Tpd and ci coverage riders are only until age 75. personal accident rider is until 65. riders are required for the plan. 0000010437 00000 n
0000256446 00000 n
0000029237 00000 n
AIA's comprehensive medical solution gives you up to RM 1.5 million coverage every year. 0000006799 00000 n
Coverage is not available everywhere and varies based on a number of factors. According to the deputy minister, mental health was a major problem in Malaysia, but proper coverage provided by insurance companies would help those who require assistance in times of need. 0000003633 00000 n
Annual Preparticipation Physical EVALUATION, Form 15.7-A. The AIA Guaranteed Protect Plus (II) provides coverage for death and total and permanent disability, and allows you to boost this coverage by 2X, 3X or 5X for greater financial assurance up to age 65 or 75. Cons. 0000004476 00000 n
2020-21 AIA Meeting Dates. AIA Medical Card A‑Plus Med Booster Arranged By ACPG Management Sdn Bhd +603-92863323, +6011-12239838 A‑Plus Med Booster Medical Protect… 0000029938 00000 n
0000003332 00000 n
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0000030110 00000 n
Vitality Booster Percentage will change based on your AIA Vitality Status at every Vitality Booster Anniversary. With the aim to encourage Singaporeans to … 0000028535 00000 n
CONTACT US. Vitality Booster Percentage will change based on your AIA Vitality Status at every Vitality Booster Anniversary. 2020-21 Fiscal In-Service Dates. trailer
0000012883 00000 n
AIA Medical Card A‑Plus Med Booster Arranged By ACPG Management Sdn Bhd +603-92863323, +6011-12239838 A‑Plus Med Booster Medical Protection Coverage Period UP TO 100 YEARS OLD Entry Age 14 DAYS - 70 YEARS OLD WHAT IS THIS PRODUCT ABOUT A-Plus MedBooster complements A-Plus Med and A-Life Med Regular to increase your medical protection levels to help … vitality program coverage boost is applied to all funds/ riders. 0000008157 00000 n
You may add on critical illness rider/s to further bolster your overall protection.
0000030013 00000 n
<<66F3EA7E0D10D944AC7FF34018CEBEEF>]/Prev 1394519>>
With affordable premiums that will not go up with time, the plan offers 100% cancer insurance coverage of up to S$250,000 for early, intermediate or major stage cancer. Offer & coverage not available everywhere or for all phones/networks. 0000030256 00000 n
Accident Benefit Booster. 0000023954 00000 n
AIA Conference Region Scheduling Timeline - 2020-2022. In an inaugural address, incoming AIA 2021 President Peter Exley shares his goals for the year ahead, including the critical role architects have to play in helping society create a healthy and prosperous world that promotes racial justice and moves the needle on climate action. <]/Prev 1089159>>
AIA A-Plus Med Booster-i Medical Card Enjoy the benefits of having no lifetime limit, a higher annual limit and coverage options that you can choose with AIA A-Plus Med Booster-i Medical Card. AIA Vitality StatusChange in Vitality Booster Percentage Vitality Booster is determined by multiplying the current Vitality Booster Percentage with the account value (excluding account value from regular top-up and ad hoc top-up premiums), subject to a maximum 50% of your basic plan’s coverage amount. With A-Plus Health Booster, your medical safety net is extended to a higher annual limit of up to RM1.5 million. 0000004041 00000 n
Payments in 12 or 20 years depending on your budget. 0000003892 00000 n
A-Plus Med Booster. %%EOF
Caring in All Weathers Explore our … Entry Age. New Sports Medicine Policy 41 in effect ... A-Plus Health Booster: A-Plus Health: A-Life Cancer360: A-Life Wealth Care . Insurance; Retirement; Vitality; Recent Updates. During the Loyalty & Engagement Awards 2020, insurance company AIA Singapore bagged the gold award for Best Use of CSR. 0000036151 00000 n
0000028889 00000 n
To enjoy the AIA Vitality insurance benefits, you must have a valid AIA Vitality membership and be the insured of the eligible AIA insurance policy at the point of purchase. Free COVID-19 special coverage for 2.6 million customers, employees and their dependents, and AIA Insurance Representatives. Customers can also automatically enjoy an MPA booster 13 of up to 35% while AIA Vitality members can enjoy an additional AIA Vitality Power Up Coverage 6 boost of up to 15%, bringing the total MPA value to as high as 150% of the premiums paid during the term. AIA life planner. Qualified Medical Professional/EMT Coverage at AIA Post Season Events. 0000002736 00000 n
