"[117] Iceman has yet to tap into his full mutant potential, but over the years he has taken more interest in developing his abilities. Bobby runs into a guy, Judah, while out shopping and he agrees to meet him that night at a local gay bar, with the rest of the Champions acting as his wingmen. [32] With this new team, he encounters Apocalypse for the first time.[33]. Sub-power of Ice Manipulation. As a founding member of the X-Men, Bobby Drake has been fighting for the peaceful coexistence of mutants and humans most of his life. He is dubbed "Iceman", and angrily insists others refer to him that way, due to his custom of using an icepick as a weapon. The younger Bobby is especially shocked by the older Bobby's Omega level powers, like creating ice golems, and especially his future "Ice Wizard" self in the Battle of the Atom. The nurse surprised him with the accusation of him being a racist – feeling comfortable as a mutant who could pass like a human when needed, opposed to being a fully obvious mutant or a "mere" human. [106] The team decides to stay in the present instead of returning into the past. [volume & issue needed] Xavier's X-Men win and the two teams combine again with nobody using drugs. She reassures him that she only wants to help him and lets him know she is there if he ever wants to talk but suggests he should come out to his parents. Technically, there have been four versions of Icicle since the villain’s first appearance in “All … In 1964, the young X-Men change into their original clothes and young Jean performs a mind wipe so that they won't remember their time in the present day although she informs them that she is able to lock their memories away so that, once the loop is closed, their older selves will regain those memories. He is Jewish and on his mother's side and Irish Catholic on his father's. When they arrive, they discover that Christian has murdered their Father and is exhibiting his own powers. He explains that Daken seduces him and manipulates him into sacrificing the other X-Men before betraying him and gaining Thanos-level powers. [74], Soon, Iceman participated in the final battle against the Marauders, the Acolytes, and Predator X. See more ideas about x men, marvel, iceman marvel. [6] The book had been cancelled, with its last issue being in early 2018. Annoyed that she could only gain his attention by nearly getting killed, Opal broke off their relationship. On one occasion, Iceman suffered a severe chest injury while in his ice form and was able to heal himself by converting back into his normal human form. Equinox is good at ambushes and the gener… Cryokinesis 2. Iceman, the Marvel super hero, reveals that he is gay in this page from Uncanny X-Men. After many Golden Age adventures alongside her cousin, she was shown to … Ages: 4 years and up. In the novelization for X-Men: The Last Stand, Iceman saves Pyro from the destruction of The Dark Phoenix Saga. [volume & issue needed], In his early appearances, Iceman generally covered his body in a thick layer of what appeared to be snow; hence he looked more like a traditional snowman than an ice-man. [volume & issue needed], While Bobby was away from the X-Men on a vacation, he had a girlfriend, but Professor Xavier erased all memories of her from Bobby's mind when he told her too much about the X-Men (he presumably also erased the girl's memories). Fantastic - a group consisting of former substitute members of the Fantastic Four - to help the Future Foundation against the cosmic entity known as the Griever. Pagokinesis Some time later, Iceman encounters Mirage, the "daughter" of Oblivion. The family argument is interrupted by Juggernaut, who attacks the school looking for the young X-Men. A very powerful elemental, Bobby uses his thermokinesis to create ice shields, freeze enemies, and absorb cold or moisture around himself. He receives a text from his mother stating that his father has had a heart attack so Bobby rushes to the hospital only to be chastises by his father for missing family events due to his commitments as a superhero. [79], Iceman rescues Colossus from Venom[80] and is later made a part of a team to battle Emma Frost's Dark X-Men. When the Torch discovered that he had been replaced, he attacked Iceman during the FF's current battle and forcefully declared that Iceman was not an FF member. His relationship with his family is also strained, and his brother actually turns Bobby in to the police out of jealousy. Most notably, he and Beast help Boom Boom gain a more normal life. Prime Marvel Universe (Earth-616) As a founding member of the X-Men, Bobby Drake has been fighting for the peaceful coexistence of mutants and humans most of his life. A content Bobby messages Judah, asking if he would like to meet up as friends. The Invisible Girl forced the pair to work together to help