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Item 13 - Assurance for London 2012 Games (PDF 0.04MB), Agenda - RTF version (RTF 0.09MB) 580km. Notes: 1. Date: 3 July 2014 . Item 9 - Internal Audit Quarter 4 Audit Report 2011/12 (PDF 0.27MB) h�b```� i��ǀ |@1V �X�02 Agenda - RTF version (RTF 0.43MB) Item 13 - Local Government Ombudsman report on the London Low Emission Zone (PDF 0.31MB), Members: Keith Williams (Chair), Patrick O'Keeffe (Vice Chair), Richard Barnes, Charles Belcher, Baroness Grey-Thompson, Steve Wright. Item 6 - Management Actions Report (PDF 0.04MB) Item 7 - KPMG Report on Non-audit Fees for Six Months ended 31 March 2012 (PDF 0.78MB) Thank you for your request received by Transport for London (TfL) on 17 October 2017 asking for information about LIP Annual Report. Item 6 - Data Quality Review - 2007/08 (PDF 0.22MB) Salary sacrificed for pension of £2,427 (2016/17 £7,504) 3. London Assembly I Annual Report 2016—17 5 “Truly the spirit of London is as inspirational and unquenchable now as it has ever been.” Foreword Tony Arbour AM Chairman of the London Assembly 2016—17 The transition from one Mayor to another could have been difficult; however the Assembly has been fortunate that the Item 9 - Independent Reporting Lines (PDF 0.03MB), Agenda - RTF version (RTF 0.03MB) We have a key role in shaping what life is like in London, helping to realise the Item 3 - Matters Arising and Actions List (PDF 0.02MB) Item 9 - Q4 Productivity and Resources Report (PDF 0.10MB) Item 5 - Update on the Best Value Regime (PDF 0.02MB) Item 11 - Review of Internal Audit: Action Plan (PDF 0.08MB) There were 26.6 million daily trips in, to, and from, Greater London, an increase of 1.9% over the previous year. This paper will be considered in public. Environmental and Sustainability Annual Report | 3 1. Item 9.2 - Reliance on the Work of Internal Audit (PDF 0.20MB) Item 14 - Annual Report of the Local Government Ombudsman (PDF 0.69MB) Done updating my favourites. Item 7 - Quarterly Progress Update: The International Financial Reporting Standards Project (PDF 0.03MB) Item 3 - Matters Arising and Actions List (Not available) Message from the Chair I was delighted that the Mayor of London h��UK��0�+:�� ɶ�e!I��� �����������B��W3��r�mZh{K��>�F���0�OI��$8r�&�p��pi>sz7��}��8a¿.�:���:�/�%�qM���S^�7-1�Cޙ��tRf�=�#:��v4��2�h3���N�mQ>�6EV�G�}��)���\}��v�6y������f%���ѻ6+��Z�9at����cIgϻ}^S�ں��,j���[s&8%����X-�UQ��cQ
��N�?� .撸}�|�����4I:��;���#���0 � Item 8 - Management Actions Report (PDF 0.03MB) TfL network. Item 2 - Minutes of 16 December 2009 Meeting (PDF 0.03MB) Item 13 - Risk Management Update (PDF 0.10MB), Agenda - RTF version (RTF 0.43MB) Statement of Accounts 2020 (PDF) 6 Commissioner’s foreword Transport for London Annual Report and Statement of Accounts 2017/18 7. 