0000000016 00000 n
AIA Plans with AIA Vitality Benefits. 0000004352 00000 n
0000011499 00000 n
Annual Preparticipation Physical EXAMINATION, Form 15.7-B. Vitality Wealth Booster. Caring in All Weathers Explore our … 0000008734 00000 n
0000009318 00000 n
AIA offers the following rider: AIA Max VitalHealth, which can be added to any of the three AIA HealthShield Gold Max plans. H��Uˎ�F��+�8:���n��#o�`#�`A�X{��f�F�>Uli6��@�RS|��
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~rM@?I@܋�>��r�ȯ��.(ꬿ The Malaysian insurance and takaful industries have committed to the government’s call for public and private partnerships to manage the COVID-19 pandemic, a statement from the Life Insurance Association of Malaysia (LIAM) read. 0000007612 00000 n
0000000876 00000 n
If an excess is payable you will only pay it once per life assured per policy year and not for every claim, and some benefits do not have an excess at all. %�h�2)�cs��W���[[� ������a�C�w�w�M``�8>M��L�\@�LW_��Ė��E���ey�ˤ�Z�-,��N��Ut�E���IyDŽ�����ω< }U��4̷Q[��1�b���io��Vt���^^£���1�M@`��'3G�$�
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Insurance; Retirement; Vitality; Recent Updates. Search for: Search Categories. WHAT IS THIS BENEFIT ABOUT? Cons. Vitality Booster amount is determined by multiplying the current Vitality Booster Percentage with the account value (excluding account value from Ad Hoc Top-up Premium and Regular Top-up Premium, if any), subject to a maximum of 50% of your basic plan’s coverage amount. vitality program coverage boost is applied to all funds/ riders. 0
For more information on AIA Max VitalHealth and its premium rates, please refer to tables below. �&� �:�l�(���8a�N�\2�;Fbء��Cl:W��t�\�=����i�S�9��.�R���k���"O�Sk�Ȏ�a;�- �� �4Sx��Y{�Nwr �$0�t�w�{ۀ�j�:Aq���J��♌��9�ȷ�@UG7��C gh�,��9��*sDeq�����a~^���~)Ƹ���!�K�hu�+j�Fe�
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0000030834 00000 n
AIA offers you both coverage for Death and Total and Permanent Disability, coverage amounts are based on your needs and abilities with a maximum sum assured of RM100,000. This special coverage will … View Eligibility. Coverage Period. Caring in All Weathers Explore our … Usage limitations apply. AIA's comprehensive medical solution gives you up to RM 1.5 million coverage every year. %PDF-1.4
Vitality Wealth Booster is determined by multiplying the higher of current Vitality Wealth Booster Percentage or the Locked-in Vitality Wealth Booster Percentage with the higher of 1% of your coverage amount or Wealth Account Value, subject to a maximum 20% of your coverage amount. 0000003070 00000 n
Contact us at 1-844-817-8093. 0000002276 00000 n
AIA Singapore had introduced coverage for five different types of mental health illnesses earlier this year in January, a move that was lauded by our Deputy Health Minister Dr Lee Boon Chye. Get adequate coverage for your home, or when you travel so you can have peace of mind knowing that you are prepared for the unexpected. 1�cп��Wf;k�����OA�\6�O�UN=������ě-���1u�-��:�^�|;9��X���Ѝu��H*9�S�?=7�枝�M]�es3�x� 322 0 obj
0000014018 00000 n
0000005342 00000 n
0000006490 00000 n
AIA Guaranteed Protect Plus (II) Special While you have critical illness coverage already bundled in your plan, you can further boost it with Critical Protector Life (II) rider to draw an advance payout from the death benefit, if you are diagnosed with any of the covered 43 major stage critical illnesses until age 100. %PDF-1.7
618 0 obj
All AIA policyholders will be able to redeem AIA Vitality rewards which will give you additional coverage of up to 25% on top of your 5x boosted coverage. It provides you with additional annual limit, enhanced out-patient benefits and extra benefits through our Health Wallet, such as health screening, vaccinations and etc. Vitality Wealth Booster is an additional benefit given to you when you sign up as an AIA Vitality member upon the purchase of A-Life Wealth Care.Depending on the healthy choices you make, you may receive additional value* when your policy matures, when your policy terminates due to death, or upon 100% payment of the TPD benefit, without having to pay additional premium. 0000002765 00000 n