defeat the FF's final opponent of the day. Young Jean senses that they must return to their own time period soon and the X-Men have heart-to-hearts with their adult selves. He can also transform his body from a gaseous state back to a solid, although it is physically and mentally taxing. After Kitty and Wolverine change the timeline, Iceman is seen once again in a relationship with Rogue at the Xavier Mansion. Bobby then helped defeat Predator X and also helped stop Selene's resurrected army's invasion of Utopia. [53] Gathering the remaining Twelve, the X-Men traveled to Egypt and confronted Apocalypse and the Skrulls. Touched, Annie allowed him to kiss her, but when Havok called off the wedding, wanting to be with Annie instead, she quickly dumped Bobby. Top Contributors: Chris Robertson, Chase Aufmann, ... Bobby pointed his hand at Beasely and encased him in a block of ice… [127] Bobby later appears as one of the Horsemen of Apocalypse because Apocalypse rescued Bobby from a mutant internment camp that his parents had sent him to. The Torch finally admits that what bothered him most was that other substitute members -- who were also considered family by the FF -- were always brought in due to major events, and that if Iceman was the actual first substitute member, that meant the Torch had given up his place "over nothing." In the alternate timeline of the "House of M" storyline, Iceman was seen in Magneto's army during his rise to power. When both the younger Bobby and the older Bobby arrive at the restaurant, their parents see the younger Bobby as a chance to raise a new son in a way that suits them but the time-displaced Iceman refuses, saying that he is still gay and wants to live life on his own terms before they both storm out. [volume & issue needed] The past and present Bobby are particularly shocked when they see each other. [133], Iceman appears in X-Men Noir as one of the X Men, a crew of talented criminals. Bobby is adamant that this won't happen and the two engage in battle. [37], After the "Muir Island Saga", Iceman rejoins the X-Men along with the rest of X-Factor. He releases Bobby and teleports them all to Atlantis, where Ahab is attempting to kill young Cyclops so that the timeline can never be restored. [126] Because Magneto is harder on his students than Professor X, Bobby lacks his 616-counterpart's sense of humor. Iceman is rescued by Thor. When Havok has a disagreement with Magneto and decides to leave the X-Men, Ice-Man is one of those who follow him, becoming a founding member of the Six, who eventually come to be considered the world's premiere mutant team. Ice Release/Hyōton 6. LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Wiki Guide. Created by writer Stan Lee and artist/co-writer Jack Kirby, the character first appeared in The X-Men #1 (September 1963). [38], When he rejoined the X-Men it seemed that he learned to control his powers and no longer needed the inhibitor belt, this made him believe he reached the limit of his powers. As one of the most respected X-Men, he had incredible control over his powers and could even grow a beard! They are pursued by Sunfire; they manage to get the better of him and take him prisoner, but not before he manages to cripple the jet. [volume & issue needed] He proudly creates his first ice golem in order to escape. Knowing Judy could not put up a good fight, Bobby pointed his hand at Beasely and encased him in a block of ice. Returned to their original time, the young X-Men forget about their adventures in the present and are greeted by Professor Xavier. [volume & issue needed], In Ultimate X-Men #80, Bishop and Hammer, time-travelers from the future, comment on how powerful Bobby will one day become. When he is on a date with Judy Harmon, and a local bully by the name of Rocky Beasely tries to take Judy away for hims… He is very up-front with his emotions and his thoughts all the time. As the team prepare to leave, a news report announces that Magneto has formed a new brotherhood, leading the X-Men to decide to say in the present for a little while longer. [15] The two would become close friends as time went on. [23] However, the Champions soon dissolve. Upon returning, Kitty surprises Bobby by revealing that his parents have arrived for a visit. Bobby establishes himself as a valuable asset, single-handedly taking out the Ultimates once with a gigantic ice wall (see Ultimate War),[volume & issue needed] as well as single-handedly halting an invasion by Colonel Wraith and Weapon X. Iceman encountered the remaining FF members and assisted them with a day-long series of crises, being casually admitted to the team as a result. Iceman was captured in the woods near his home by Deathbird, who had become the Horseman War. Later on, he manifested the ability to convert the tissue of his body into organic ice. She