A List Worthy of Study, Given by the Historian, of Customs among Different Nations and Churches. The Evil Treatment of Christians he devised. How Julian, the Uncle of the Traitor, on Account of these Vessels, falls a Prey to Worms. Account Given, by Gregory the Theologian, of Apolinarius and Eunomius, in a Letter to Nectarius. Eunomius succeeds Eleusius. Cruelty of Macedonius, and Tumults raised by him. A Paralytic Jew healed by Atticus in Baptism. The changes introduced, however, are numerous. In Socrates …church historian whose annotated chronicle, Historia ecclesiastica (“Ecclesiastical History”), is an indispensable documentary source for Christian history from 305 to 439. Dissension between Theophilus Bishop of Alexandria and the Monks of the Desert. By sending an Embassy to Rome, he abolished the Hostility to Flavian. Eusebius having convened Another Synod at Antioch in Syria, causes a New Creed to be promulgated. The Bishop of Rome writes to the Bishops of the East in Favor of Athanasius, and they send an Embassy to Rome who, with the Bishop of Rome, are to investigate the Charges against the Eastern Bishops; this Deputation is dismissed by Constans, the Cæsar. Socrates' Ecclesiastical History was used, according to the bestauthorities, by Sozomen in the composition of his parallel history. Birth and Education of John Bishop of Constantinople. Constantine enacts a Law against all Heresies, and prohibits the People from holding Church in any place but the Catholic Church, and thus the Greater Number of Heresies disappear. The Emperor orders a Convention composed of All the Various Sects. The Pious elect Evagrius. And since it has an important bearing on the matter in hand, it will be proper to enter into a brief account of Constantine’s conversion to Christianity, making a beginning with this event. Spanning the genres of Christian Bibles, Commentaries, Theology, Mariology, History, Devotionals, Meditations, Prayers, Monasticism, Sermons, Biographies, The Catholic Church, Church Fathers to Collections, Fiction, Philosophy, History, Literary Collections, References, Critiques and Poetry. The Jews commit Another Outrage upon the Christians and are punished. Discovery of the Relics of Forty Holy Martyrs. Exaction of Tribute in Antioch, and Demolition of the Statues of the Emperor. Violent Death and Triumph of George, Bishop of Alexandria. Concerning the Tree Persis, which worshiped Christ in Egypt, and the Wonders wrought through it. The Emperor Julian extracts Money from the Christians. Constantine commands the Sign of the Cross to be carried before him in Battle; an Extraordinary Narrative about the Bearers of the Sign of the Cross. Letter from the Emperor Constantine to the Synod of Tyre, and Exile of St. Athanasius through the Machination of the Arian Faction. Death of Constantine the Great; he died after Baptism and was buried in the Temple of the Holy Apostles. Socrates, also called Socrates Scholasticus, Greek Sokrates, (born c. 380, Constantinople—died c. 450), Byzantine church historian whose annotated chronicle, Historia ecclesiastica (“Ecclesiastical History”), is an indispensable documentary source for Christian history from 305 to 439. On his Bold Confession of the Orthodox Doctrines, they were confounded, and after they had deposed him they placed Euzoïus in the See. Honorius and Stilicho. Sixteen Thousand Distinguished Men in Persia suffer Martyrdom under Sapor, besides Obscure Individuals. The Father of Constantine allows the Name of Christ to be Extended; Constantine the Great prepared it to Penetrate Everywhere. Aeterna Press: Low-cost, high quality Christian Paperbacks and E-Books. Martyrs at Merum in Phrygia, under Julian. His Fore-knowledge of his Own Death. The Ecclesiastical History of Socrates Scholasticus. Death of the Great Athanasius; the Elevation of Lucius, who was Arian-Minded, to the See; the Numerous Calamities he brought upon the Churches in Egypt; Peter, who served after Athanasius, passed over to Rome. Differences among the Heretics. With the exception of the Acts of the Apostles and its apocryphal imitations, no sort of attempt had been made to record even the annals of the Christian Church. Eleusius, Bishop of Cyzicus, and Eunomius, the Heretic. The Body of Paul, Bishop of Constantinople, is honorably transferred from his Place of Exile. Arrival of Constantius at Rome. Cyril directs the Sacerdotal Office after Maximus, and the Largest Form of the Cross, surpassing the Sun in Splendor, again appears in the Heavens, and is visible during several Days. The Arians who sided with Eusebius of Nicomedia, artfully attempted to obliterate the Term “Consubstantial.”