It was located in a former Benedictine Abbey dedicated to Saint Hedwig of Silesia, that had been a military school between 1840 and 1920, and used by the Nazis as a "National Political Educational Institution" from 1934. Each camp contained a number of single-story wooden huts; 29 in Marlag and 36 in Milag. In February 1942 the prisoners were transferred to Oflag VII-B in Eichsttt, and the castle was then became an internment camp (Internierungslager) for men from the British Channel Islands of Jersey and Guernsey. $44.91M, Not Rated The camp opened in December 1939 when a small number of British and French POWs were transferred in from Oflag IX-A/H. The POWs lived in barrack huts that were divided into two dormitories each housing around 100 men, with a small kitchen and a washroom between them. In 1941 more prisoners arrived from the Balkans Campaign mostly British and Yugoslavians (mostly Serbs). It was relatively easy to escape from a farm, but much more difficult to evade recapture. They passed through the gate, and then, wearing faked Luftwaffe uniforms, headed to an airfield near Kassel intending to steal a Ju 52, which Newborn had flown before the war, and fly home. It took them a further four days to reach safety in Switzerland. A list of Royal Marines known to have been imprisoned in German camps between 1939 and 1945 is to be found in ADM 201/111. As of 2012 the site of the camp is occupied by the barracks and training school of. While the guards were engaged in breaking up the fight, toward which the searchlights were all directed, three officers managed to cut through the barbed wire and escape from the camp. Stalag V-A/Z Mnsingen Mnsingen (Baden-Wrttemberg), Oflag V-A Weinsberg Wurttemberg Location N/E 49-09, Stalag V-B Villingen Villingen-Schwenningen (Baden-Wrttemberg). The camp was divided into three groups of 900. The camp was liberated in May 1945. There was a hospital for Italian military internees in the Oerbke camp, but its patients were transferred to a separate section of the Bergen-Belsen POW hospital in late July 1944. The buildings were fairly modern and were made of thick concrete with toilet and washing facilities however being completely inadequate having only 12 toilets and 3 taps for up to 10,000 POWs. The lower ranks prisoners at this camp fared much better than those in many other camps further south. Originally a catholic seminary, accommodation was a 3 storey building (Villa Albertoni) with a large courtyard & terrace and very liberal use of barbed wire to enclose the Prisoners compound. There is a SHAEF report from February 8th 1945 reporting the camp marching south westwards across Bohemia towards Nuremburg against its original intention to move to Goerlitz (Gorlitz) - Stalag VIIIa. A potato drying factory near the village of Grauschwitz/Mugeln with 23 US POWs. Airey Neave was sent there in May 1941 after escaping from his previous camp. Opened originally in October 1942 it was recorded as having 101 other ranks on December30th 1942. Between 1939 and 1945 1 million POWs of 46 nations passed through. Oflag IX-A/Z Rotenburg An Der Fulda Hessen-Nassau, Prussia 51-09. The orderly estimated that 20% of the 120 French general officers favoured cooperation with Germany (with many freed to join the Vichy government), 30% favoured the Allies, and 50% were neutral. But, between 1939 and 1945, it was famously used as a prisoner of war camp to house British and Allied Officers who had previously escaped from other camps, or were deemed to be a high security risk. They were liberated by the British 11th Armoured Division on 1 May 1945. 43703 (10303 British) POWs with 558 officers were processed through this centre and distributed amongst the many work camps locally. Ben Macintyre has done it again. Kriegslazarett Kriegslazarett-Abteilung 604 - Military Hospital in theRheinpaltz area. Many of the prisoners also found inventive ways to get under the skin of their captors. Stalag III-B Frstenberg/Oder/Brandenburg. Even though the camp housed civilians, it continued to be operated by the German Army. H 203 Ospedale Castel St. Pietro, Bologna, CC 38 Civilian Internment CAMP Arezzo Italy 43-12, CC77 (was Dulag 226) Pissiguano Italy 43-12. There was an outbreak of typhus in early 1942. After the war Fort Rauch was completely demolished and a college now stands on the site. $12.10M, Approved Covering 50 hectares (120 acres) the camp contained a kitchen, bakery, latrines and bathhouse, and was surrounded by a double barbed-wire fence with five gates and four guard towers (later increased to nine). In June 1944 senior American officers captured in the Battle of Normandy were sent to Oflag 64. In 1943 2,500 British Commonwealth soldiers came from the battles in Italy, and later in the same year an undefined number of Italian soldiers came from Albania. 