1.1.2 This Guidance confirms the LIP funding available in 2016/17 by programme and by allocation to individual boroughs. Plan a journey and favourite it for quick access in the future, Choose postcodes, stations and places for quick journey planning, Item 3 - Minutes of the Meeting of the Audit and Assurance Committee held on 1 October 2013 (PDF 0.08MB), Item 4 - Matters Arising and Actions List (PDF 0.05MB), Item 5 - External Audit Plan TfL, TTL and Subsidiaries - Year Ending 31 March 2014 (PDF 0.48MB), Item 6 - KPMG Report on Non Audit fees for Six Months Ended 30 September 2013 (PDF 0.07MB), Item 7 - Management Actions Report (PDF 0.04MB), Item 8 - Internal Audit Quarter 2 Report 2013/14 (PDF 0.32MB), Item 9 - Internal Audit Strategy 2013 (PDF 0.07MB), Item 10 - Changes in Legislation and Accounting Standards Impacting on TfL (PDF 0.07MB), Item 11 - Update on the Procurement of External Audit Services (PDF 0.06MB), Item 12 - Strategic Risk Management Quarter 2 2013/14 (PDF 0.46MB), Item 13 - National Fraud Initiative 2012/13 Update (PDF 0.05MB), Item 14 - Half Yearly Fraud Report 2013/14 (PDF 0.05MB), Item 15 - Personal Data Disclosure to the Police and Other Law Enforcement Agencies (PDF 0.14MB), Item 16 - Legal Compliance Report (1 April 2013 - 30 September 2013) (PDF 0.08MB), Item 3 - Minutes of the meeting of the Audit and Assurance Committee held on 19 June 2013 (PDF 0.09MB), Item 4 - Matters Arising and Actions List (PDF 0.04MB), Item 5 - Annual Audit Letter 2012/13 (PDF 0.12MB), Item 6 - Annual Audit Fee for TfL Group - Year Ending 31 March 2014 (PDF 0.25MB), Item 7 - Policy on External Audit and Non Audit Services to Safeguard the Independence of External Auditors (PDF 0.10MB), Item 8 - Management Actions Report (PDF 0.04MB), Item 9 - Internal Audit Quarter 1 Report 2013/14 (PDF 0.35MB), Item 10 - Crossrail Audit Committee (PDF 0.04MB), Item 11 - Update: Strategic Risk Management Quarter 1 2013/14 (PDF 0.13MB), Item 12 - Anti Fraud and Corruption Strategy and Policy (PDF 0.13MB), Item 13 - National Fraud Initiative 2012/13 Update (PDF 0.04MB), Item 14 - Effectiveness Review of the External Auditors (PDF 0.05MB), Item 3 - Minutes of the meeting of the Audit and Assurance Committee held on 6 March 2013 (PDF 0.03MB), Item 5 - KPMG Report to Those Charged with Governance (PDF 0.31MB), Item 6 - KPMG Letter on Independence and Objectivity (PDF 4.88MB), Item 7 - KPMG Report on Non-audit Fees for Six Months ended (PDF 4.19MB), Item 9 - Internal Audit Quarter 4 Report 2012/13 (PDF 0.37MB), Item 10 - Internal Audit Annual Report 2012/13 (PDF 0.16MB), Item 11 - Review of Internal Audit Charter (PDF 0.07MB), Item 12 - Crossrail Audit Committee (PDF 0.04MB), Item 13 - Review of Governance and the Annual Governance Statement for Year Ended 31 March 2013 (PDF 0.12MB), Item 14 - TfL Statement of Accounts for the Year Ended 31 March 2013 (PDF 1.46MB), Item 15 - TfL's Annual Report 2012/13 (PDF 3.48MB), Item 16 - Update: Strategic Risk Management Q4 2012/13 (PDF 0.12MB), Item 3 - Minutes of the meeting of the Audit and Assurance Committee held on 7 December 2012 (PDF 0.03MB), Item 5 - Revised Audit Materiality (PDF 0.07MB), Item 6 - Management Actions Report (PDF 0.04MB), Item 7 - Internal Audit Quarter 3 Report 2012/13 (PDF 0.28MB), Item 8 - Review of Internal