Bedtime Bible Stories is compiled specifically to be read aloud to children before they go to sleep. Anycase, as I was going home, I`m thinking, should I take my belt and wack her, would that help, i dont know I just dont know. when the maid, bent down to clean the drawer where she messed and she slapped the maid, a hard slap on the face… Crystal, I was shocked when I heard that, my stomached turned! Tonight, there’s no better duo to tell the story of Zacchaeus than Mr. Drummond and Little Billy. In tonight’s episode, Tommy and Eddie help explain what the passage in Matthew 7:3-5 means. Download individually or save more when you buy them in a collection. When I got home, I learnt that my wife attended to the issue, got Casey to apologies and said that this will not go unpunished. but I'm glad you're here with me tonight if you have your spark story, Bible go ahead and go grab it looks like this. Tommy and Eddie bring the story to life like only they can, and you’ll learn what it means when God tells us that He will be with us. Let's celebrate Palm Sunday with a little magic when their friend John Michael Hinton stops by. Tommy and Eddie share the story of Jesus walking on water and Peter’s bold step of faith in a way that only The Skit Guys can do. Daily prayer, Bedtime Bible Stories, James Earl Jones Reads the Bible & More. Tommy and Eddie take on the roles of Peter and Andrew as they try to figure out what Jesus tells a rich young ruler who asks how to get eternal life. A visit to an unusual orchard in tonight's story helps Tommy and Eddie explain what it means to produce good fruit in our lives. Camera - The unique feature of the Bible Bedtime apps is that individuals can use their own images to illustrate the story. Tommy and Eddie bring the story to life with lots of laughs. May God truly bless you and your family. Joseph was favored by his dad, but his 11 brothers were jealous. Tonight the guys are joined by their friend, the fantastic illusionist John Michael Hinton. Sleep more soundly with Bedtime Bible Stories to help you learn the Bible before bed. What happens when Little Billy plays the part of Samuel and Mr. Drummond plays Eli? It’s the love of the Father for the whole world that brought Jesus to the earth. Download motion and still backgrounds and slides to use during your worship service. Listen to these bible stories for kids ages birth-elementary! Bedtime Story of God’s Comfort (1 Kings 19:1-18). I'm really glad that you joined us tonight for bedtime Bible stories I made a mistake that's supposed to be on Mondays and it's on Tuesdays this week so sorry about that. Tommy and Eddie present the greatest game show ever as they look at 1 Corinthians 13:13. Thanks for stopping by! My 10year old daughter is very disrespectful, rude, backchat, argue, i a parent dead etc etc…I also know that she tried to change as last week I encouraged her to go on a fast to overcome. “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” (John 6:9). You'll be reminded that Jesus came to earth because nothing is as important to God as His children, including you! Read and preview scripts that you can download and perform for your church, school, youth ministry, or other event. Personally, you have being a blessing to me. While we can only imagine, Tommy and Eddie bring this Old Testament story to life and remind us to use our words to build others up. { 4 comments… read them below or add one }. Children love Bible stories, especially when they are written in age-appropriate, easy-to-understand language. In this episode, Tommy and Eddie look at Isaiah 61:10. Tommy and Eddie share a story from Judges 6 tonight. Tuesday, November 3. Your little ones will love this collection of bedtime Bible stories as told by Matthew Kruse, a pastor at Seven Mile Road Church, just north of Boston, Massachusetts. Tonight, Tommy and Eddie explain what happened when Moses introduced the Ten Commandments. A calling from God isn’t limited to preachers, teachers, and missionaries. Is the Increase in Violence a Sign of the End Times? You’ve probably heard about Noah and the Ark, but you haven’t heard it in Bedtime Bible Stories with The Skit Guys! Watch as Tommy and Eddie demonstrate some not-so-great ways to pray as they remind us to be joyful in everything and pray without ceasing. The story of Samuel’s calling from God reveals how it’s never too early for a child to surrender their heart to Him and listen for His voice. Watch and download videos for sermon illustrations, announcements and teaching for use in your church, small groups, or other event. Two of the disciples tell a story as they try to interpret what's being said between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. In this episode, the guys tell about David and Goliath from 1 Samuel 17, and challenge you to think about the word courage. We’ve heard the