[CAN.GetNameDef] Seeks Immediate Patriation. And so romania refused my demands, so the mediation event popped up, and I picked germany as mediator. The Hungarian government is currently attempting to alter the Treaty of Trianon to allow Hungary to begin rebuilding her military. We would get the western parts of the country, while Hungary would get most of Slovakia, with the demarcation line between our countries roughly bisecting the country.They have assured us that as long as they get their share in the end, they are willing to let us make the first move. The terms of the treaty negotiated in the recent conference have not been met with acceptance by the Romanian government. Under these terms, we would get Northern Transylvania, while the southern parts of the area will remain with Romania. Hungary gains Vojvodina (45) as core territory. Germany has been brought in to mediate our territorial dispute with Hungary, and they have wisely decided that Transylvania should remain under Romanian control. A spy was captured (losing the opportunity to complete the collaboration mission). The Romanian ambassador has asked for his passport. Over the last few days, the tense relations between Hungary and Romania have broken down completely. Hungary has also tied their commitment to a return of southern Slovakia to their control. Thankfully, there are ways and means to solve the issue. [From.GetNameDef] Refuses to give up Danzig, Communist uprisings in [CHI_communist_state.GetName], [From.GetName] Requests [Root.GetAdjective] Participation in the [From.GetFactionName]. This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. Despite heavy political pressure from [From.From.GetNameDef], [From.GetNameDef] has categorically refused to discuss the issue. Meeting in Zurich, representatives of the Hungarian government have sounded us out about joint action against [YUG.GetNameDef]. Particularly the oil wells of Ploesti are very important to [From.GetNameDef]. In a development surprising even experienced diplomats, the Swedish government has announced that they consider our survival to be a core national interest of Sweden. 1, putting the Romanian military on highest alert. The [From.GetAdjective] Foreign Minister has arrived in Berlin to discuss a scheme to divide [CZE.GetNameDef] into two parts. Meanwhile, the [From.GetAdjective] ambassador has asked that we clarify our statements regarding the Treaty, suggesting that the military option is still on the table. Cookie Notice If you just want free land and no war, just ask for Northern Transylvania. 6.2 Romania transfers Transylvania 6.3 Romania refuses to give up Transylvania 6.4 Hungary mobilizes 6.5 Romania mobilizes 6.6 Choose a Mediator 6.7 Choose a Mediator 6.8 Hungary backs down 6.9 Hungary seeks Mediation 6.10 Romania seeks Mediation 7 id 60 - 69 Demand for Transylvania (2) 7.1 The Balkan Crisis Should we permit the sale to go through? [France.GetName] Joins the [From.GetFactionName]! Without mentioning any territorial claims, [HUN.GetLeader] discussed only the restrictions on the Hungarian military.A delegation from Hungary has arrived in our capital to secure our formal agreement to Hungarian rearmament. The Hungarian government has indicated that they are quite willing to fight for it, if it came to that.We can ill afford a war breaking out in that region over something so small, and should push for a diplomatic solution. If the mediator sides . The [CZE.GetAdjective] government has reportedly refused the offer of a guarantee, on account of the 'unbearable' concessions asked in return.However, our ambassador to [SOV.GetNameDef] reports that there is heavy activity in the [SOV.GetAdjective] foreign ministry. @silent That's very interesting, I've never had that happen. The [From.GetAdjective] Air Force is currently holding trials for a new light fighter. Game without gameplay mods . We must either go to war to defend our honor and credibility, or accept that we have been outmaneuvered. This is a list of all Romania's events (from /Hearts of Iron IV/events/Romania.txt). It seems that they believe that they can reach a compromise solution, where they would give up one part of the contested areas to hold onto the other. However, they might also decide that we are bluffing. With Bulgarian Hegemony no longer a threat to the Alliance, the Romanians begin to plot their invasion of Hungary to take back their rightful land. Talks have broken down almost immediately, with the [From.GetAdjective] delegation stalling at every opportunity and turning minor issues such as the seating order into hour-long debates. With Bulgarian Hegemony no longer a threat to the Alliance, the Romanians begin to plot their invasion of Hungary to take back their