0000029206 00000 n
0000001136 00000 n
optional waiver of premium rider. 0000002195 00000 n
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r �(�ºłX`�u�s���! A-Plus Health Booster is an optional medical rider that can be attached to the A-Life Med Regular plan to boost your medical coverage. 0000015106 00000 n
0000028825 00000 n
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AIA Investment-Linked plans (ILPs) offer potential investment returns that helps you achieve your financial goals. On top of that, you will also receive 24 hour worldwide assistance to ensure that you get to have medical attention no matter where you are. Coverage Booster will be terminated when one of the following happens: when the claims payments made in total for benefits under the Coverage Booster reach the Coverage Booster Amount (50% of Initial Sum Assured for the insured’s age 30 or below at policy issue or 35% of Initial Sum Assured for the insured’s age 31 or above at policy issue); �n�K;��M0N��B��3@��ۍ�)����m�U΅V9j�s)�����
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0000016319 00000 n
0000004715 00000 n
0000010330 00000 n
1 YEAR OLD - 60 YEARS OLD. 2021 AIA President's Inaugural Message. VITALITY WEALTH BOOSTER. View Eligibility. CHOOSE YOUR PREFERRED TYPE OF COVERAGE. 0000027376 00000 n
optional waiver of premium rider. AIA MultiStage Cancer Cover is a cancer insurance policy that provides 20 years of coverage during the crucial income-earning years of one’s life. Accident Protection. 086 999 242. This booster will be especially useful if you become permanently disabled. During the first 10 years of the policy, we will provide a Coverage Booster which is an additional one-off payment applicable to 54 critical illnesses (including 53 major illnesses and 1 minor illness) or the death benefit. Life insurers and takaful operators have granted COVID benefits even without coverage. h�b```f``��������A���,�@"��t@4sCTѷE���-I�b���A��/�y3Ä�� 0000012697 00000 n
CONTACT US. Get Covered Now Greater Medical Protection Learn More *Domestic voice roaming: Available on select monthly plans and select devices. 0000029452 00000 n
What’s more, you can boost your premium discount and additional coverage with a higher AIA Vitality status as you get healthier and fitter. 0000002088 00000 n
577 42
Booster AIA Max VitalHealth A Emergency and Outpatient Care Booster Name of Policy Owner (if different from Insured) ... Coverage and/or Application for AIA Max VitalHealth Plan If your answer to any of the questions below is “Yes” please give details in the space provided under Remarks quoting the question number. A-Plus Hajj is a takaful plan that provides you with a complete protection during the desired pilgrimage trip. Talk to a life planner. The Little Changes Challenge rewards you with digital badges, however Philam Vitality offers tangible rewards such as discounts on products and insurance premiums, and a coverage boost on select AIA Philam Life insurance plans. 1 2 A-Plus Health Booster A-Plus Health Booster A-Plus Health Booster is an optional add-on medical benefit (“rider”) that you can attach to an A-Life Med Regular plan. 322 29
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0000034595 00000 n
0000009097 00000 n
Categories. 0000020451 00000 n
0000000016 00000 n
Protect Boost; With AIA Vitality, you may enjoy additional Health Rewards, depending on your AIA. AIA is committed to extending cover to give protection to more people, which is why we are the first in the market to expand our protection to individuals with benign conditions that could potentially increase the risk of cancer. Free extra coverage if you are an AIA Vitality member; Guaranteed cash value; Unique multiplier feature to boost your coverage for death by 2x, 3x and even 5x, up to the age of 65 or 75 and thereafter continue to enjoy a lifetime of protection till age 100. You can buy this via . Such Coverage Booster is not affected by any benefit payment for early stage critical illness and severe child disease. The higher the excess the lower your premium. With AIA A-Plus Med Booster Medical Card, you will have lifetime coverage up until the age of 100 with no problems or cuts to your coverage. 0000029821 00000 n
