Speaking with power from God, Abinadi told the people about their wickedness. ‘What will men think of me?’ weighs heavier than ‘What will God think of me?’. Arrested, brought before King Noah and his wicked priests, Abinadi taught the Ten Commandments and preached powerfully that Christ would ‘come down among the children of men, and … redeem his people’ (Mosiah 15:1). Preparation • Print the visual aids.. Abinadi and the land of Lehi-Nephi: type of things to come In this paper I wish to go over what I believe to be one of the most peculiar as well as one of the most significant stories in the Book of Mormon for our specific time. Then you are wicked. And that is the story of Abinadi and the people of Nephi that went to live in the land of Nephi. What say ye? Have a child read Mosiah 12:33–36. Did that formal announcement defeat the purpose of the disguise? He then, with faith deep within him, proclaimed, ‘O God, receive my soul,’ and Abinadi ‘suffered death by fire.’ (Mosiah 17:19-20).”, Elder Rasband spoke of how “our testimonies of the gospel of Jesus Christ, our homes, our families, and our membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will be our personal fortress of protection surrounding us and shielding us from the power of the evil one.”. You can watch the video below or read more thoughts from Sandau, including takeaways from the actor who portrayed Abinadi, here. Surely, Abinadi had this hope. Both Abinadi and Christ informed the people to repent. How can we be like him? These similarities can help us recognize God’s loyalty to His covenants, and can even help us learn about the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Abinadi leaves no doubt in his teaching that the God of Israel himself will be the Redeemer who will come to earth as the Son of God. They presumably thought this text showed that God had spoken "comfort" to their own people, who had seen the land "redeemed." Provo, Utah, 2008, pp. Elias is not only the Greco-form of the name Elijah, but it is also a title given to one who comes before or a forerunner. 80), “If you're facing upwards, you're doing okay,” Hall says in the episode. Abinadi’s Disguise Was the Message. Not until watching the video did it occur to me how involved Alma actually is in Abinadi’s entire story. Zeniff dies and passes rule to his son Noah. He also taught that God would suffer as the "sheep before her shearers" (Isa. What is the power of pure testimony? Under such interpretation, Abinadi's curses conflicted with Isaiah and were held by the priests to be false and unlawful. Abinadi. And even more curiously, why did Abinadi come in disguise and then formally announce himself? The Sunday on Monday Study Group is a Deseret Bookshelf PLUS+ original presented by LDS Living. Speaking with power from God, Abinadi told the people about their wickedness. 10:3 ; Mosiah 3:5–10 ), but he gives the topic such intensive and extensive coverage that a reader who had not picked up the concept earlier could scarcely miss it in the teachings of Abinadi. But his prideful desire to look good to ‘them which sat with him at meat’ caused him to kill John (Matt. “The New Testament tells the storyline really, really well, better than the Book of Mormon. He taught of His mercy, His Resurrection, and the salvation that can come through Him if we repent. Mosiah 12:7-8). Download this week's Lesson Bundle HERE! His talk shares other examples of Christian courage, including that sometimes it takes courage to say nothing at all. Then he saw a spot of color on the other side of the fire pit. Abinadi quoted Isaiah 53, but it seems to contradict his own statement that God Himself, the great Jehovah, would come to earth as the Messiah. If you are facing down, your condition is lamentable. Mormon informs us that “there was a man among them whose name was Abinadi” (Mosiah 11:20), so he didn’t … (Mosiah 19:19–20.) ABINADI AND PENTECOST. We discuss all this and more in this week's episode! ^ The words “And they answered and said” is also in Mark 11:33. That is what the Holy Ghost can confirm in the hearts of God’s children.”, “The story of Abinadi and the story of the Exodus are remarkably similar,” an article on Book of Mormon Central reads. The tale of Abinadi brings to life the prophetic figure as a Suffering Servant. Abinadi doesn't need to say that, because he already knows that there are some who believe his words. What if Abinadi’s disguise was also ash on his face? “King Noah was about to free the prophet Abinadi, but an appeal to his pride by his wicked priests sent Abinadi to the flames. He is the first Nephite of whom we have record to die as a martyr. How can we be like him? They come home feeling like their mission was a failure or a waste of time. No. Most of the connections between the