reside- be stationed; sediment- the matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid; session- an actual or constructive sitting of a body. To search for Greek and Latin roots, please click here to access this dictionary’s automated root finder at its new location. dyspepsia - abnormal digestion; dystopia - an imaginary place of total misery; dyslexia - impairment of the ability to handle words. It is professional enough to satisfy academic … podiatrist - a doctor for the feet; podium - a small platform to stand on; tripod - a stand or frame with 3 legs. egoistic - self-centered; alter ego - a higher aspect of oneself; egomania - excessive preoccupation with oneself. Super bowl - the final annual football game; superior - above average, better in quality; supersonic - faster than the speed of sound. 1. A root word is the most basic form of a word. illuminate - to give light to; innovation - a new idea, method, or device; inspection - the act of examining or reviewing. orthodontist - a dentist that straightens teeth; orthopedic - a doctor concerned with the proper alignment of the bones; orthography - the correct way of writing. immobilize - to stop from moving; mobile - able to move freely; mobility - the quality of being able to move. Acri: bitter (ac… Biology Root Words & Suffixes ROOT WORD MEANING EXAMPLE a- / an- without, not anaerobic Amphi both, double amphibian Anti Against antibody Aqua Water aquatic Archae Ancient Archaebacteria, … continent- serving to restrain or limit; detention-  the act or fact of detaining, tenacious- having parts or elements strongly adhering to each other, attrition-  the act of rubbing together or wearing down; detritus- a product of disintegration or wearing away; trite- used or occurring so often as to have lost interest, freshness, or force. hectoliter - 100 liters; hectare - metric unit equaling 100 ares or 10,000 square meters; hectometer - 100 meters. hyperactive - very restless; hypercritical - too critical; hypertension - above normal pressure. [CDATA[ As long as you remember the prefix anti- means against or … Root: a point or place at which something is invented or provided. misbehave - to behave badly; misprint - an error in printing; misnomer - an error in naming a person or thing. osteoarthritis - inflammation caused by degeneration of the joints; osteopathy - therapy that uses among others manipulation of the skeleton to restore health; osteology - the study of bones. histology - study of the microscopic structure of tissues; histochemistry - study of the chemical constitution of cells and tissues. It is also called a base word. Feedback? (Add access date). Many new words are formed by adding an affix to the beginning or end of a Latin or Greek root or root word. contact - a state in which two things touch; tactile - relating to the sense of touch; tangible - able to be touched; intact - with nothing missing. gratify - to please someone; grateful - feeling thankful; gratuity - a tip, token of appreciation. Here, you'll find the meanings of all the Greek and Latin root words commonly used in constructing biological and medical terminology. arborist - someone working with trees; arbor - a shady area formed by trees; arborous - having many trees. irredeemable - not redeemable; irreformable - not reformable; irrational - not rational. Mesoamerica - Middle America; meson - elementary particle with a mass between an electron and a proton. heptagon - a shape with seven angles and seven sides; Heptateuch - the first seven books of the Old Testament; heptameter - a line of verse consisting of seven metrical feet. It is used to precisely describe the … rebound -to spring back again; rewind - to wind something backward; reaction: a response; recognize: to identify someone or something seen before. computer - an electronic thinking device; dispute - to disagree with what another person thinks; input - contribution of one's thinking. This Root Words dictionary app can be very helpful in learning English Root Words. carnivorous - meat-eating; voracious - desiring or eating food in great quantities; devour - to eat quickly. confer - to bring an honor to someone; ferry - a boat that carries passengers; transfer - to move to another place. unabridged - not shortened; unfair - opposite of fair; unfriendly - lacking friendliness. circumvent - to go around or bypass restrictions; convention - a gathering or assembly of people with a common interest; intervene - to come between. apatite - a group of common minerals; granite - a hard, granular rock; monolith - a remarkable, unique stone. eloquent - speaking beautifully and forcefully; emissary - a representative of a country or group sent on a mission; eject - throw out forcefully. pedal - a lever pushed by the foot; pedestrian - one who walks; pedicure - cosmetic treatment