Some rely on intuition or perhaps channeled messages from spirit guides. 3. The twin flame energy present in you can help you regain memories from your previous lifetimes with your twin. Often, when we meet our twin flame, the connection is an instant, all-consuming, and psychic bond. This can be a sign that your twin flame is feeling intensely about somethingfar away from you. I Will Draw & Describe Your Twin Flame in 9 hours! Open Me Master Mindfulness, My Very Own Online Course: Back Free . However, they dont need one another to grow at this point. Weve both been maturing and doing our own thing for so quite some time. Confusion abounds! Twin flames are attuned to messages from the 5D higher dimension where our higher selves are already connected with our twin flame. (You don't have to worry about the shape of the spread; just lay them out in a way that makes sense to you!). Lead photo courtesy of RODNAE Productions/Pexels. This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. This is your personal guide to union and its incredibly important that you pay attention to what it has to say. Eventually, after a period of separation (years, not months), the couple will, in theory, come back together for a final union and be together in the physical realm. If youre in a situation where you cant be with your twin flame, it can be hard to tell where they stand with you. The universe advises us to take a step back, look at the bigger picture, and appreciate the progress we have made individually. I believe I do know why this card was pulled. Likely, when you meet them, it will feel like youre talking to someone you already know. Card #2 What lessons will we learn together in this life? Start every day with guidance from the cards. Its a connection so strong, neither of you will be able to miss it. Because of this, they can bring up many questions. Most importantly, it is a card of sacrifice and surrender. You might fight, argue and even hurt each other, but at the end of the day, you want the best for them. These cards are based on heraldry, symbolism, astrology, Celtic patterns, alchemy symbols, and much more! If you need help navigating your twin flame journey, you can use tarot cards to obtain insight. In the Rider-Waite illustration, 4 wands looks exactly like number 11- a number that commonly known as the numerological symbol of Twin flame connections. It is the card of unconditional love, which is a big part of Twin Flame journeys- letting the love flow without being attached to the outcome. I'm currently live now doing readings. With such an emotionally charged topic we can sometimes fall into the trap of twisting the message to suit our narrative. Position 8: My twin flame and I are mirrors of each other. When you meet your twin flame, they will be the only person on your mind. And if you're looking for a bit more guidance than that, Quinn suggests working with decks by artists and creators from marginalized communities, as well as a deck that you have a religious or ancestral connection to. Perhaps the emotions come with a burning desire to be with them, or sadness that things couldnt work out, or a hope that one day youll run into each other. In my opinion, only the people who go through the twin flame journey can truly understand the intensity of it. Just remember things will unfold in the way you need them to, but maybe not how you want them to. Remember this is not a generic website sending random cards based on your choices. The thing with this connection is that the partnership is very strong, and because of the intensity, twin flames have to separate from one anotherin order to find growth elsewhere. Many tarot readers use the Two of Cups or The Lovers tarot cards to identify a romantic or soulmate relationship. I was so fortunate to find out about twin flames after I met mine back in 2010. Here is a list of Tarot cards that represent different stages of a Twin Flame journey (in no particular order): This is the most obvious Twin Flame sign in Tarot. These tarot readings can help you answer specific questions surrounding a potential twin flame relationship. Twin flame sign - # 7 An Expression of Freedom. When they meet, there will be an instant sense of knowing and deep mental and physical passion. The Divine can help guide you if you are going through a rocky patch. Are you in a Twin Flame, Soulmate or Karmic Relationship and need some advice from the tarot? Position 9: What does my twin contribute to our twin flame relationship? Balance, purpose, moderation, and patience are some of the words associated with the Temperance card. They can be grounding and balancing, to your fiery and energetic. These are three of my favorite TF tarot spreads. 1111 is a mirror, and Twin Flames are two souls that once were one - and after a traumatic accident or death these souls split into two and reincarnated into different bodies. The Tarot can be used for any aspect of your life and using it for the twin flame connection is certainly a worthy cause. You cant mention Twin Flames without mentioning Tarot readings and probably TikTok; after all, how else do you check up on people without social media stalking them? Discover the key to your unique life path & personality, difference between a twin flame and a soulmate. Stages: Runner and Chaser, Challenges and Separation, Acceptance and Surrender. The Temperance is a very spiritual card, and it can indicate merging your essences into one with your Twin flame. If you purchase something mentioned in this article, we may. Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. Because your twin flame is literally part of you, you would never wish ill on them. Answer: The main difference is in a trauma bond; you feel like you cant leave even though you really want to. Im using the Wild Unknown Deck in these readings. Just let me know where to send it. This connection is not always romantic, but it is usually fast-paced and intense. Take special note if any of these cards pop up: The Lovers: The Lovers is the ultimate twin flame card. Its often that twin flame relationships are full of fire and intensitybut are not always meant to last. This card is about walking away from something that is a dead end, basically. The path to union is going to take work from both of you (not just the runner) and twin flames often have to face the most challenges together. While it can be saddening to think of a life without your literal other half, twin flames never really leave one another. There are several tarot cards that can represent both a twin flame union and twin flame reunion. "Knowing where somebody presently is with you is really insightful to know what kind of outcome you're going to get," she adds. A twin flame, or mirrored soul, is an intense and highly-cosmic relationship that can alter your life. It shows the cyclical nature of the universe and divine timing, which are crucial aspects of the Twin Flame journeys. Position 14: Describe the possible outcome of our twin flame journey. For the future of our connection, I pulled the Father or King of Cups. The nature of dreams, which brings up parts of your subconscious and unconscious mind, revealing innermost thoughts and desires, may also help you overcome blocks that prevent you from meeting your twin flame. Position 4: How can we apply these lessons to live a purposeful life? Thats okay. Card #3: What karmic lesson am I helping my twin with at this moment? I suppose if you have to ask the question, the answer is already no. So, interacting with a twin flame is never a trivial encounter. This card also means other things to me, like being mindful of the progress and lives we built individually. Position 9: How can I help my twin flame achieve enlightenment and become the best version of themselves? You can certainly see The Lovers card in your Twin Flame reading during union or reunion, but also before you meet them- while you are still yearning for the one. Definitely! Twin Flame Tarot Cards is a deck of 78 cards that will help answer your questions, reveal past or future events, and open the doorways to who you are. They are usually tumultuous and packed with lessons that push you into the highest version of yourself. Position 4: What advice can the Divine impart to resolve the problems were facing? Here is a list of Tarot cards that represent different stages of a Twin Flame journey (in no particular order): 1. Having a sudden flashback or memory (even if you don't remember living that memory) Feeling intense emotions that don't belong to you. Twin flame relationships bring up a lot of emotions and experiences on one's spiritual path, and this can lead to a lot of questions. They are always nearby. We have to communicate with each other respectfully and not intentionally push buttons to get a reaction or push each other away. Why? The number of questions you have will help determine how many tarot cards youd need in your spread. This card was a bit interesting because it means different things to different people. Image: Adobe. Tarot Guide of Twin Flames: 16 Cards That May Surprise You, Minor Arcana Tarot cards can also give you a lot of information about your Twin Flame- especially the Suit of Cups. I pulled the Five of Swords as the core issue in the connection. They arent healthy people for each other. If you are experiencing conflict in your connection, this reading can help you gain a better understanding of the lessons your souls are both trying to master. . Have you heard the cliche you cant know where youre going unless you know where youve been? Short answer: yes. Very similar custom tarot spreads. Different readers will do things in different ways. Once you have met your twin, you are never the same. The Twin Flame Dynamic spread, Twin Flame Energy spread, and the Twin Soul spread are some other helpful tarot spread options you can use. Position 3: How are we connected in our past lives? Basically, as the Twin Flames are mirrors of each other- The Devil is the shadow card of the Lovers. This eight-card twin flame spread from Quinn addresses many common twin flame-related questions. As tarot expert and author of Astrology SOS Imani Quinn tells mbg, tarot allows you to get a higher perspective on why this person is showing up in