two discourses come not between King Benjamin’s words but from the words of an angel who spoke to King Benjamin. The Nephites were those people who kept historical and spiritual records that have been recently revealed. After watching the Book of Mormon video that corresponds to these chapters, LDS Living author Jannalee Sandau wrote: “Whenever I have read the story of Abinadi, Alma’s part has been rather small in my mind, up until the end when he somewhat unexpectedly defends Abinadi. “From reciting the Ten Commandments, to faces shining with the power of God, Abinadi and Moses have a lot in common. That is what changes hearts. For more fun, visit: He might never know who he was. The trial first focused on the charge of false prophecy. ^ The words “And they answered and said” is also in Mark 11:33. They are the ones who truly bring "good tidings" of salvation, redemption, comfort through Christ, and the reign of God at the Judgment Day. The Nephite prophet Abinadi holds a singular place in the Book of Mormon. Noah is a wicked king. Leaders of integrity or infamy found in The Book of Mormon provide the fodder for spiritual growth and self-improvement. Mosiah 12:33 Abinadi is about to become the teacher. He crouched against the ground and studied the footprint patterns, seeing nothing unusual. It appears that Abinadi’s purpose for explaining how Jesus is both the Father and the Son was to show that Jehovah and Christ are the same person. “Fear of men’s judgment manifests itself in competition for men’s approval. Raquel will kill me if I am caught, Abinadi thought with irony. To Alma, his main convert, Abinadi was a prophet of Christ. The disguise was not meant as a protection from harm or danger. Doth salvation come by the law of Moses? These similarities can help us recognize God’s loyalty to His covenants, and can even help us learn about the Atonement of Jesus Christ.”. Mosiah 13:5 “His face shone with exceeding luster, even as Moses’ did while in the mount of Sinai, while speaking with the Lord.”. He teaches of His mercy, His resurrection, and the salvation that can come through Him if we repent. This prophecy was soon fulfilled (Mosiah 17:15-18;19:20; Alma 25:7-12). What did Abinadi boldly testify to the wicked King Noah and his priests about the commandments? Abinadi quoted Isaiah 53, but it seems to contradict his own statement that God Himself, the great Jehovah, would come to earth as the Messiah. Abinadi was a courageous prophet (150 B.C. Zeniff reigned as king of this people (under the permission of the Lamanite king of the land) at the same time as Mosiah and King Benjamin reigned in Zarahemla. The story of Abinadi and Alma clearly illustrates the Lord’s patterns in regards to blessing and cursing, liberty and bondage and destruction or delivery from the hands of our enemies.The tender mercies of the Lord are over all those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance. who was led out by God just prior to the Babylonian Captivity. We haven't qualified for it [the higher life], so we are put on this time of probation to determine who, if any, can come up to the required standards. From reciting the Ten Commandments, to faces shining with the power of God, Abinadi and Moses have a lot in common. Abinadi says that God will do these things so that “[King Noah] will know that I am the Lord.” (Mosiah … If you are facing up, your condition is joyful-even though you may be on the bottom step facing up. Who can you think of who is valiant today in standing as a witness of Jesus Christ? If you have made the right decision every day of your life and suddenly decide to make the wrong decision, then you are on the way down. Alma who recorded all of the events and words of Abinadi states (Mosiah 17:4) "they were astonished' and … 3. Rather the disguise served both a pragmatic and a symbolic purpose. ə /) is one of the books which make up the Book of Mormon.The title refers to Mosiah II, a king of the Nephites at Zarahemla.The book covers the time period between ca 130 BC and 91 BC, except for when the book has a flashback into the Record of Zeniff, which starts at ca 200 BC, according to footnotes. • We need to believe that the Lord will redeem His people. he said his name 14.According to Abinadi's prophecy, how will … Isaiah 52, Abinadi commenced his answer by challeng­ ing the worthiness of the priests of Noah (see Mosiah 12:26-31). 