rightful land. No doubt they believe that we will defend their claims to the area. Several thousand Hungarian volunteers have also made their way to us. Here I list out the first few techs that should be researched with each, because a strong end-game is built on a well-executed beginning. Bulgarian diplomats have come forward, with German backing, requesting the return of Southern Dobrudja - territory we annexed from them in 1913 after the Second Balkan War. Every nation we turned to has refused us, telling us that we should just accept the fact that Transylvania is part of Romania.How does one accept the unacceptable? It appears that [From.GetLeader] never intended to keep his word. It appears they care more about keeping good relations with their former allies than in justice. Either the dialogue is in error, or the event's mechanics are bugged; the dialogue indicates that you should be getting cores on the Transylvanian states if Romania either gives in to your demands or the dispute is mediated in your favour (Specifically, the option to back down as Hungary notes that you will lose your cores on these territories), n private discussion, our delegations could not come up with a reason why they would make such an offer, but it seems genuine. Information, Frequently Asked For more information, please see our [ENG.GetNameDef] Gives Up Northeastern Territories. For more information, please see our If they cave anyways, well, cool I guess lol. Rumors in diplomatic circles point towards a possible deal with Germany. We must now consider the possibility of military action to secure our northern border. Questions, Paradox Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Despite initial successes, it seems that the government of [From.GetLeader] has changed their mind regarding the proposed treaty at the last minute. I've done this three times now. The Romanian Air Force has occupied its war stations, and their fighters have engaged ours in mock dogfights. The governments of [HUN.GetNameDef] and [SOV.GetNameDef] have submitted a joint notice, stating that they consider our annexation of Transylvania and Bessarabia to be illegitimate. The AI's chance to select this depends on their ideology: The results of the Referendum are in, and the preliminary count shows a significant majority for Union with Hungary. My attempt didn't go well. [From.GetName] Seeks Extensive Military Pact, [ITA.GetName] Seeks Reconciliation With [TUR.GetName], Balearic Islands ceded to [Italy.GetName], Italy Announces Claims On Yugoslavian Territory, The [From.GetName] Encourages Revolutionaries, [From.GetName] Gives in to [Soviet.GetAdjective] Ultimatum, [From.GetName] Resists [Soviet.GetAdjective] Ultimatum, [ROM.GetNameDef] Cedes Bessarabia to [From.GetNameDef], German Diplomatic Influence in [CZE.GetNameDef], [GER.GetNameDef] Forces [TUR.GetNameDef] to Submit, [GER.GetName] Formalises Anti-Soviet Pact. Unfortunately there's no way to reduce the 20% chance of refusal so it's always there. All of it, all the way, if you get it then nice, if not go to war and take it anyway. A compromise solution would perhaps be more agreeable to both sides. How did you go about it if I may ask? The [From.GetAdjective] Air Force is currently holding trials for a new medium bomber. I have a problem, I've been trying to unite the two countries YET austria always denies me. The international arms inspectors have left the country, and the war ministry has drawn up initial plans for a modest expansion of our armed forces. Who should we approach? When that will be is still unknown. [From.GetNameDef] has declared a military intervention after Hungary openly renounced the Treaty of Trianon. It is clear that they don't intend on letting us rearm, but they want us to be the ones who walk out of the talks. [CAN.GetNameDef] Joins the [GER.GetFactionName]! Unsurprisingly, they have demanded that the entirety of Transylvania is turned over to Hungary as soon as feasible. According to our Air Attach, our newest model is poised to win. Many in the government favor a strong reply. The Foreign Office warns that not accepting the proposal would isolate us diplomatically. [SOV.GetNameDefCa] has agreed, in principle, that Bessarabia should remain with us, but an "independent border commission" made up by officials from the Soviet Union and Tannu Tuva has come to the conclusion that most of Transylvania should go to Hungary. It seems that they are still afraid that we will use our weapons against them.With all diplomatic avenues blocked, we will have to wait and see if we will get another opportunity in the future to revisit the issue. [TUR.GetName] Resists Ultimatum From [GER.GetName]. there is also a chance that the mere threat of us