your life, so you can figure out how to navigate your relationship and where it is taking you. Position 5: How does my twin flame regard me? This is telling me that in order to support each other at this time, we both need to work through sadness within our connection to allow love and healing to grow. Mainly I started playing the violin as a way to cope, and thats become a lifelong love and hobby. The inevitable end of the relationship will start the growth and healing cycle of the DF. They bring up each other's shadows and insecurities, and they shine a light on the parts of ourselves we keep hidden that need healing. We shouldnt jeopardize our peace. Supposedly this is how you know; they weigh heavily on your mind years later, even when you dont speak. Twin flame relationships are known for being both challenging and healing, as a twin flame will show you your deepest insecurities and shadows. Youll continue to avoid and separate from each other until youre able to deal with this both together and apart and that first card is so incredibly important at getting an insight into where youve both been so far. My theory is pretty basic, Twin Flames are essentially a soulmate connection, but the universe poured too much spice into the equation. There is certainly quite a bit of sadness between us. The thing is, twin flames tell the brutal, honest truth. Will we know immediately that we are meant for one another? This is a far cry from what our relationship was like in the past, but it would be a welcome change in the present. Seeing this card in a tarot reading means youre building meaningful relationships with others. This card can also signify that we arent appreciating the progress that has been made within our connection. My favorites are the 5 Card Twin Flame Union Spread and the 5 Card Twin Flame Dynamic Spread because they give a deeper insight into the connection with some interesting questions but dont ask you to draw a large number of cards. Some offer more specific twin flame readings with decks made for the purpose or are heavily focused on the twin flame journey itself. Your twin flame releases certain parts of yourself that you didnt know were there in the first place. This spread goes a little deeper into where you and your twin are at within the connection, along with advice on how to move forward. Yet another part of me says he isn't because of the pain we both go through in this connection. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from State University of New York at Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York. As it dissolved, I took up new hobbies and started working on myself instead of focusing solely on the relationship. It can also mean that your twin flame is feeling intensely about you. A twin flame is not part of your soul group. Instead, its the second half of your own soulthat youre meeting again. What you want to know about your soulmate or twin flame is really the question to ask the tarot reader. At the same time, the cards call me out by saying that Im ignoring the progress he has made as well. Long answer: yes, but not if you keep pulling and pulling, hoping for a different outcome. Here is the spread: 1. As one of the most tedious (arguably the most) spiritual journeys an individual can endure, you need all the guidance you can receive. And thats exactly what The World represents. A soulmate is a soul that is part of your core soul group. They appear to help you evolve as a spiritual being. Love Psychic Readings $4.99 Per Minute. You can use tarot to help you navigate difficult periods, self-soothe, and manifest better outcomes. Because they were probably thinking about you! How can it possibly relate to Twin Flames? Often, when we meet our twin flame, the connection is an instant, all-consuming, and psychic bond. No twin flame reading is complete without understanding the present energetically. The Tower: The Tower is another card that will tell you whether the partnership has turned toxic. Others believe the cards can only give us guidance that leads us to the union but its only ourselves that can ever tell. And, its likely that, theyve probably dreamed about you that very night as well. She loves being able to share her knowledge and help people find the perfect deck on Tarot Technique. Thats especially true when it comes to delivering those harsh truths you arent always ready to hearlike, I love you enough to let you go, says Villanova. Both of you will keep and stick to your own personal freedom as this relationship praises freedom . Two indissoluble parts of the same life force can be a million miles apart, but their bond can never actually be severed or dismantled, says Villanova. This card focuses on love in all forms, new relationships of all types, and compassion. Whether you believe in the idea of a twin flame or simply think its a fun party trick, you cant deny that sometimes you meet someone you cant shake completely. Position 2: Wheres my twin flame emotionally and spiritually right now? With it, Twins may separate for a while in order to focus on themselves alone. Often, the person will be born within one day, on either side, of your birthdate. Somedays, I dont do much of anything but scroll TikTok and relax; I call those days Sundays. We lived on opposite ends of the planet; We met on Twitter (twin flames usually meet in weird ways) Whats the difference between a twin flame and a soulmate, you ask? I think the cards are saying that I've met someone (kow) who I strongly feel is my twin flame ( strength and 9 of wands). 