Audit Effectiveness - Action Plan (PDF 0.06MB), Item 9 - Integrated Assurance - Progress Report (PDF 0.05MB), Item 10 - Integrated Assurance Plan 2013/14 (PDF 0.12MB), Item 11 - Update: Strategic Risk Management Q3 (PDF 0.42MB), Item 12 - Review of TfL's Independent Reporting Line for Year Ended 31 December 2012 (PDF 0.04MB), Item 13 - Local Government Ombudsman report on the London Low Emission Zone (PDF 0.31MB), Item 3 - Minutes of the Meeting of the Audit and Assurance Committee held on 4 October 2012 (PDF 0.03MB), Item 5 - External Audit Plan Update TfL, TTL and Subsidiaries - year Ending 31 March 2013 (PDF 0.08MB), Item 6 - KPMG Report on Non-audit Fees for Six Months Ended 30 September 2012 (PDF 0.07MB), Item 7 - Internal Audit Quarter 2 Report 2012/13 (PDF 0.30MB), Item 9 - Effectiveness Review of Internal Audit (PDF 0.25MB), Item 10 - Annual Report on Personal Data Disclosed by TfL to the Police and Other Law Enforcement Agencies (PDF 0.14MB), Item 11 - Risk Management Update (PDF 0.10MB), Item 3 - Minutes of the meeting of the Audit and Assurance Committee held on 15 June 2012 (PDF 0.04MB), Item 5 - Audit and Assurance Committee Work Plan 2012/13 (PDF 0.05MB), Item 6 - Annual Audit Letter 2011/12 (PDF 0.18MB), Item 7 - External Audit Plan TfL, TTL and Subsidiaries - year Ending 31 March 2013 (PDF 0.41MB), Item 8 - External and Internal Audit Protocol (PDF 0.22MB), Item 9 - Management Actions Report (PDF 0.04MB), Item 10 - Internal Audit Quarter 1 Report 2012/13 (PDF 0.25MB), Item 11 - Crossrail Audit Committee (PDF 0.04MB), Item 12 - Draft Local Audit Bill (PDF 0.08MB), Item 13 - Risk Management Update (PDF 0.10MB), Item 3 - Minutes of the meeting of the Audit Committee held on 7 March 2012 (PDF 0.03MB), Item 5 - KPMG Report to Those Charged with Governance (PDF 0.22MB), Item 6 - KPMG Letter on Independence and Objectivity (PDF 1.00MB), Item 7 - KPMG Report on Non-audit Fees for Six Months ended 31 March 2012 (PDF 0.78MB), Item 9 - Internal Audit Quarter 4 Audit Report 2011/12 (PDF 0.27MB), Item 10 - Internal Audit Annual Report 2011/12 (PDF 0.15MB), Item 11 - KPMG Review of Internal Audit Effectiveness (PDF 0.19MB), Item 13 - Review of Governance and the Annual Governance Statement for year Ended 31 March 2012 (PDF 0.11MB), Item 14 - TfL Statement of Accounts for the year Ended 31 March 2012 (PDF 1.71MB), Item 15 - TfL's Annual Report (PDF 3.26MB), Item 2 - Minutes of the Meeting held on 28 November 2011 (PDF 0.03MB), Item 3 - Matters Arising and Actions List (PDF 0.02MB), Item 4 - Audit Committee Work Plan 2012/13 (PDF 0.05MB), Item 5 - Transport Trading Limited Group - Annual Audit Fee 2011/12 (PDF 0.11MB), Item 8 - Final Internal Audit Reports - Quarter 3 2011/12 (PDF 0.14MB), Item 9 - Integrated Assurance Plan 2012/13 (PDF 0.18MB), Item 11 - Revision to Standing Orders (PDF 1.09MB), Item 13 - TfL's Compliance with the FRC's UK Corporate Governance Code (PDF 0.70MB), Item 14 - Independent Reporting Lines (PDF 0.03MB), Item 15 - Competition Law - New Guidance (PDF 0.03MB), Item 16 - Conduct