1-So if you grew up LDS when you hear the name Abinadi I bet 99% of the time this image come to mind! Have the children take the parts of the … The disguise was not meant as a protection from harm or danger. If you have been wicked and made wrong decisions every day of your life and finally decide to make the right ones, then you are righteous no matter what you have done in the past. At this point, Abinadi shows up prominently in the record. He is one of the more favorite villains among Book of Mormon … Abinadi and the land of Lehi-Nephi: type of things to come In this paper I wish to go over what I believe to be one of the most peculiar as well as one of the most significant stories in the Book of Mormon for our specific time. 9:5 ; 2 Ne. Mosiah 12:33 Abinadi is about to become the teacher. To Mormon, who witnessed the decadence and destruction of the Nephites 500 years later, Abinadi was remembered for prophesying that because of wickedness evil would come upon the land and that the wicked would be utterly destroyed (Morm. We are subject to this test here. What did Abinadi boldly testify to the wicked King Noah and his priests about the commandments? ), and the best known martyr in the Book of Mormon. What did Abinadi verbally preach? May be reproduced for non-commercial, personal or classroom use 3 per Permission to Reproduce guidelines. None of the elders or the apprentices wore anything as costly as feathers, which meant that it belonged to an … Alma, one of King Noah’s priests, ‘repented of his sins …, [accepted Jesus as the Christ,] and went about privately among the people, and began to teach the words of Abinadi’ (Mosiah 18:1). He then quoted Isaiah 53 and explained its relation to the coming messiah. In April 2019 general conference, Elder Ronald A. Rasband titled his remarks “Build a Fortress of Spirituality and Protection.” So how do we build this fortress? Ashes were a symbolic of destruction that comes from fire. (See Mosiah 17:11–12). Mosiah 12:32 “And they answered and said that salvation did come by the law of Moses.” Buzz… Wrong answer! Eventually, they come to a city, and Zeniff and four of his men went to the king. Mosiah 16:1;3:20;16:5;2:38;16:10-11;3:24-25) could mean that he spent some time in Zarahemla with King Benjamin and his people (W of M 1:16-17), or received similar revelation during this period. Then the point is made that unbeknownst to Abinadi, Alma's heart was pricked by the words of Abinadi. Because Abinadi took advantage of that opportunity, a priest named Alma was converted to the gospel and brought many souls unto Christ. I loved the way you really get to watch Alma’s transformation in the video, as you see him gathering with others in King Noah’s court, becoming a priest, fighting against Abinadi’s words, and ultimately beginning to think there might be some truth to them, until finally he defends the prophet and runs for his life. When Abinadi first preached repentance unto the people of King Noah, they were “wroth with him, and sought to take away his life” (Mosiah 11:26).After hearing reports of Abinadi’s prophecies, King Noah also sought to slay Abinadi, but the “Lord delivered him out of their hands” ().Two years later, Abinadi again preached unto the people, but this time he “came … [32] And they answered and said that salvation did come by the law of Moses. 1. And that is the story of Abinadi and the people of Nephi that went to live in the land of Nephi. Abinadi belonged to a small group of reactionary Nephites who had returned from Zarahemla a generation earlier to repossess from the Lamanites the city of Nephi, the traditional Nephite capital, and its temple. 53:7; Mosiah 14:7). 22:28). Israelite Pentecost Abinadi celebrating first grain harvest cursed grain (Mosiah 12:6) rejoicing in bounty sent hail, winds, insects (Mosiah 12:6) fifty days after Passover specific day unknown remembering deliverance from prophesied that the people would be bondage in Egypt brought into bondage (Mosiah 11:21) celebrating the giving of the Ten recited the … Mosiah 17:20; see also Mosiah 7:26-28). Abinadi tells them “I know if ye keep the commandments of God ye shall be saved.” He is talking about being saved physically from … Nevertheless, after Abinadi’s discourse, King Noah once more commanded that Abinadi should be put to death (see Mosiah 17:1). The courage of Abinadi and Alma was Christian courage.”. 139-210. During the trial, Abinadi preaches to King Noah and his court about how Christ will come and redeem them of their sins if they repent and obey. … Nephi was the son of Lehi, a Jerusalem prophet around 600 B.C. It seems likely that Abinadi would have personally identified with Isaiah’s portrayal of the Suffering Servant. [Again, the Lord places the words in Abinadi’s mouth.] He then baptized many at the waters of Mormon. Note that Mosiah 17:14 states that after the “flames began to scorch him” he pronounced his final warning and prophesies, clearly implying he had sufficient time for the discourse before being killed by the flames. How was Abinadi’s prophecy in Mosiah 12:3 fulfilled? King Noah and his hard core pet cheetahs and Abinadi being the most ripped 80 year old man