getting involved will bring the other side to the negotiation table. No one can now refuse our right to bear arms! Depending on your strengh comparing to Romania and if they are likely to join any faction with a mayor nation, if you got superior numbers and being facist, improve relation with germany and then ask them to back your demands. The government of [From.GetNameDef] has made it clear that they won't move one bit from their position of maintaining the status quo.We can either accept this or try to gain support from a third party. This page was last edited on 20 August 2022, at 22:09. [HUN.GetLeader] has traveled to Moscow, bearing a proposal to offer a joint guarantee to [CZE.GetNameDef] in return for lifting restrictions on the Communist party and transfer of sovereignty of southern Slovakia to Hungary. What are the chances for Romania just giving up entirely? Just a cautionary tale. Gains opinion modifier towards refusing country: The refusing country gets the country event, The sending country adds us to their faction, The sending country gets the country event, Gain opinion modifier towards the refusing country. The Hungarian and the German ambassador have both handed over a note to the effect that the Vojvodina and Slovenia are to be transferred to their control at once. Would any choice give me more territory? The Hungarian Military has been placed at high alert and is expected to enter the war as soon as mobilization is complete. They have approached us to sound out our willingness to sit on that commission. having decided to reject the Hungarian offer, it is now up to us to offer different terms. Despite a well-orchestrated campaign by pro-Hungarian groups and monarchists, preliminary results show a small majority for maintaining the status quo. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. They clearly believe that we will argue their case in the upcoming conference. If you just want free land and no war, just ask for Northern Transylvania. I've never been kicked out of a faction by the AI, and you shouldn't leave the Axis until like 1940. Questions, Paradox https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Romanian_events&oldid=44307, Play Should we permit the sale to go through? Our Hungarian comrades suggest we put pressure on Romania to return those territories to their rightful owners. This is a list of all Romania's events (from /Hearts of Iron IV/events/Romania.txt). The player may take control of any nation in the world in either 1936 or 1939 and lead them to victory or defeat against other countries.Full Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIPtXq7pB1-ihAu62Zxa-hocdxebZ8TYrSocial Media: Twitter - https://twitter.com/DoonhamerGaming Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/therealdoonhamer/ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/doonhamergaming/videos Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/doonhamergaming Discord - https://discord.gg/whv2abc This section is just a list of government modifications that I choose in the AH games that I play: Hungary starts with 3 research slots and doesn't get extras until mid-game. To kick off the war, the Romanians begin the revolt in Transylvania which . The below description is one of several available for this event.Despite our best attempts, we have been unable to secure any backing for our claims. On hearing our proposal to split [CZE.GetNameDef], [From.GetLeader] reportedly flew into a rage, calling us "have-beens who have not the slightest clue about the realities of the world. Any statements in the sensationalist press should not be taken as coming from the Hungarian government, which has never wanted a war. More than that, he declared it null and void, claiming that it was forced on Hungary at gun point and therefore never legally binding. Both sides have approached us to decide who gets Transylvania. With its old supporters gone, the Treaty of Trianon is no longer worth the paper it was printed on. But crazy Germany every time declare me war after few days after this . "Some folks look at me and see a certain swagger, which in. This is a community maintained wiki. Rather than face the might of our armies, the cowardly Romanians have decided to return our rightful territories. If you have joined the Axis, select Germany. Standing before a large map of Europe, [SOV.GetLeader] delivered an hour long lecture to our delegation, repeatedly pointing out shortcomings and flaws in the proposed plan and speaking at length about the exceptional foolishness of our proposal, even accusing us of making common cause with the Imperialists.Our delegation has returned from Moscow empty-handed, but alive. [HUN.GetLeader] has arrived in Moscow to discuss the