of Meetings (PDF 0.03MB), Item 2 - Minutes of the Meeting held on 28 September 2011 (PDF 0.03MB), Item 3 - Matters Arising and Actions List (PDF 0.01MB), Item 4 - KPMG Report on Non-audit Fees for Six Months Ended 30 September 2011 (PDF 0.16MB), Item 5 - Management Actions Report (PDF 0.04MB), Item 6 - Final Internal Audit Reports - Quarter 2 2011/12 (PDF 0.14MB), Item 7 - Changes in Accounting Standards Impacting on TfL (PDF 0.04MB), Item 2 - Minutes of the Meeting held on 15 June 2011 (PDF 0.03MB), Item 4 - Annual Audit Letter 2011 (PDF 0.10MB), Item 5 - External Audit Plan TfL, TTL and Subsidiaries - year Ending 31 March 2012 (PDF 0.69MB), Item 7 - Final Internal Audit Reports - Quarter 1 2011/12 (PDF 0.13MB), Item 8 - Review of Internal Audit Charter (PDF 0.06MB), Item 9 - Audit Commission Update - Outsourcing the Work of Audit Practice (PDF 0.02MB), Item 2 - Minutes of the Meeting held on 2 March 2011 (PDF 0.03MB), Item 4 - KPMG Letter on Independence and Objectivity (PDF 0.08MB), Item 5 - KPMG Report on Non-audit Fees for Six Months Ended 31 March 2011 (PDF 0.10MB), Item 7 - Final Internal Audit Reports - Quarter 4 2010/11 (PDF 0.19MB), Item 8 - Internal Audit Annual Report 2010/11 (PDF 0.28MB), Item 9 - Review of Governance and the Annual Governance Statement for year Ended 31 March 2011 (PDF 0.09MB), Item 10 - Requests for Information Made to TfL Under the Freedom of Information Act and the Environmental Information Regulations (PDF 0.08MB), Item 11 - Department for Communities and Local Government Consultation: Future of Local Public Audit (PDF 0.61MB), Item 12 - The Bribery Act 2010 (PDF 0.03MB), Item 13 - Assurance for London 2012 Games (PDF 0.04MB), Item 2 - Minutes of the Meeting held on 15 December 2010 (PDF 0.02MB), Item 4 - Annual Audit Fee 2011/12 (PDF 0.94MB), Item 5 - Final Internal Audit Reports - Quarter 3 2010/11 (PDF 0.16MB), Item 7 - Quarterly Progress Update: The International Financial Reporting Standards Project (PDF 0.62MB), Item 8 - Independent Reporting Lines (PDF 0.02MB), Item 2 - Minutes of 28 September 2010 Meeting (PDF 0.03MB), Item 4 - External Audit Plan TfL, TTL and Subsidiaries - year Ending 31 March 2011 (PDF 0.30MB), Item 5 - Annual Audit Fee 2010/11 (PDF 0.72MB), Item 6 - KPMG Report on Non-audit Fees for Six Months Ended 30 September 2010 (PDF 0.47MB), Item 8 - Final Internal Audit Reports - Quarter 2 2010/11 (PDF 0.18MB), Item 9 - Changes in Accounting Standards Including the Quarterly Progress Update on the IFRS Project (PDF 0.04MB), Item 10 - Management of the Conflicts of Interest of the Independent Investment Programme Advisory Group (PDF 0.03MB), Item 2 - Minutes of 15 June 2010 Meeting (PDF 0.03MB), Item 4 - Annual Audit Letter 2009-10 (PDF 0.10MB), Item 5 - Termination of the Audit Commission (PDF 0.03MB), Item 6 - Management Actions Report (PDF 0.03MB), Item 7 - Final Internal Audit Reports - Quarter 1 2010/11 (PDF 0.13MB), Item 8 - Quarter 1 Productivity and Resources Report (PDF 0.21MB), Item 9 - Quarterly Progress Update: The International Financial