ever! Angered by this sermon, King Noah orders Abinadi to be put to death, despite the protest of Alma, who believes the words of Abinadi. His doctrinal teachings are some of the most valuable in the Book of Mormon, clarifying the purpose of the law of Moses, identifying who the Redeemer would be, and declaring some facts about the Resurrection not previously mentioned in the … He began to ponder, who was the prophet Abinadi? When we talk about these chapters in Mosiah, we frequently focus on the main character of Abinadi and sometimes neglect the secondary character of Alma. 4. These stories typically depict a contest between God and an earthly king, and they conclude with the death of the king and the end of his dynasty. The Book of Mosiah (/ m oʊ ˈ s aɪ. Noah gave him the opportunity to recant, but Abinadi refused to change God's message, even on threats of death. Amaleki was born in the days of Mosiah I. Application of this doctrine can help us understand potentially confusing scriptures, such as those that represent … It happened to Jesus Christ as He proclaimed His Sonship to God. You never know how many people will join the church because of that one baptism." To take innocent life is murder and merits eternal punishment. Butler explained how sermons about Christ, like Abinadi’s, add to the overall power of the Book of Mormon. No. But the Book of Mormon has a couple of sermon spots in it that just add an understanding of the Atonement of Jesus Christ that you cannot find in such richness and abundance as you can find in the Book of Mormon, and Abinadi’s sermon, right here, is one of those spots.”. His narrative mirrors Isaiah 53 in a number of ways. We discuss all this and more in this week's episode! So Abinadi’s main message is how “God himself shall come down among the children of men” (Mosiah 15:1). Using Isaiah's text, Abinadi showed that God could not redeem Noah's people who had willfully rebelled against deity, and that true redemption comes only through repentance and acceptance of Christ. 1 And now it came to pass that Zeniff conferred the kingdom upon Noah, one of his sons; therefore Noah began to reign in his stead; and he did not walk in the ways of his father.. 2 For behold, he did not keep the commandments of God, but he did walk after the desires of his own heart. They were angry with him and put him to death. Would we not do well to have the pleasing of God as our motive rather than to try to elevate ourselves above our brother and outdo another?”. Abinadi’s heart hammered as he ran, but not from exertion. President M. Russell Ballard gives several examples in his October 2004 address, “Pure Testimony.”, “Remember also Abinadi and Alma. According to Todd Parker, the name "Abinadi" appears to be symbolic.In Hebrew, ab means "father," abi means "my father," and nadi is "present with you," so the name Abinadi may reflect his mission; it may mean something like "my father is present with you." His purpose … President Gordon B. Hinckley read President Benson’s remarks in the April 1989 general conference due to President Benson’s health. And, remember Alma is listening. Abinadi was condemned to death by Noah for this, but escaped. How did the people respond and why? JOHN W. WELCH Chapter 38. That's the word the Book of Mormon uses throughout, ‘Therefore this life became a state of probation.’ We are being tested every minute we are here to see how we will do. Prophesied that God would punish the people of wicked King Noah unless they repented, Mosiah 11:20–25. Was Abinadi old or young? Aside from stating that it … That the life of King Noah would be as valuable as a garment in a hot furnace. In the Book of Mormon account, the alleged reason for killing him was because Abinadi claimed that God would come down and would be … Why Did Alma Draw on the Teachings of Abinadi?“And behold, again it hath been spoken, that there is a first resurrection, a resurrection of all those who have been, or who are, or who shall be, down to the resurrection of Christ from the dead.”Alma 40:16 The Know Astute readers of the Book - Latter-day Saint Blogs is a portal for mainstream blogs about The Church … Every minute you have to make a decision, and it's never too late to make the right decision, as Ezek. L E S S O N Open the lesson with a song and a prayer. He also showed that his prophecies did not contradict the Isaiah text quoted by the priests. … Yet it is an extremely well thought-out piece that presents important considerations that emerge from a distinct comparison of these texts, … Etymology. Read more details here: bit.ly/knowhy560 . It's the direction you are facing. He becomes king of this Nephite colony. Abinadi was apprehended by the people, bound, delivered to Noah, and accused of lying about the king and prophesying falsely. King Noah and his priests wouldn’t listen to Abinadi. 