issue of Romania. Like to be able to annex Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Albania, South Tyrol and Veneto as well. With the recent, dramatic shifts in the political landscape of the Balkans, the question of our relationship with the new Austro-Hungarian Empire has come up repeatedly. Privacy Policy. Rumor has it that the Swedish King himself has intervened on our behalf, threatening to abdicate and travel to Hungary in person to offer his service in the army unless the government offered something more than warm words of support. The concessions we have already been forced to make seem to have spurred this request. The [From.GetAdjective] ambassador has transmitted the following note:"The Government of [From.GetNameDef] is watching the recent developments in [HUN.GetNameDef] with grave concern. They strongly believe that they should have full control over the fate of Slovakia, seeing how Slovakia used to be part of Hungary during the days of the Empire.While the Hungarian delegation shied away from issuing any explicit threats, our intelligence service reports an unsettling amount of activity inside the Hungarian military. [HUN.GetLeader] will be declared King of Bohemia and Moravia, but the [CZE.GetAdjective] constitution will limit his powers to only act with the advice and consent of parliament. Germany has been brought in to mediate our territorial dispute with Hungary, and at the Second Vienna Award they outrageously decided that all of Transylvania should be restored to Hungarian rule! -The events are also Save-Game Compatible (not the french guarantees) and it is highly compatible with other mods! I'll be updating this as I work further. At the end of the Great War, Romania illegally seized a number of territories, including Bessarabia and Transylvania. What result do we want from the referendum? The [From.GetAdjective] government is evidently unwilling to accept the risk, and has gone so far as to threaten a military intervention on the side of Romania if war were to break out. Enter the full URL of your item or group's Polycount page, Enter the full URL of your item or group's reddit page, Enter the full URL to your item or group's Sketchfab page, This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines. With their air force, I couldn't get the air superiority to launch my Para assault (but having them join was enough by itself). When informed of the results of the arbitration on the disputed territories, [HUN.GetLeader] refused to accept them. Czechoslovakia also joined the war (supporting Romania). An example of the plane has already arrived to train mechanics on its maintenance, and a full set of drawings and blueprints is expected shortly. We can't be seen to deny the people a choice, but we can't trust them to make the right one. Despite multiple appeals from both the Swedish king and elements of the Swedish military, the government of Sweden has refused to allow anyone to come to our aid. We cannot expect the Germans to intervene, as their pact with the Russians apparently contained a secret protocol that put us inside the Soviet sphere of interest. This mod works great at least for me but it would be great if one for Transylvania was also created because that one takes a lot longer to get, ay just letting you know that this mod removes all french military staff and theorists. This might be a good way to grow our influence in the region, without having to risk a war. Many senior diplomats suggest that we rearm anyway, just to show [From.GetLeader] what happens if he refuses to negotiate. This page was last edited on 14 March 2021, at 14:58. The ambassador from [CZE.GetName] has come to us with an urgent request for help. Hungary is now allowed to rearm freely and develop all manners of military equipment, including tanks and planes.While it has been an open secret that Hungary has been expanding its army, this new agreement will soon bring them to the point where they could be a military threat to us once again. Even private individuals who wish to travel to Hungary to fight are refused traveling visas, and the government has pushed through legislation making it illegal to sell guns to us. Question. The diplomatic protocol dispensed with, the delegations from Hungary, Romania and [ROM_mediator.GetNameDef] have settled down to discuss the matter at hand. Our fighters are severely behind developments in other countries. [JAP.GetNameDef] Demands French Indochina, [SOV.GetNameDef] Annexes [TAN.GetNameDef], [From.From.GetName] Intervenes in [From.GetAdjective] war, [From.GetName] Pursues Nuclear Technology, [France.GetName] and [From.GetName] Unite. Our forces have taken full control. 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