Reporting Standards Project (PDF 0.03MB), Item 2 - Minutes of 4 March 2010 Meeting (PDF 0.03MB), Item 4 - Strategic Risk Management Annual Report 2009/10 (PDF 0.02MB), Item 5 - KPMG Letter on Independence and Objectivity (PDF 0.28MB), Item 6 - KPMG Report on Non-audit Fees for Six Months Ended 31 March 2010 (PDF 0.31MB), Item 7 - Audit Commission Update (PDF 0.02MB), Item 8 - Management Actions Report (PDF 0.03MB), Item 9 - Final Internal Audit Reports - Quarter 4 2009/10 (PDF 0.15MB), Item 10 - Quarter 4 Productivity and Resources Report (PDF 0.15MB), Item 11 - Internal Audit Annual Report 2009/10 (PDF 0.23MB), Item 12 - Strategic Review of internal Audit (PDF 0.02MB), Item 13 - Quaterly Progress Update: The International Financial Reporting Standards Project (PDF 0.06MB), Item 14 - Review of Governance and the Annual Governance Statement for year Ended 31 March 2010 (PDF 0.09MB), Item 15 - Implementation of the Review of Committees and Panels (PDF 0.04MB), Item 16 - Guidance on Members' Interests (PDF 0.09MB), Item 2 - Minutes of 16 December 2009 Meeting (PDF 0.03MB), Item 4 - Final Internal Audit Reports - Quarter 3 2009/10 (PDF 0.13MB), Item 5 - Quarter 3 Productivity and Resources Report (PDF 0.17MB), Item 6 - Management Actions Report (PDF 0.05MB), Item 7 - Quarterly Progress Update: The International Financial Reporting Standards Project (PDF 0.03MB), Item 10 - Independent Reporting Lines (PDF 0.04MB), Item 11 - TfL Anti Fraud and Corruption Policy - Applicability to Supply Chain (PDF 0.04MB), Item 2 - Minutes of 29 September 2009 Meeting (PDF 0.03MB), Item 4 - Comprehensive Area Organisational Assessment Outcome for TfL (PDF 0.19MB), Item 5 - External Audit Plan TfL - year Ending 31 March 2010 (PDF 0.21MB), Item 6 - External Audit Strategy for TTL and Subsidiaries - year Ending 31 March 2010 (PDF 0.34MB), Item 7 - KPMG Report on Non-audit Fees for 6 Months Ended 30 September 2009 (PDF 0.11MB), Item 8 - Final Internal Audit Reports - Quarter 2 2009/10 (PDF 0.18MB), Item 9 - Quarter 2 Productivity and Resources Report (PDF 0.13MB), Item 10 - Management Actions Report (PDF 0.04MB), Item 11 - Changes in Legislation and Accounting Standards Impacting on TfL (PDF 0.04MB), Item 12 - Draft Information Security Policy (PDF 0.09MB), Item 13 - Protecting the Public Purse (PDF 0.04MB), Item 14 - Best Practice for Audit Committees in Government Conference (PDF 0.04MB), Item 2 - Minutes of 10 June 2009 Meeting (PDF 0.03MB), Item 4 - Strategic Risk Update (PDF 0.02MB), Item 5 - Annual Audit Fee 2009/10 (PDF 0.74MB), Item 6 - Annual Audit Letter 2008/09 (PDF 0.15MB), Item 7 - Use of Resources 2009 (PDF 0.17MB), Item 8 - Internal Audit Statement of Strategic Directions (PDF 0.15MB), Item 9 - Management Actions Report (PDF 0.07MB), Item 10 - Final Internal Audit Reports - Quarter 1 2009/10 (PDF 0.17MB), Item 11 - Quarter 1 Productivity and Resources Report (PDF 0.10MB), Item 12 - Annual Review of Audit Policies (PDF 0.14MB), Item 13 - DLA Piper Report on the London Development Agency (PDF 0.02MB), Item 14 - Annual