1940: In October, Donald Middleton, Keith Milne, and Howard Wardle (a Canadian who joined the RAF just before the war) became the first British prisoners at Colditz. It was not a single camp, being split into several compounds each autonomous to some degree. Sandbostel lies 9 km south of Bremervrde, 43 km northeast of Bremen. Only Dutch officers and a few Soviet officers remained. | As usual with Oflags the other ranks were there mainly for use as orderlies to the officers. 45 officers held here in a convent, originally opened November1941. Fort 12 (XII) named after Wladyslawa Jagielty. Absolutely brilliant. Near to the Main Leipzig Railway station with 25 patients. Drama, War. In March 1945 a large group of prisoners arrived in deplorable condition after marching the 500 miles from Stalag VIII-D in severe winter conditions. Stalag was short for Kriegsgefangenen-Mannschafts-Stammlager. Stalag 317 or (XVIII-C) Markt, Pongau (St. Johann) Salzburg, Austria, Stalag 326 or VI-K Forelkrug Uber Paderborn Westfalen, Prussia, Stalag 344 Lamsdorf (Formerly Stalag VIII- Silesia), Stalag 357 Oerbke (Near Fallingbostel) Prussia. Friesack Camp/Camp Friesack is a name commonly used to refer to a special World War II prisoner of war camp where a group of Irishmen serving in the British Army volunteered for recruitment and selection by the Abwehr (German Intelligence) and the German Army. A little known detail is that although Germany signed the agreement on the date of the issue they ratified it in 1934 (- after Adolf Hitler became Chancellor in March 1933)! 31,665 It was a fairly small camp with around 500 POWs, mostly Anzacs. An incomplete nominal card index to these records is located in the Document Reading Room at The National Archives. It was liberated by a Soviet armoured division on 28 April 1945. At the end of 1943 within Stalag VIII-B Teschen there were about 50,000 Soviet prisoners, and another 10,000 from other countries, including Great Britain, the Commonwealth and Italy. District IV In the Lower eastern part of Germany bordering the Czech Republic in the south and Poland in the east, nearest large city Magdeburg/Dresden. Originally opened in July 1942 to house up to 6,000 POWs, it held 5169 on 26th February 1943. Reserve Lazarett Heilanstalt Ueckermunde Pomerania, Prussia. In December 1939 it was taken over by the Army and used to house Polish prisoners sent to work in the area, especially the salt mines. Campo PG 66, on a flat stretch of ground on the outskirts of Capua, had been in use as a prisoner-of-war camp since early 1941, when a medical officer reported favourably on its food, water supply and sanitation, and the men stated that they were being well taken care of.. The National Archives holds over 100 files concerning the murder of 50 Allied airmen who escaped from Stalag Luft III in March 1944: an incident known as 'The Great Escape', during this escape it was planned to get up to 250 airmen out, in the event 76 escaped and 3 made home runs. Stalag Luft III Sagan-Silesia Bavaria (Moved to Nuremberg-Langwasser) Location N/E 49-11. The author himself narrates the audiobook - I truly enjoyed listening to the tales of this strange Nazi castle and the many brave men who were so determined to escape. Here the POWs were mostly made up from Australian and New Zealand other ranks and this was the main Italian POW cap for Anzacs from 1942, holding around 2000 by June that year. These are less 'sanitised' than the latter and sometimes include additional documents, annotations to the narrative, interrogators notes and Appendix B (see below). BBC News. Brad Dexter, Votes: Frederick Leister, This road (the SS448/Due Mari) is now reached via the E45 Autostrada 1st exit after Perugia. When the Soviet front approached, orders were given to move the prisoners to other camps further west. Translation of the German account of Neaves escapes from Stalag XXA (Thorn) on 16 April 1941 and later from Oflag IVC (Colditz) on 7 January 1942: According to Stalag XXA: on 16 April 1941, N disappeared on route to the dentist from Fort 15 and on 26 April 1941, he was recaptured by the Gestapo at Plock. From the 15th of August 1940 there were 356 officers and 140 other ranks. Clearly very well researched from German officer sources as well as Allied accounts. Searches are only made in response to written enquiries, and an hourly fee is usually charged. 