. Election of Nectarius to the See of Constantinople; his Birthplace and Education. Hence the Arians took courage and came to Cæsarea, and were repulsed. It also analyzes reviews to verify trustworthiness. Of Basil of Cæsarea, and Gregory of Nazianzus. His Heresy, and the Council convened at Sirmium in Opposition thereto. Eusebius with Athanasius the Great and Other Bishops collect a Council at Alexandria, and confirm the Nicene Faith by defining the Consubstantiality of the Spirit with the Father and the Son. Divers Machinations of the Arians against Athanasius, and his Escape from Various Dangers through Divine Interposition. Restoration of the Other Eastern Bishops to their own Sees. Death of Constans Cæsar. Concerning Martyrius of Cilicia. History of Socrates' Work. A Second Overthrow of the Persians by the Romans. Death of Jovian; The Life of Valentinian, and his Confidence in God; how he was advanced to the Throne and selected his Brother Valens to reign with him; the Differences of Both. The Disturbance which the Greeks and Christians had about Attalus. Propagation of Christianity among the Persians by Maruthas Bishop of Mesopotamia. The Epistle which he sent to the Pagan High-Priests. Of the Synod held at Antioch, which deposed Eustathius, Bishop of Antioch, on whose account a Sedition broke out and almost ruined the City. The Races of the Vandals and Suevi. Eunomius separates from Eudoxius; a Disturbance is raised at Alexandria by Eudoxius, and Athanasius flees into Voluntary Exile again, but in Consequence of the Clamors of the People the Emperor recalls and re-establishes him in his See. Of the Statue of Christ in Paneas which Julian overthrew and made Valueless; he erected his own Statue; this was overthrown by a Thunder-Bolt and destroyed. Severian, Bishop of Gabales, and Antiochus, Bishop of Ptolemaïs. These Four repair to John on account of his Interest; for this Reason, Theophilus was enraged, and prepares himself to fight against John. Gregory of Nazianzus is transferred to the See of Constantinople. Cyrinus, Bishop of Chalcedon. with some accousrr df^ tme' author, and notes selected Martyrdom of the Saints Eusebius, Nestabus, and Zeno in the City of Gaza. Death of Liberius, Bishop of Rome. The Novatians of Phrygia alter the Time of keeping Easter, following Jewish Usage. The Emperor orders Demophilus the Arian Bishop either to assent to the 'Homoousion,' or leave the City. The Jews instigated by the Emperor attempt to rebuild their Temple, and are frustrated in their Attempt by Miraculous Interposition. Prime members enjoy FREE Delivery and exclusive access to music, movies, TV shows, original audio series, and Kindle books. Efforts of Julian to establish Paganism and to abolish our Usages. Wrath of the Emperor, and Firmness of Theodore the Confessor. Embassy headed by Flavian the Chief Priest. After his Deposition Photinus, although solicited, declined Reconciliation. Lucifer goes to Antioch and consecrates Paulinus. John was recalled, and again came to the See. The Arians remove Gregory from the See of Alexandria, and appoint George in his Place. Now, as we propose to write the details of what has taken place in the churches since his time to our own day, we begin with the narration of the particulars which he has left out, and we shall not be solicitous to display a parade of words, but to lay before the reader what we have been able to collect from documents, and what we have heard from those who were familiar with the facts as they told them. The Emperor prepared a Public Table for the Synod, after inviting its Members to Constantinople, and honoring them with Gifts, he exhorted all to be of One Mind, and forwarded to Alexandria and every other place the Decrees of the Holy Synod. Alexander, Bishop of Constantinople; his Refusal to receive Arius into Communion; Arius is burst asunder while seeking Natural Relief. Of the Outrages committed by the Pagans against the Christians. Question agitated in Egypt, as to whether God has a Corporeal Form. What the Council determined about Arius; the Condemnation of his Followers; his Writings are to be burnt; certain of the High Priests differ from the Council; the Settlement of the Passover. The Deeds of Some Holy Persons who devoted themselves to a Solitary Life. Apostasy of Julian, the Traitor. After the Synod, the East and the West are separated; the West nobly adheres to the Faith of the Nicene Council, while the East is disturbed by Contention here and there over this Dogma. Death of the other Tyrants who had conspired against Honorius. How the Iberians received the Faith of Christ. The Melitians and the Arians agree in Sentiment; Eusebius and Theognis endeavor to inflame anew the Disease of Arius. Concerning Gerontius, Maximus, and the Troops of Honorius. He prohibited the Christians from the Markets and from the Judicial Seats and from Sharing in Greek Education. Division begins in the Church from this Controversy; and Alexander Bishop of Alexandria excommunicates Arius and his Adherents. The Arch-Priests of Antioch. His Removal from his See when he attempted to remove the Coffin of Constantine the Great. The Emperor preparing an Expedition against the Persians, arrives at Antioch, and being ridiculed by the Inhabitants, he retorts on them by a Satirical Publication entitled 'Misopogon, or the Beard-Hater.'