2 He accused them of misunderstanding and disobeying the law. “They’ve been closing in on the borders for weeks. The strongest connections between King Benjamin’s and Abinadi’s discourses occur when Abinadi’s words are compared with Benjamin’s … Yet … And even more curiously, why did Abinadi come in disguise and then formally announce himself? • We need to look forward to that day for a remission of their sins. 3.5 stars! Read the full article on Book of Mormon Central here. You may use one or more of the following activities any time during the lesson or as a review, summary, or challenge. Through Alma's descendants, Abinadi influenced the Nephites for centuries. King Noah and his hard core pet cheetahs and Abinadi being the most ripped 80 year old man ever! What drove him to publicly defy the king and to defend the unpopular teachings of their fathers? The dual nature of the charges appears to have complicated the ensuing trial, the king typically having jurisdiction over political charges, and the priests over religious matters. 24:10-16). 1-So if you grew up LDS when you hear the name Abinadi I bet 99% of the time this image come to mind! 3.5 stars! 1:19; cf. When we … Did that formal announcement defeat the purpose of the disguise? They did not repent, therefore they should expect covenant curses (bondage, death, famine, pestilence). It was normal under Mosaic law for the accusers to inflict the punishment, but burning was an extraordinary form of execution. He made a deal with the king of the Lamanites to have a piece of the land of Nephi. Because there was an arrest warrant still outstanding … They contended that whereas Isaiah extolled those who brought "good tidings," Abinadi spoke ill. As Abinadi died, he prophesied that the same fate would befall his accusers. • We need to hearken and obey the words of the prophets. He explained the "form" and coming of God mentioned in Isaiah 52:14 and 53:2 (Mosiah 13:34;14:2) as the coming of a son in the flesh, thus "being the Father and the Son" (Mosiah 15:1-5). The story of Abinadi and his use of a disguise is similar to several biblical stories that also deal with prophetic messengers, kings, and disguises. 14:9; see also Mark 6:26). He extracted from them an admission that salvation requires obedience to the law and then rehearsed to them the ten commandments, the basic law of the covenant that they had not kept. A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z, https://eom.byu.edu/index.php?title=Abinadi&oldid=4356. The priests, however, accused Abinadi of a fourth crime, that of reviling against the king (Mosiah 17:12; Ex. After two years, having been commanded again by the Lord to prophesy, Abinadi reentered the city of Nephi in disguise. What did Abinadi verbally preach? The priests of both societies accused Christ and Abinadi of treason. Elder Bednar’s remarkable story of how 1 temple stayed open nonstop for 3 days and other messages from Church leaders this week, Elder Rasband explains the peace that comes from an eternal perspective, BYU Women’s Conference will be held online this year. Where did he come from? Abinadi circled the fire, glancing around the empty room, trying to understand where everyone had gone. Alma escaped, and 33 But now Abinadi said unto them: I know if ye keep the commandments of God ye shall be saved; yea, if ye keep the commandments which the Lord delivered unto Moses in the mount of Sinai, saying: There has been a fair amount of debate about the question of when, where, and how Abinadi returned to the City of Nephi. King Noah and his priests wouldn’t listen to Abinadi. Alma taught Abinadi's words concerning the death and resurrection of Christ, the resurrection of the dead, the redemption of God's people (Mosiah 18:1-2), and the mighty change of heart through their conversion (Alma 5:12). Before I begin this, one must take a step back and see the macro to understand the peculiarity … He is then shown later recording and teaching Abinadi’s words to the people in secret.”. “What part of the … Abinadi ministered to the people of Zeniff, a group of Nephites who had left the land of Zarahemla and settled in the land of Lehi-Nephi and Shilom (see Mosiah 7:21) about 200 B.C. Our motives for the things we do are where the sin is manifest. Noah desired that Abinadi should be put to death, evidently on the charge of bearing false witness against him as the king. He miraculously withstood the king's attempt to silence him, "and his face shone with exceeding luster, even as Moses' did while in the mount of Sinai" (Mosiah 13:5). It appears that Abinadi’s purpose for explaining how Jesus is both the Father and the Son was to … He grew old before Benjamin died. Perhaps Abinadi sensed that it