9. How To Tell If You've Met Your Twin Flame And What To Do Next. Generally, the Lovers card signifies love and harmony in relationships. Regardless, the Hermit shows up when one or both twin flames are reflecting deeply on their journey. The Wheel of Fortune signifies good luck, karma, the ending and beginning of lifecycles, a turning point, and destiny. When you are together you are attached to one another, but free at the same time, enclosed but at the same time separated. The core issue is our love/hate relationship. Sarah Regan This tarot spread could also be used for a soulmate relationship if you are not in a relationship with your twin flame. Whats my twin flame trying to let me see about myself? I know I have learned a lot about perseverance, and Im sure they have too. A . So, why would it be any different when theyre not with you? When you have important life lessons to learn that take real concentration, sometimes a Twin Flame will incarnate elsewhere (or not at all, staying on the Astral) so that you can get your work done. First is emphasis or balance. This is not a normal relationship. So here are some signs that you're about to meet your twin flame. Below are some topics you might find interesting. This card can help you to do just that and this can be the key to knowing how you can help both of your journeys further towards twin flame union. Today. But they also help you overcome them and vice versa, and your twin flame will be equally affected by you. Seeing this card in a twin flame tarot spread reading is a possible sign of synchronicity. Twin Flame Mirror - Secret Messages From Your Person - Dialogue Oracle Deck by Dyan Garris. Tarot | Affirmation Card Holder | 3 Card spread. Use this tarot spread when you are unsure about your current connection and want to learn where you stand with your twin flame. Position 5: What outcome can we expect once our twin flame journey is complete? All rights reserved. Twin flame relationships are intense, packed with lessons and tremendous opportunities for growthbut they also bring up a lot of questions. The Tower moment is when Twin Flame journey goes from bliss to chaos, so it can be a strong indication of separation. There are those who believe the Tarot cant confirm or deny a true twin flame connection. Twin Flame Tarot Card Readings Can Tell You Who your Soulmate Is. It is rarely a story of finding the one then sailing into the sunset together. 9oW is about persistence. The bigger the spread, the more complicated the reading is. You can get a free online tarot reading with this deck on my site Free Angel Card Or are you kind of open to the idea that they could take different forms in your life?" When you see the Eight of Swords and you are chasing your Twin Flame, it is time to stop and choose yourself. "You'll definitely be sexually attracted to your twin flame," says Mystic Michaela. That said, you'll want to avoid repeatedly doing the spread if you don't like what the cards are telling you. Allowing myself to pull clarifiers as needed. Two of Wands: You and this person have the exact same thoughts, goals, and dreams. They are usually tumultuous and packed with lessons that push you into the highest version of yourself. So it won't take long. Proudly created with twin flames are never meant to walk this path alone and your higher self will always be there to gently push you in the right direction. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster. Aquarian Insight. This results in an intense soul connection between two people who are each other's "other half" or "mirror soul," so to speak. Position 3: How does my twin affect our overall twin flame energy? Twin flame relationships are intense. Twin Flame journey a highly debated topic. This card can help you to do just that and this can be the key to knowing how you can help both of your journeys further towards twin flame union. Born in a family of psychics, hes always been aware of his psychic abilities since childhood. Image: Getty; Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster. You might also want to take note of certain tarot cards that prove to react more with twin flame energies. Neither of you will be born within one day, on either,... Your soulmate is certain parts of yourself immediately that we are meant one... Story of finding the one then sailing into the highest version of yourself tarot use! We connected in our past lives and hobby when will i meet my twin flame tarot spread where youre going unless you know where been! Soulthat youre meeting again selves are already connected with our twin flame when will i meet my twin flame tarot spread dissolved... 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