story of the father’s forgiveness and unconditional love shown to the “prodigal son,” but what about the older brother? We're on page 100. Bedtime Story of God’s Compassion (Matthew 28:1-9). bible, Join Tommy and Eddie as they tell the story of Daniel in the lion’s den, from Daniel chapter 6. When Samuel approaches Jesse to find Israel’s next king, some of Jesse’s sons “audition” for the role, but it’s David who proves that he has a good heart and is worthy of leading Israel. In this episode, Tommy and Eddie bring back Grandma and Grandson to demonstrate the story of the persistent widow from Luke 18. A calling from God isn’t limited to preachers, teachers, and missionaries. Tonight, Tommy and Eddie look at the first of the beatitudes from Matthew 5 and demonstrate what humility and trusting God looks like. Now you can take The Skit Guys, er, um, The Flat Guys with you everywhere you go this summer! GET STARTED. As parents we can follow Eli’s example and give our children direct insight on how to hear from God through His word. As Tommy and Eddie unpack the parable of the wise and foolish builders from Luke 6:46-49, you’ll think about what it looks like to build your faith on a strong foundation. You’ll see several characters in tonight’s story. Tonight, find out what happens when Pharaoh let’s Moses and the rest of the Israelites leave (and then changes his mind). Bart and Thomas, two of the disciples, help Tommy and Eddie tell the story of the woman who anointed Jesus with her expensive perfume. Tonight, Tommy and Eddie introduce Hans and Frans to the BBS world. Make the most out of bedtime with 365 Read-Aloud Bedtime Bible Stories Children love Bible stories, especially when they are written in age-appropiate, easy-to-understand language. Cut em out, color em in, and take them on adventures! Bedtime Bible Stories is just the right pick for to young listeners in their in PJs, ready for stories about people used mightily by God to play important roles in society and in the story of faith. Snap pictures and videos and send them to or tag us on social media with @skitguys. Bedtime Bible Stories – Explicit! Come and see the place where he lay” (Matthew 26:8). Two of the disciples tell a story as they try to interpret what's being said between Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well. Written specifically for ages 3-8, this book has a year's supply of the best-loved Bible stories that will delight your children. She writes, speaks, and teaches with a passion to encourage women with Biblical truths. They share why it helps to follow God's plan (and what they call Daniel's Diet) and work out your spiritual muscles. As Tommy and Eddie retell the story from 1 Samuel 3:1-10, you’ll find out what it means to truly listen to God. Tommy and Eddie retell the parable of the Prodigal Son that Jesus shared with His followers. After reading the story of Noah’s ark, we can remind our children that God will take care of them for the rest of their lives as they choose to live for Him. Tonight, Tommy and Eddie bring brothers Cain and Abel to life as they share the story from Genesis 4. Bedtime Bible Stories are made to help you rest better, fall asleep faster, and wake up revitalized. Things get a little hairy as Tommy and Eddie tell the story of the brothers Jacob and Esau. Wednesday, November 4. Children love Bible stories, especially when they are written in age-appropriate, easy-to-understand language. In tonight’s story, Tommy and Eddie share the miracle Jesus performed when he fed more than 5,000 people with just three loaves and two fish (which, in this story, come from a precocious boy named Billy). Hear the story of Jesus’ resurrection and get a few chuckles (or belly laughs) before bed! As Tommy and Eddie tell the story of Abraham and Isaac from Genesis 22, you'll laugh as you learn about God's special delivery. The story of Elijah will remind your children how God will comfort them in trouble as they turn to Him. Looking for some hope and humor? It’s amazing what believing children can do for God when they’re saturated with correct teaching about Jesus’ resurrection through the love of God. In this exciting (and entertaining) conclusion to Joseph’s story, you’ll meet Potiphar and Potiphar’s wife, and see Joseph’s brothers come to him in need. When God called out to Samuel, he wasn’t sure who was calling; however, he was confident that someone did. We can’t wrap our children in bubble wrap spiritually, emotionally, nor physically to keep them from harm. TikTok. Come discover Tribbledy Tibbledy Libbledy Dooth who would never ever tell the truth, a talking sandwich, the boy who never quit eating, a kid with a beard and so much more. The key to children remembering particular verses is the repetition as well as the daily applications of  everyday life. It's not a story about denominations, but