was looking for her pupils but after finding out they were dead, she left Bobby's body. [72], The New X-Men team decided to raid the headquarters of the Purifiers in Washington, D.C., but were forced to retreat. [107] Eventually he and the All-New X-Men and the Guardians of the Galaxy travel to the Shiar Empire to rescue Jean Grey from a trial for the genocide that her future Dark Phoenix self committed. The Torch ultimately drops the matter of Iceman's legitimacy and says that he was an official substitute FF member, and is also a part of the FF 'family'. [109], Bobby joins the time-displaced Cyclops, Angel and Beast, as well as Kid Apocalypse, All-New Wolverine and Oya as they road-trip around America trying to make their own mark on the world. He was soon brought to Earth-616 by the Dark Beast, where he joined forces with Archangel on his quest to eradicate all life on Earth so he could create a new evolution process. Cryokinesis Iceman can use his mutant ability to control moisture such as to freeze any air moisture into super-hard ice. Unite in a race against time to defeat Loki in an epic quest to defend the universe from evil. Knowing he had little time left, Icemaster eventually revealed to Iceman that after beginning a relationship with Daken, they both led the X-Men to space in order to prevent the Shi'ar from overwhelm the Earth and lay waste to it. They succeed, but only partially. Bobby arranges dinner with his family but he is constantly subjected anti-mutant rhetoric from his parents. Variation of Water Generation and Solid Generation. [89] Iceman mostly works alongside Nightcrawler, helping him search for Colossus after he is transformed into one of Apocalypse's new horsemen. In X2, he has an uneasy friendship/rivalry with Pyro. [volume & issue needed] The team is then teleported into the Ultimate Marvel universe, where he stumbles into Mole Man's lair. Iceman is notable for being one of the most prominent gay characters in comic books. Iceman stayed at the Institute as a student only until Xavier returned and reformed his X-Men. Bobby returns to his birthday celebration where Christian arrives and hands him a large sum of money which Bobby gives to the Morlocks. Back in modern day, the founding X-Men inherit the memories of their younger selves allowing them to defeat Ahab. [volume & issue needed] The pair date for a considerable amount of time, but eventually break up due to Bobby's growing feelings for Shadowcat and Rogue's feelings for Gambit. The phenomenon starts at his feet and ends at his head, so a part of his body is always covered with flames and the rest with ice. She broke off their relationship, Iceman and Gambit returned to the X-Men. [94], In the present time, Iceman returns the teen-aged Franklin Richards to the FF's Yancy Street home/headquarters from Krakoa and is recognized by the building's security system as an FF member. Nate Grey was to be Apocalypse's new host, a powerhouse to store his massive lifeforce. Unite in a race against time to defeat Loki in an epic quest to defend the universe from evil. He is also able to form exceedingly complicated structures within relative short time, such as miniature cities. Though the new Apocalypse was defeated, Cyclops seemed lost forever. The Twelve managed to free themselves and Cyclops sacrificed his own body and life force to keep Apocalypse from getting Nate. [113], The time-displaced X-Men continue fighting crime in the present day although following a battle with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants from an alternate timeline, they are disheartened to realize that they must eventually return to their original time. [41] When Bobby came across Mikhail Rasputin he used his mutant abilities on him. While the team are in space working alongside Venom to defeat the Poisons, a race of mind-controlling symbiotes, Magneto attacks several Hellfire Club parties searching for Emma Frost. He has a bald head printed with white eyes and a mouth. Firstly they rescued Rogue, who joined them, and later Jimmy Hudson (the son of Wolverine), came to them for help after escaping Stryker's imprisonment along with other mutants he freed. [volume & issue needed]. Later, joining groups such as Champions, Defenders, and, later with the founding members of the X-Men, X-Factor, Bobby has always found himself returning to the X-Men. [24], Iceman is then abducted by Master Mold, and alongside Angel, he encounters the Hulk. [27] While in college, he briefly rejoins the X-Men to rescue the captives of Arcade's henchman, Miss Locke.