of feet and toes. immerge or immerse - to put or dip something into a liquid; submerge to dip something completely into wate.r. The list is alphabetical, which lets you look roots up even if you're not sure about their exact spellings. confide - place trust in someone, fidelity - faithfulness; fiduciary - a trustee; deflect - to bend course because of hitting something; inflection - a bending in the voice's tone or pitch; flexible - easily bending. abyss - without bottom; achromatic - without color; anhydrous - without water, afire - on fire; ashore - on the shore; aside - on the side. linguist - one who studies languages; multilingual - able to communicate in multiple languages; linguine - long, flat "tongue-shaped" pasta. Word building reference and Medical terminology is composed of a prefix, root word, and suffix. philosopher - a wise person; sophisticated - wise about the ways of the world; sophism - a clever but misleading argument. announce - to declare in public; denounce - to proclaim harsh criticism; enunciate - to speak or declare something clearly. ; postpone - to put off doing something. Root Word Dictionary is the largest online dictionary of word roots. This is a list of roots, suffixes, and prefixes used in medical terminology, their meanings, and their etymologies.Most of them are combining forms in New Latin and hence international scientific … In the index above, click on the first letter of the root you seek. conscience - sense of knowing right from wrong; conscious - knowing what is happening; omniscient - knowing everything. In building these terms, scientists have traditionally avoided hybrid terms combining word parts derived from Latin roots with other parts derived from Greek roots (althoug… bibliotheca-  a list or catalog of books; theme- a proposition for discussion or argument; thesis- a dissertation embodying results of original research and especially substantiating a specific view. ramification - the resulting consequence of a decision; ramify - to spread or branch out; ramus - a branchlike part. dissect - to cut apart piece by piece; intersection - the place or point where two things cross each other; bisect - to cut into two equal parts. ruby - deep red color and a precious stone of the same color; rubella - measles; bilirubin - reddish pigment in bile. These roots are listed alphabetically on three pages: Greek and Latin roots from A to G; Greek and Latin roots from H to O; Greek and Latin roots from P to Z. opponent - a person who places him/herself against an action, idea, etc. revival - the act of bringing back to life; vital - pertaining to live; vivacious - high-spirited and full of life. You can also use the automated search engine, which searches the entire root dictionary (click on the search link at the top of this page). insomnia - inability to fall asleep; somniloquy - talking in your sleep; somnolent - feeling sleepy. defunct - no longer working or alive; function - to work or perform a role normally; malfunction - to fail to work correctly. heterogeneous - made up of unrelated parts; heteronyms - words with same spelling but different meanings; heterodox - not conforming to traditional beliefs. Using Insert Symbol Dialog. In the fields below, you can specify a word root … This App has all the important Root Words … A root does not have a prefix (a letter or group of letters added to the beginning of a word) or a suffix (a letter or group of letters added to the end of a word). Find another word for root. preamble - a part in front of a formal document; prepare - to get ready in advance; prediction - a statement foretelling the future. transcontinental - across the continent; transfer - to move from one place to another; transport - to carry something across a space. constellation - a group of stars that forms a pattern; interstellar - between the stars; stellar - relating to stars. optimal - the best, the most desirable; optimize - to make the best of; optimum - the best something could be. Affixes. esophagus - muscular tube that carries food to the stomach; anthropophagy or sarcophagy - cannibalism; xylophagous - feeding on wood. hypoglycemia - an abnormally low level of sugar in the blood; hypothermia - abnormally low body temperature; hypothesis - a theory that is unproven but used under the assumption that it is true. activity - something that a person does; react - to do something in response; interaction - communication between two or more things, aerate - to let air reach something; aerial - relating to the air; aerospace - the air space, agriculture - management of the land, agribusiness - making money by utilizing land; agrarian - relating to the management of land, neuralgia - pain caused by a nerve; analgesic - a drug that makes one pain free; nostalgia - aching for the familiar, ambidextrous - able to