/ Designation: Presentation of the Fijian mats and tapa cloths to Queen Elizabeth II Artist/ Culture: Fiji, Polynesia Date of Creation: 1953 CE Materials: multimedia performance (costume; cosmetics, including scent; chant; movement and pandanus fiber/ hibiscus fiber mats), photographic documentation, Title/ Designation: Earth’s Creation Artist/ Culture: Emily Kame Kngwarreye Date of Creation: 1994 CE Materials: Synthetic polymer paint on canvas, Title/ Designation: Mont Sainte-Victoire Artist/ Culture: Paul Cézanne Date of Creation: 1902-1904 Materials: Oil on canvas, Title/ Designation: The Scream Artist/ Culture: Edvard Munch Date of Creation: 1893 CE Materials: Tempera and pastels on cardboard, Title/ Designation: Where do We Come From? 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