[28]. Loki enhances Bobby's powers and then extracts them to restore the size of the Frost Giants. The power to generate ice. Ice Wizard warns Bobby that he must quit the X-Men and stop using his powers to avoid a world-destroying series of events happening. [111] Upon learning this, Iceman joins the rest of the young X-Men and leaves the rest of the X-Men to find their place in the world. Iceman wonders if he will entirely turn into ice on a permanent basis. Harley Quinn. [volume & issue needed], Iceman is also able to reconstitute his organic ice form if any part of it is damaged, or even if it is completely shattered, without permanently harming himself. [121], When Iceman was injected with Mister Sinister's neuro-inhibiter by Mystique, he was able to save himself by drawing in all of the ambient moisture around him, rapidly replacing his poisoned cells with healthy material before the injection could kill him. Iceman journeys back in time and meets his parents before he was born, and battles Oblivion and Mirage. [59], During a heated battle with a recently evolved Black Tom Cassidy, he received a chest wound. Despite this, he retains a jovial and optimistic personality. During the miniseries Earth X, Bobby had become trapped in his ice form, making him vulnerable to melting. This allows him to freeze objects, as well as turn his body into ice. He undergoes a full “sweep” every 6-7 seconds or so. He was one of the X-Men who came running in to fight Predator X after it swallowed Wolverine whole. They chastise him for letting everyone else find out before them and try to convince him that he is straight, due to having been with women in the past. [volume & issue needed] After this, the two rekindle their relationship,[volume & issue needed] but problems erupted. The Marvel Heroes Ice Cube Tray can produce frozen water (or other freezable liquid) in four fun Marvel Comics-themed shapes! [47], Iceman's powers were pushed to their limit while possessed by Emma Frost, who used Iceman to discover the fate of her Hellions. [95], After being outed as gay by the time-displaced Jean Grey, the younger time-displaced Iceman confronts his older self, asking him why he has been presenting as straight for most of his adult life. Because cold is the absence of heat, Iceman does not actually 'emanate' cold; rather, he decreases thermal energy. Ice Element Control 5. [136], Professor X is later revealed to be alive and the X-Men return to the Xavier Institute, which is also when Iceman rejoins the X-Men line up. Before he is reached by Cyclops, he appears to have lost faith in friendship. [92], Iceman is among the heroes summoned by Mr. By confronting Opal and his father in her simulation, Iceman realized that Emma was right and managed to transform back to his human body with his chest fully intact. He works with Pyro and Avalanche as part of the 'Shadowcat Clan' and battles the X-Men. Aunt May agrees and enrolls Bobby at Midtown High under the guise of Bobby Parker, one of Peters' cousins and shaves his hair off to help keep his, Peter's and Johnny's secret identities safe. He can bring others along through a process that he calls "moisture molecular inversion", though it is a painful process for the passengers. ICICLE. Equinox is good at ambushes and the gener… Freeze, uses all the same bad puns, but somehow makes it work...probably because he wasn't every portrayed on the big screen by Arnold Schwarzenegger . [108] Together with the young Jean, the young Bobby confronts his older self, who admits to being gay, having 'concealed' that part of himself so that he could have avoid being prejudiced against for another part of himself. This angers the Torch once again, and he declares that Iceman had never been a member of the team. [volume & issue needed], After the X-Men's war against the Inhumans for the Terrigen ends, Iceman joins the rest of the young X-Men on an attempted return to their original timeline but they quickly realize that theirs isn't part of the Earth 616 timeline, leaving them stuck in that present time with no knowledge where they were originally from. Iceman even went as far as offending Nightcrawler by claiming that only the original five, and no one else, has the right to call themselves an X-Man. Cryokinesis 2. [101] During Bobby's moving away party at the X-Mansion, Daken uses the Purifiers to distract the other X-Men while he and his apprentice infiltrate the school and ambush Bobby. [83] He is only there for a short time because his mutant powers help him minimize the injuries he suffered and he is seen back in battle alongside Psylocke and the other X-Men. Wrongly assuming a romantic relation, his father disapproves of Rogue, verbally attacking them with the same prejudices he expressed with Opal. He was upset that Emma exhibited greater control of his powers than he had. [90] Iceman and Nightcrawler manage to track Colossus to Egypt, where he ambushes them and almost kills them until another squad of X-Men comes in to help. Two of them go on a permanent basis reach out to Rogue and returned. 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