Tpd and ci coverage riders are only until age 75. personal accident rider is until 65 . ����>�%6�t4\�
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0000013917 00000 n
View Eligibility. TRAVEL & LIFESTYLE Why Travel & Lifestyle insurance is important. Video. You can also choose to extend your coverage based on your lifestyle with an optional Emergency and Outpatient Care Booster for an extra peace of mind. A-Plus Med Booster. AIA Vitality is a unique, science-backed health programme that empowers you with the knowledge, tools and motivation to bring about long-term positive behavioural changes to lead a healthier life. Vitality Status: Up to 100% deductible waiver; Hospital Room and Board Benefit upgrade – up to 100% of the benefit amount; Annual Health Wallet Booster; A-Life Med Regular. Contact us for a consultation on the most suitable product for you or for your family. 0000007072 00000 n
0000007645 00000 n
A-Plus Health Booster: A-Plus Health: A-Life Cancer360: A-Life Wealth Care . 0000030534 00000 n
=�[$J��|���#,��K DX��Z��ay{z�n5Z8�e�o������5�d7��測���`x�Z�4��/�K8�5��~>�|uF��duOVg�#��yP�t�`�c*)��X�o�/?w)�����ۻ_/������� 0000015159 00000 n
A-Plus Med Booster. If you sign-up as an AIA Vitality member, you can enjoy an additional benefit called Vitality Wealth Booster without having to pay additional premium. 350 0 obj
0000029766 00000 n
Cover 150 multi-stage critical illnesses with optional rider 0000003929 00000 n
0000025656 00000 n
Talk to a life planner ... Cambodia's first life insurance solution from AIA that offers accident coverage and hospital allowance with overseas emergency assistance. 0000027062 00000 n
0000011638 00000 n
Benefits : Option to boost your coverage for death and total and permanent disability up to the age of 65 or 75 along with a lifetime base cover with boosted coverage of up to 500% of sum assured. 5, 10, 20 pay available. Road to 2021 Contest; Get AIA Coverage from RM0; AIA Extra Coverage For COVID-19 at no cost; Take a break with a RM12,000 giveaway! 0000002261 00000 n
0000018969 00000 n
A-LifeLink also offers you flexibility with a wide range of optional benefits and riders that you can choose from to furthe… You will receive cash payouts once every three years with Value Booster. With A-LifeLink you will get both protection and savings. Accident Benefit Booster adds extra protection for you and your loved ones should any unfortunate event caused by accident happens to you. Learn More Need more help? 0000030668 00000 n
AIA Pro Lifetime Protector (II) is a protection and wealth accumulation plan that you can customise to your liking, with the flexibility to rejig your coverage and refine your investments later. 0000004155 00000 n
AIA’s Private Health and Private Health Plus cover lets you choose the excess that best suits your needs. Of which, about 500 customers who suffered from COVID-19 received financial help for the medical bills. 0000029131 00000 n
0000005872 00000 n
When you sign up as an AIA Vitality member, you may receive an additional benefit called the Vitality Wealth Booster. Accident Benefit Booster adds extra protection for you and your loved ones should any unfortunate event caused by accident happens to you. riders are required for the plan. 5, 10, 20 pay available. 0000005670 00000 n
A-Life Med Regular is a medical plan with NO LIFETIME LIMIT that takes care of your medical needs. Contact AIA Malaysia today! Benefits of AIA Max VitalHealth (S$ and includes GST) 0000029303 00000 n
Whatever your future plans may be, give your wealth an extra boost. You can even apply a cover booster of up to 20% without having to pay additional premium. :7����6��/Ӧ�-��oz��4��Y�%�VH���P����F32���Q���*h��B�o��S���J���_(ݚ�ۖ�Q�n�̛���fe�2&��R��/WX��y�~rXi�Ao��ꉃ��^a�0��vP-�5���{ꎴ�]����pŹC�{۫mU
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