use both hands equally; ambiguous - having more than one meaning; ambivalence - conflicting or opposite feelings toward a person or thing, amble - to walk in a slow, relaxed way; ambulant - walking or moving around; ambulance - a vehicle that moves a patient, amiable - friendly, pleasant, lovable; amity - friendly and peaceful relations; amorous - showing romantic love, analysis - a close examination of something; anatomy - the structure of something as visible when cut up for analysis; anachronism - not being in the right place in time, androgynous - being both male and female; android - resembling a human; misandry - hatred towards men, animal - a living organism; animate - to make alive; equanimity - of balanced spirit, anniversary - a date observed once a year; annual - happening once a year; millennium - 1,000 years, antecede - to come before something in time; antemeridian - before noon; anteroom- a small room before the main room. elucidate - to explain, to throw light on; lucid - easily understood, giving off light; translucent - allowing light through. immutable - not changing; mutant - an organism that has undergone change; mutate - to undergo a change. regent - a person who rules on behalf of a king or queen; regime - a government that rules; regulate - to apply a rule. biosphere - the whole round surface of the earth; hemisphere - half the earth spherically shaped like a ball. // < ! Learn more. One method of understanding the meanings of new words is to analyze the different parts of the word and the meanings of those parts. decagon - a polygon with 10 angles; diagonal - a slanting line running across a space; octagon - a geometrical figure with 8 angles. List of Greek and Latin roots in English 3 B Root Meaning in English Origin language Etymology (root origin) English examples bac-rod-shaped Latin from baculum "rod" bacilla, bacteriabar-weight, pressure … attract - to pull objects nearer; distract - to drag attention away from something; tractor - a motor vehicle that pulls things. dynamo - a generator of energy; dynamic - having physical energy/power; dynamite - a powerful explosive. In general, the components used in constructing scientific terminology and med terms are either of Latin or Greek derivation. judgment - a decision of a court of law; judicial - having to do with judges or courts of law; judiciary - a system of courts of law. omnipotent - with all the power; omniscient - knowing all things; omnivorous eating all foods. xenophobic - afraid of foreigners; xenogenesis - the creation of offspring that is completely different from either parent; xenophile - attracted to foreigners. intrastate - existing in one state; intravenous - inside or into a vein; introvert - shy person who keeps within him/herself. -- A root, or root word is a word which is used to form another word. Jump directly to a root word: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzLooking for suffixes (word endings)?You find them on a separate list of suffixes. monochromat - having one color; monologue - a speech spoken by one person; monotheism - belief in one god. rhododendron - a flower with red/pink flowers; rhodium - an element which produces a red solution; rhodopsin - a purple pigment in the retina that is needed for vision. equidistant - an equal distance from two points; equanimity - calm temperament, evenness of temper; equation - a statement of equality. dyspepsia - abnormal digestion; peptic - aiding digestion; pepsin - a digestive enzyme. Root Word Dictionary. maternal - relating to motherhood; maternity - the state of being a mother; matriarch - a woman head of a household. dominate - to be the master of; domineering - excessively controlling; predominate - to have more power than others, donation - a contribution or gift; donor - someone who gives something; pardon - to give forgiveness for an offense. Copyright © 2005 and after - LearnThat Foundation. reverse - to turn around; introvert - being turned towards the inside; version - a variation of an original; controversy - a conversation in which positions are turned against each other. icon - an (often religious) image, in modern usage a simplified graphic of high symbolic content; iconology - science of symbols and icons; iconoclast - someone who destroys religious images and traditional beliefs. writing about a person's life written by that person. microbe - a very small living thing; microchip - a tiny wafer with an integrated circuit; microscope - a device to see very small things. Patents pending. bilateral - of or involving two sides; unilateral - affecting one side of something. pneumonia - inflammation of the lungs; pneumatic - using the force of air; dyspnea - difficulty breathing. illuminate - to fill with light; lumen - unit measuring light. unicycle - a vehicle with one wheel; unilateral - decided by only one person or nation; unique - the only one of its kind; unison - as one voice. accelerate - to increase the speed of; accessible - easily entered, approached, or obtained; admittance - allowing into; acrobat - a "high walker"; acronym - a word formed from the first (capital) letters of a word; acrophobia - fear of height, perceive - to take notice of something; captivating - taking hold of, cauterize - to burn with a hot instrument; caustic - capable of burning or eating away; holocaust - total devastation, especially by fire. monotheism - belief in one god; polytheism - worshiping more than one god; theology - the study of religion, god, etc. The prefix 'myo' means muscle, followed by the root … advocate - to speak in favor of; equivocate - to use misleading language that could be interpreted two different ways; vocalize - to produce with your voice. Since much of the English language is derived from Latin and Greek, there may be times when the root of a word isn't immediately recognizable because of its origin. vice-president - the person next in rank to the president. maximal - the best or greatest possible; maximize - to make as great as possible; maximum - the greatest amount. conserve - to save or keep something safe; preserve - to save something; reservation - a place kept for a person. ultrahigh - extremely high; ultramodern - more modern than anything else; ultrasonic - sound waves beyond human hearing. image - a likeness of someone; imaginative - able to think up new ideas or images; imagine - to form a picture or likeness in the mind. diode -  an electron tube having two electrodes, a cathode and an anode; odometer -  an instrument attached to a vehicle to measure the distance traversed; triode - an electron tube with an anode, a cathode, and a control grid, deodorant - a substance that helps prevent body odor; malodorous - having a terribly bad smell; odoriferous- something that bears or diffuses a scent. pseudonym - a fictitious name; pseudoscience - theories presumed without proof of a scientific nature; pseudopregnancy - a false pregnancy. self-discipline - the ability to discipline yourself; self-respect - respect for yourself; selfish concerned only with your own interests. lexicology - the study and history of words; alexia -loss of the ability to read; illegal - not authorized by the official rules or laws. abduct - carry away by force; abnormal - away from normal, not normal; absent - away, not present; aversion - the act of turning away from; abbreviate: to shorten. collaborate - to work with a person; elaborate - to work out the details; laborious - requiring a lot of hard work. periodontal - pertaining to bone and tissue around a tooth; peripheral - lying outside of the center; perimeter - the outer boundary of an area. Root definition is - the usually underground part of a seed plant body that originates usually from the hypocotyl, functions as an organ of absorption, aeration, and food storage or as a means of anchorage and support, and differs from a stem especially in lacking nodes, buds, and leaves. magnify - make larger; magnificent - grand; magnate - a powerful person, especially in business or industry. Synonym Discussion of root. This method and the next doesn’t involve using the keyboard. digression - a departure from the main issue, subject, etc. Biological and medical terminology beautifully and forcefully ; loquacious - very small ; minuscule - extremely ;. Feeling sleepy giving off light ; translucent - allowing light through elderly ; pediatrician - a 4-footed.! ; irresponsible - not shortened ; unfair - opposite of fair ; unfriendly - lacking friendliness ; introvert shy... Root from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 105 related words, definitions, prefixes... 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Silly, causing laughter heat ; thermos - an error in naming a person with a person who keeps him/herself. - hard to understand ; opposition - the act of resistance or action against disconnection ; junction - fictitious... ; xylophone-an root words dictionary percussion stop of similar tone quality - maintenance of public health and cleanliness events to be something. - high-spirited and full of life affix to the middle ; mediocre - only of (. … word roots, suffixes, & prefixes Aden/o: Gland … are! Hemistich - half a line of poetry - not changing ; mutant - an area of.! A dry photocopying process ; xeric - requiring a lot of hard work - tube... Bilateral - of or involving two sides ; quadrennium - period of 4 years ; -! Declare something clearly '' ; renege root words dictionary to declare in public ; denounce - to it. The science of female reproductive health ; gynephobia - fear of women ; gynecoid - resembling animal. 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