6 November 1939 - 20 December 1940 Colonel Joachim von Loebecke, 20 December 1940 - April 1941 - Major von Stietencron, April 1941- late 1942 - Colonel von Muller, November 6, 1939 to 19th December 1940 - Colonel Rudolf Kalenski, 20th December 1940 -28 September 1941 - Colonel Wojciech Tyczynski, September 28 1941- late 1942 - Colonel Witold Dzierzykraj-Moravian, BAU & BN 21 Blechhamer, Oderberg Upper Silesia 50N-18E, E114 Gross Kunzendorf, stone quarry and factory, E354 Jgerndorf, saw mill & timer goods factory, E561 Tarnowtitz, railway depot loading and unloading trains, E706 Coal mine near Jaworzno, mostly Australians and New Zealanders, Work Battalion 21 Heydebreck Silesia 50-18, Westerburg POW Camp Hessen-Nassau Prussia 50-08. It should be noted that recently this source is not a complete roll of everyone who was in the Italian POW system for various reasons, although it's the only sdingle source that has the majority. Patrick O'Neal, PG Sylt- SS Concentration camp 1027 persons at peak, 300 died. Ahntastic Adventures in Silicon Valley Stalag XVIII-C Markt Pongau, Austria (also known as Stalag 317). Stalag 20A was enlarged in the second half of 1941, from Torun-Podgorza in the direction of Glinki. This camp also housed Civilian internees from the Channel islands sent there for punishment. It is clear that other reports were produced, for example, those with a reference starting PW/REP/IT. The camp was liberated by the U.S. Ninth Army on 12 April 1945. Used as a Transit Camp. Part of the wages earned was transferred to a Mutual Fund . The main camp was located in a complex of fifteen forts that surrounded the whole of the city. Headquarters for this camp were situated in a castle overlooking the town. There were seven sub camps, including Gamba, Cremona and Torbole. Other camps in this area identified in SHAEF reports in 1944. The successful escapes by Lt. Michael Duncan and Captain O'Sullivan were documented extensively at the time by British Intelligence. Among the Italian prisoners, were mostly soldiers who did not surrender to the German army after the Cassibile armistice (The armistice with the Allies where the Italian forces changed sides). Those Allied prisoners held there were known as "difficult" because they had escaped or attempted to escape from other camps. The previously marked Secret files from SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force) 254-1 files held at the National Archives (1,036 pages long) under reference WO229/5/0/1. Stalag IV-D Torgau (Elbe) Sachsen, Prussia Location N/E 51-13. In June 1940, Belgian and French POWs were housed in the former Bergen-Belsen construction workers camp. Stalag 316 Wolknowysk (Vawkavysk, Belarus). Despite these precautions, Upham bolted from his little courtyard, straight through the German barracks and out through the front gate of the camp. With John Mills, Eric Portman, Frederick Valk, Denis Shaw. Placed on swampy ground, with a damp, cold climate, it is one of the most notorious prisoner-of-war camps. Established in 1939 to house Polish soldiers captured in the course of the September Campaign, with time it was extended to house also Belgians, French, Italian, Serbian and Soviet soldiers. It housed 600 POW's - British, French, Belgium, Dutch and Poles. The record series WO 344 consists of approximately 140,000 Liberation Questionnaires completed by British and Commonwealth servicemen, with a few from other Allied nationals and merchant seamen. Only two of the escapees managed to return to France. District VII Nearest city Munster in the North West region of Germany. All PW camps in Italy had postal marks which indicated the central postal reception area for the camps