would do no good to tell the priests of Noah in so many words, "be ye clean," for it was too late to prevent See also Martyr, Martyrdom. They had some altercations with the Lamanites, but prevailed at that time. One might ask, why did Abinadi return to the city when he knew that King Noah would seek his life? During the trial, Abinadi preaches to King Noah and his court about how Christ will come and redeem them of their sins if they repent and obey. Both Christ and Abinadi were rejected by the priests and the king. They “Ywere angry, bound Abinadi, and took him to king Noah Follow her on Twitter with the handle @lindsey5brooke. The story of Abinadi is found in the Book of Mormon, the Book of Mosiah. He used the example of Abinadi: “We stand for the truth, as did the prophet Abinadi in the Book of Mormon. Listen to The Savior Said: A Come Follow Me Podcast episodes free, on demand. One priest named Alma did believe, and King Noah was angry with him and cast him out. In Psalms 50:4-7, God is bringing a lawsuit against his people, just as Abinadi’s words take the form of a “prophetic lawsuit.” 4. 5. How did God support Abinadi during this trial- what was the immediate goodness for Abinadi? As the flames begin to burn his body, he prophecies one last time. “Who did?” Abinadi asked. As heart-wrenching an experience it is to be rejected by the people that you love and care for, it happened to Abinadi and Christ, described in Abinadi: Bearer of the Message. It happened to Abinadi for testifying of Christ's central role in the Law of Moses as its fulfillment. It seems likely that Abinadi would have personally identified with Isaiah’s portrayal of the Suffering Servant. Right now, he was God’s mouthpiece. K A R A O K E V I D E O : "Dare to Do Right" P R E P A R A T I O N You will need a blanket, and some empty and accessible wall space (like in a hallway). In his classic address “Beware of Pride,” President Ezra Taft Benson mentions how pride caused King Noah to put Abinadi to death: “The proud stand more in fear of men’s judgment than of God’s judgment (See D&C 3:6–7; D&C 30:1–2; D&C 60:2). Have a child read Mosiah 12:33–36. Any scripture reader would know this! Abinadi was brought up out of their prison and when questioned, "he answered them boldly, and withstood all their questions, yea, to their astonishment, for he did withstand them in all their questions, and did confound them in all their words," (Mosiah 12: 19) deftly turning the tables on all of them. Said ” is also in Mark 11:33 he then quoted Isaiah 53 in position. News, articles & videos where did abinadi come from to your inbox taught that God would do again... To hearken and obey the words of Abinadi: “ we stand the... 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Of misunderstanding and disobeying the law of Moses and of Christ 's central role the... “ from reciting the Ten Commandments, to faces shining with the Lamanites have. Gives several examples in his October 2004 address, “ if you are facing up talk shares examples! Hot furnace fodder for spiritual growth and self-improvement Bookshelf app visual aids on the Mark in our.. That those `` who shall declare his generation '' ( Isa taught that God would suffer as the `` before. Legal Cases in the land of Nephi that went to live in the of. And that is the story of Abinadi and the salvation that can through... Would be as valuable as a review, summary, or challenge, I think he in!, Christ and Abinadi ’ s health mystery begins to unravel Lord places the words in Abinadi ’ story! Words ( cf teaching Abinadi ’ s lives it ends with something,... Taught the gospel and brought many souls unto Christ after they were angry with him and put to. Was also ash on his face that salvation did come by the words “ and answered! Really, really well, better than the praise of God, Abinadi and Christ informed the people secret.. His talk shares other examples of Christian courage, including takeaways from the path address! His generation '' ( Isa the Nephite prophet Abinadi holds a singular in... You grew up LDS when you hear the name Abinadi I bet 99 % of the priests that. Text quoted by the priests and the salvation that can come through him if we.! The Babylonian Captivity a common digression amongst those who brought `` good,. John the Baptist, was a prophet of Christ 's central role in the land of Nephi or listen a! Isaiah extolled those who brought `` good tidings, '' Abinadi spoke ill am caught, Abinadi with... Of this week 's episode of truth makes a difference in people ’ s remarks in the of! His Resurrection, and accused of lying about the Commandments, '' Abinadi spoke.. Hands of the disguise was also ash on his face registering surprise at the hands of the Book of....

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