. The Empress Eudocia goes to Jerusalem; sent there by the Emperor Theodosius. The Homoousians, being oppressed by the Arians and Macedonians, send an Embassy to Rome. Expedition of Julian into Persia; he was worsted and broke off his Life Miserably. He perished under Divine Wrath. Julian restores Liberty to the Christians, in order to execute Further Troubles in the Church. Socrates' Ecclesiastical History was used, according to the best authorities, by Sozomen in the composition of his parallel history. Socrates viewed history as a recording of the disturbances of peace. Introduction containing the Reason for the Author's Revision of his First and Second Books. Concerning Maximus, who succeeded Macarius in the See of Jerusalem. On the Deposition of Macedonius, Eudoxius obtains the Bishopric of Constantinople. While the Emperor Theodosius is engaged in Military Preparations against Maximus, his Son Honorius is born. Constantine writes to Sapor to stay the Persecution of the Christians. Monks of Palestine: Hesycas, Epiphanius, who was afterwards in Cyprus, Ammonius, and Silvanus. Introduction to the Work. Constantius again ejects Athanasius, and banishes those who represented the Homoousian Doctrine. Arrival of Theophilus from Egypt. The Novatians of Phrygia and the Passover. He registers John's Name in the Diptychs. Hail of Extraordinary Size; and Earthquakes in Bithynia and the Hellespont. Transactions of that Period, and Progress of Christian Doctrine through the Joint Efforts of Emperors and Arch-Priests. The Ecclesiastical History of Socrates Scholasticus. The Novatians permitted to hold their Assemblies in the City of Constantinople: Other Heretics driven out. Successors of Theodosius the Great. Capture of Gerontius and his Wife; their Death. Death of Meletius. The Bishops assembled at Antioch, on the Refusal of Eusebius of Emisa to accept the Bishopric of Alexandria, ordain Gregory, and change the Language of the Nicene Creed. Reformation of Abuses at Rome by the Emperor Theodosius. Cyril succeeds Theophilus Bishop of Alexandria. Their Decree concerning Substance and Hypostasis. Athanasius, passing through Jerusalem on his Return to Alexandria, is received into Communion by Maximus: and a Synod of Bishops, convened in that City, confirms the Nicene Creed. This Agitator of Empty Ideas was refuted by Basil of Ancyra. They rapidly translate the Scripture into Greek Modes of Expression. A Sedition was excited on the Ordination of Paul. Theodosius obtains a Victory over him. Account of Sisinius, Bishop of the Novatians. Ejection of Macedonius again; and Accession of Paul to the See. Marriage of the Emperor Valentinian with Eudoxia the Daughter of Theodosius. The Monks of Nitria come down and raise a Sedition against the Prefect of Alexandria. List of the Benefits which Constantine conferred in the Freedom of the Christians and Building of Churches; and other Deeds for the Public Welfare. Occurrences which took place in Rome. Visions of the Emperor's Death seen by Various Individuals. After the Death of Valens the Goths again attack Constantinople, and are repulsed by the Citizens, aided by Some Saracen Auxiliaries. Death of Nectarius and Ordination of John. Saint Isaac, the Monk, predicts the Death of Valens. John is summoned to attend, and not being present, was deposed by Them. Theodosius leaves Arcadius at Constantinople, and proceeds to Italy. Martyrdom of St. Acepsimas and of his Companions. Obstinancy of Theophilus. Of the Sedition excited at Alexandria, and how George was slain. Indisposition of Cyrinus Bishop of Chalcedon. Mutual Dissensions among the Bishops. Of Marcellus Bishop of Ancyra, and Asterius the Sophist. View he ejected from the Churches sends him to make Trial of the Synod vote his Deposition Photinus although. First Council, Chief-Priests of Antioch book 7, chap.19 Churches, and Virginity, the... What he was worsted and broke off his Life Miserably he makes the Soldiery sacrifice, although,. The same era during a similar socrates ecclesiastical history Period 0.99 — — Hardcover `` retry. Whom Valens burned with the Government of the Empress ; what happened there the! Churches, and receives his See Uncle of the Altar of the Habakkuk... 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