mail, several camps could (and did) have the same code as it was area based. In the spring of 1942 only 500 Soviet POWs remained alive in the camp, all were then executed. Originally, Stutthof was a civilian internment camp under the Danzig police chief. Kazimierz is in the centre of Krakow: the old Jewish quarter including the area when Oskar Schindler's factory was located. | Other nominal card indexes are located in the Document Reading Room at The National Archives. After ten days they arrived at Frankenberg, but were challenged by soldiers suspicious of their uniforms. Everyone would scramble for what they could get. The maps were taken from Wikipedia for the German camps only Wehrkreis and from publications, which can be seen in our historical documents collection on this site. I was fortunate enough to visit Colditz Castle, 25 miles south-east of Leipzig, in July last year when on holiday in Germany. Marlag und Milag Nord, the camps for captured Navy personnel and civilian sailors respectively, were originally in two separate enclosures at the Sandbostel camp. Stars: Fort 16 (XVI) named Kolejowy or Railway. New buildings; Textile Works near Railway Line in two Sections, Nearest Airfield Macerata. Infrastructure of the camp consisted of four two-storey blocks, a gymnasium, two administrative buildings, four garages, and a large parade ground. Opened originally in May 1942, 460other ranks were reported here on December30th 1942., this may well be the figure for all of the work camps however. 49 Fontallenato Reggio nell'Emelia (Parma). Part of the facilities were used as Oflag XIII-A for officers. Ben Macintyre and his 2022 book Colditz. Approximately 4,700 U.S. infantrymen were held there, far exceeding the capacity of the camp and resulting in very severe overcrowding, even after their officers and NCOs were later transferred to other camps. Use on websites that are primarily information-led, research-oriented and not behind a paywall. Lieutenant Airey Neave was the first British officer to make a successful escape from Colditz, one of the most famous POW camps. In April 1945 many POWs were force marched away from the camp where they met advance units of the US army in May. As in other permanent camps the sheets on the beds were the biggest surprise to new arrivals. Besides, many reports include appendices which can provide the names and addresses of civilian helpers, nature of help given, and relevant dates; details of the escape method and fellow POWs who assisted in an escape; the usefulness of officially provided escape aids, which ones were used, and suggested improvements and/or additions. 189 officers held here in an ex Monastery, as of 26/2/43originally opened May 1942. Vas du das Krieg est uber" - "For You the War is over." 14,425 There was a Military Hospital nearby at Ascoli(Piceno) Old Palace with Colonnade and gardens, situated in the town itself. Opened in July 1941 in Suwalki/Sudauen in Poland (also known as Stalag IF see listing) mostly housing Soviets, a very large number of deaths were reported here from a peak population of over 100,000 men. The artillery fired from the positions next to the camps, but fortunately had moved away by the time the British Guards Armoured Division liberated the camps on 27 April 1945. In September 1943, as the Italian government neared collapse, the inmates of Sulmona heard rumours that the evacuation of the camp was imminent. On 9 April 1945 the guards at Milag-Marlag moved out and were replaced by older men, presumably local Volkssturm. Medical reports on conditions in POW camps, with some reports on escapes, are among the Medical Historian's Papers in WO 222/1352-1393. | A contagious disease ward type hospital named Leipzig Wahren Lazarett belonging to this camp was situated close to the local gas works and railway station & consisted of 2 long stone buildings. Mark Robson Stars: Also noted in USSME files as PG 60, possibly some confusion within the records? In April 1941, a French officer, Alain Le Ray, become the first prisoner ever to escape from the Colditz Castle. On liberation report of 20/12/44 this hospital housed 6 Soviets, 15 Poles, 30 British Indians, 73 Yugoslavs and 184 Italians and 72 French most were evacuated to Marseleilles via Bayon on11/12/44, except for the French who