about how John the Baptist was working to prepare the way for Jesus. Record yourself or your family singing or playing our theme song, and we may use it in an upcoming episode! The parking ministry angel visits Gideon, shows some amazing signs to Gideon, and reminds him that God is constant and is going to be with him. Joey Kirkman had been awarded the Certificate of Acknowledgement for Leadership from the North Carolina House of Representatives in March of 2013 for activism during the 2012 Amendment One debate. Wednesday, November 25. Bedtime Bible Stories: More Than 180 Faith-Building Readings For Kids 5-8 (9781628369601) Various: Books Tonight Tommy and Eddie share the story from John 5:1-9 about the time Jesus healed a man by a pool. The Lord graciously provided food for his physical body and spoke to him in a gentle whisper to encourage his spirit. Make the most out of bedtime with 365 Read-Aloud Bedtime Bible Stories Children love Bible stories, especially when they are written in age-appropiate, easy-to-understand language. Tommy surprises Eddie with tonight’s story, calling on Eddie to act out all the parts in the story of the Good Samaritan. You’ll laugh along with the guys and think about what it means to give what you can. Watch as Tommy and Eddie reenact the story from Luke 18:15-17 as a grandma and grandson. In this episode, the Bedtime Bible Story comes from Mark 4:35-41. 1 Chronicles 16:11 Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually! The brothers cause a lot of troubles in Joseph’s life and throw him down a well (but God was with him). Get a membership for up to 6 family members for just $79.99. They'll remind you to continue to ask God for what you need. When Tommy and Eddie look at the story of three friends from the book of Daniel, you’ll crack up while watching the story of their unwillingness to worship King Nebuchadnezzar. Will you miss having Tommy and Eddie bringing Bedtime Bible Stories to your home during the summer? Every night, Tommy and Eddie will share a Bible story with you, make you laugh, and point you to the hope we find in Jesus. You’ll love when “Stevie” and “Danny” come to reenact the story, and you’ll be challenged to think about what makes a good friend. As they bring back some 90s cartoon icons, Tommy and Eddie remind us that we serve the King of kings, and we can trust that God is always leading us. Key Selling Points. They come up with a tasty way to demonstrate the difference between a speck in someone else’s eye versus a plank in your own eye, challenging us not to judge other people. Tommy and Eddie show what it might have been like in that sibling relationship where one brother compares himself to the other. Zeb and Zach trick and treat each other, and Tommy and Eddie remind us that God will never trick us. Please include at least one social/website link containing a recent photo of the actor. It’s not the times when everything is going our way that we are most aware of God, but rather when life is difficult and hard to explain. was hatched out of an exasperation with how America's religious leaders manipulate the media and the public for their own ends. Our children need to know deep in their hearts how much God cares for them. 25 Encouraging Bible Verses About Strength, Words of Encouragement: 30 Uplifting Quotes. 50 Bedtime Bible StoriesThis wonderful collection of stories from the Bible has been rewritten especially for very young children in straightforward and engaging language and is filled with beautiful and imaginative illustrations. Sitemap | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Advertise, Bedtime Story of God’s Care (Genesis 5:29-9:29). Watch Tommy and Eddie reenact the story from Matthew when the devil tries to tempt Jesus in the wilderness. Tommy and Eddie present Philip and Andrew, who try to figure out what the greatest commandment is, but are surprised Jesus says it all comes down to loving God and loving your neighbors. Wednesday, November 11. When Elijah follows God’s instruction to ask a poor widow for food, he encounters her young son (possibly named Billy, it’s not clear in the Bible). App TV Spot, 'Bedtime Bible Stories: Get Comfy' Submissions should come only from the actors themselves, their parent/legal guardian or casting agency. Your new bedtime bible stories with excellent christian bible stories, easy to use, fast and completely free. As they look at Matthew 6, Tommy and Eddie have Grandma and Grandson help explain why we don't need to worry about anything. Listen as Tommy and Eddie share the story of the miracle of Jesus healing a man with leprosy. Bedtime Bible Stories in Bostonian! Tonight, Tommy and Eddie act out the story from Acts 16, when Paul and Silas cast a demon out of a fortune teller and were put in prison. Please help. Tommy and Eddie share the story of Pharoah's stubborn refusal to let God's people go, reminding us we should always guard ourselves against a hard-heart. Bible For Children exists to make Jesus Christ known to children by distributing illustrated Bible stories through: the Web, Cell Phone/PDAs, printed color tracts and coloring books, in many languages. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail, Previous post: Who Are The Gentiles? Tommy and Eddie explain what it means to be a cold drink of water for someone. Their skit will remind you that you don't need to be afraid, because God is bigger than the booger monster. Persecution will come at our children hard and fast; therefore, they need to know the comfort of the Lord when everything around them is uncomfortable. Find out what grace looks like when Jesus invites this “wee little man” to dinner. Bedtime Stories, As they look at Hebrews 10:24, Hans and Frans are here to encourage and pump you up, and challenge you to build others up. The greatest story of love that we can share with our children is about Jesus’ birth leading to His resurrection. A new friend joins Tommy and Eddie tonight to celebrate Easter! What happens when God gives Balaam’s donkey words to speak? If you're loving the nightly Bedtime Bible Stories with The Skit Guys, why not try to become part of the show? Tommy and Eddie tell the story of Good Friday and the hope that we can find in the darkness that came after Jesus’ crucifixion. Tommy and Eddie look at Matthew 5:4 and a couple airline pilots demonstrate what it looks like when you hold onto things and don't let go. Tonight, Eddie puts on a hat, Tommy puts on a mustache, and they put on a skit showing what might have happened. Jesus used to show miracles to people and to his disciples. Tommy and Eddie will tell you all about how Noah learned (and we can too) that God is our refuge. Aside from laughing out loud at Eddie’s characters, you’ll learn about how God used Esther, and think about how God can use you “for such a time as this.”. Imagine being one of the shepherds who was visited by an angel announcing the arrival of the Savior! All believers in Christ Jesus have a calling to follow Him, share the Good News with unbelievers, and disciple other people in the faith. Mr. Drummond tries to teach Little Billy a new song about how to share Jesus with the world, but Little Billy takes it too literally. John helps Tommy and Eddie tell the story from Exodus 16 about God providing manna every day to the people in the wilderness. Tommy and Eddie share some nuggets of wisdom, highlights from fans, and pretty awesome special effects to wrap up the season with a bang! “Then Samuel said, ‘Speak, for your servant is listening’” (1 Samuel 3:10). You won’t believe your eyes either when God appears to Moses as a burning bush in tonight’s episode. Elijah ran from Jezebel after performing one of the greatest miracles of all time. Our children will grow up to do greater works for Jesus when they believe that God’s control in good and bad times. 365 Read-Aloud Bedtime Bible Stories, written specifically for ages 3 to 8, has a year's supply of the best-loved Bible stories that will delight your children. Download Bible Bedtime and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. “God loves each of us as if there were only one of us"- Augustine, Copyright © 2010-2021 Telling Ministries LLC. Twitter Looking for something specific? There are ten new stories ready … Eddie takes on the role of Samson while Tommy plays Delilah in tonight’s episode as we look at Judges 16 and the secret behind Samson’s strength. ‎Read and share classic Bible stories with your kids. Bedtime Story of God’s Control (John 6:1-15). Even though their world may feel like chaos at times, our children will rest in assurance of God’s ability to provide and keep them. Tonight, Tommy and Eddie retell the story of the tower of Babel. God’s blessing to you Shane for your kindness. Bedtime Bible Stories S2E14: Woman at the Well. He was exhausted inside and out; Elijah needed comfort from God. Encourage them to walk righteously and follow God faithfully as Noah did. When Sarah laughed at God's plan for her to have a baby in old age, she probably didn't laugh as hard as you will when Tommy and Eddie reenact this Old Testament story. Tommy and Eddie share a funny video and teach about why Jesus rode in on a donkey. Looking for a Family Plan? The story of God’s compassion needs to be told all year round with our children and not just during the holidays. This Bedtime Bible Story will get you thinking about excuses we make in our own lives. 5 Great Bible Stories about Jesus for Kids. Casey is a child that come out 1st in her class/grade (she is one of the schools top learners), Casey excels in karate, people just cannot believe this sweet little go can be giving us such torture. 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