were moved to Luneville. Some of the Dutch prisoners escaped when en route to Neubrandenburg camp via train by jumping from the boxcars and managed to get home. It was in Stanislau, a city that until 1918 was part of Austria-Hungary in the interwar years under the Polish name Stanislawow. Norderney camp housed European (usually Eastern but including Republican Spaniard) and Soviet enforced labourers. The barracks were divided into rooms each accommodating 14 to 18 men who slept in two and three-tiered bunks. Their task included settling financial claims and making recommendations for awards to helpers, the latter being done in conjunction with the Americans and the Intelligence Services of the countries concerned. Two officers; Lieutenant Denis Kelleher RNVR, and Lieutenant Stewart Campbell, FFA, escaped from Marlag in early 1944, wearing blue overalls to cover their uniforms, and managed to reach England within 22 days, having been smuggled to neutral Sweden on a ship from Bremen. Located in a building that was previously a school, closed early in April 1945. In January 1943 the camp at Spittal became a Zweiglager ("Sub-camp") of Wolfsberg, and was redesignated as Stalag XVIII-A/Z. This was the only Nazi concentration camp on British soil. Hello, Sandbostel lies 9 km south of Bremervrde, 43 km northeast of Bremen. In Poznan itself, three forts were used to house PoWs; Rauch, IIIA and VIII. To the south were four more blocks; three were for senior officers, while the fourth housed their ordonnance ("orderlies"). Other mainly administrative and policy files on merchant navy POWs are dispersed among FO 916, MT 9 (code 106), FO 371, WO 32 (code 91A). $10.85M, Approved Opened October 1940, closed March 1944 and redesignated as Oflag 67 (LXVII). Six were built of brick, while the seventh was wood. For further information on war crimes see related research guides. At one time there were over 30,000 jammed into facilities designed for 15,000. You should note, as with all historical records that any of these will be a snapshot in time of when the record was made originally & as such there are inevitable errors and ommissions, only by checking multiple sources (where available) can any certainty be possible. In July 1941 a group of officer-cadets were brought from Stalag II-A. We also have many records from the escape and evasion parts of the TNA, originally compiled by MI9, typically these are contained in the National Archives WO373 series which covers recommendations for awards and may also have transcribed citations in some cases. 117 min The treatment was a repetition of previous camps, with the exception of food, of which there was virtually none. Located at 53 degrees, 41 minutes North, 16 degrees, 55 minutes East in the far North of Germany on the Baltic coast. Broke into Kommandant's office, cut hole into storeroom, out of storeroom in German and Polish orderly uniforms. Prisoners lived in the soldiers barracks, equipped with 1-2 tables and a few stools, cupboards (one for two people) & mattresses. Details of ships captured or lost due to enemy action are in BT 373/1-359, searchable in Discovery, our catalogue, by ship's name. Closed following the mass outbreak of prisoners in the days after the Italian Armistice was announced on 8 September 1943. After an eight-week 500 kilometres (310 mi) march in bitterly cold weather they reached Stalag X-B and Marlag und Milag Nord in Sandbostel. The North Compound fell in with the West Compound at Spremberg and on 2 February entrained for Stalag 13D at Nurnberg, which they reached after a two day trip. In late summer 1941 Soviet prisoners from Operation Barbarossa arrived and were placed in a separate enclosure built south of the main camp. Vas du das Krieg est uber '' - `` for You the war is over.,. Senior American officers captured in the camp where they met advance units of the wages earned was to! Officers remained National Archives those Allied prisoners held there were seven sub camps, with the exception of food of... Ninth Army on 12 April 1945 inventive ways to get home Approved opened October 1940, closed March 1944 redesignated... Response to written enquiries, and was redesignated as Stalag 317 ) Castle 25! 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Rice County Deputy Death, Articles L