Report of the Local Government Ombudsman (PDF 0.69MB), Item 15 - Protecting the Public Purse (PDF 0.20MB), Item 2 - Minutes of 3 March 2009 Meeting (PDF 0.02MB), Item 4 - Strategic Risk Management Annual Report 2008/09 (PDF 0.04MB), Item 5 - KPMG Letter on Independence and Objectivity (PDF 0.24MB), Item 6 - KPMG Report on Non-audit Fees for the year Ended 31 March 2009 (PDF 0.85MB), Item 8 - Final Internal Audit Reports - Q4 2008/09 (PDF 0.16MB), Item 9 - Q4 Productivity and Resources Report (PDF 0.10MB), Item 10 - Internal Audit Annual Report 2008/09 (PDF 0.13MB), Item 11 - Review of Internal Audit: Action Plan (PDF 0.08MB), Item 12 - Review of Governance and the Annual Governance Statement for year Ended 31 March 2009 (PDF 0.09MB), Item 13 - Icelandic Banking Collapse: Review of Audit Commission's and Treasury Select Committee's Recommendations (PDF 0.05MB), Item 14 - Review of Committees and Panels (PDF 0.07MB), Item 15 - Implementation of the Review of Committees and Panels (PDF 0.06MB), Item 2 - Minutes of 28 January 2009 Meeting (PDF 0.03MB), Item 4 - Strategic Risk Management Progress Report (PDF 0.10MB), Item 5 - Audit Commission Update (PDF 0.05MB), Item 7 - Management Actions Report (PDF 0.03MB), Item 9 - Independent Reporting Lines (PDF 0.03MB), Item 2 - Minutes of 11 June 2008 Meeting (PDF 0.04MB), Item 4 - Strategic Risk Management Progress Report (PDF 0.03MB), Item 5 - Use of Resources 2007/08 (PDF 0.27MB), Item 6 - Data Quality Review - 2007/08 (PDF 0.22MB), Item 7 - Annual Audit and Inspection Letter 2008 (PDF 0.25MB), Item 8 - Audit Commission Update (PDF 0.02MB), Item 9 - KPMG Report on Non-audit Fees for Six Months Ended 30 September 2008 (PDF 0.02MB), Item 10 - Transport Trading Limited Audit Plan - year Ending 31 March 2009 (PDF 0.68MB), Item 11 - KPMG - Internal Audit/External Audit Protocol (PDF 0.11MB), Item 12 - Report on Management Actions (PDF 0.03MB), Item 13 - Final Internal Audit Reports - Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 2008/09 (PDF 0.04MB), Item 14 - Quarter 1 and Quarter 2 Productivity and Resources Report (PDF 0.04MB), Item 15 - Review of Internal Audit: Action Plan (PDF 0.04MB), Item 16 - Update on Critical Accounting Policies (PDF 0.04MB), Item 17 - Effectiveness Review of the External Auditors (PDF 0.13MB), Item 2 - Minutes of 12 March 2008 Meeting (PDF 0.03MB), Item 4 - Strategic Risk Management Annual Report 2007/08 (PDF 0.02MB), Item 5 - Strategic Risk Plan 2008/09 (PDF 0.03MB), Item 6 - KPMG Letter on Independence and Objectivity (PDF 0.08MB), Item 7 - KPMG Report on Non-audit Fees for the year Ended 31 March 2008 (PDF 0.13MB), Item 8 - Report on Management Actions (PDF 0.02MB), Item 9 - Final Internal Audit Reports Issued - Fourth Quarter 2007/08 (PDF 0.02MB), Item 10 - Productivity and Resources Report - Fourth Quarter 2007/08 (PDF 0.02MB), Item 11 - Internal Audit Annual Report 2007/08 (PDF 0.07MB), Item 13 - Review of the Governance and the Annual Governance Statement for year Ended 31 March 2008 (PDF 0.09MB), Item 14 - Revised TfL Code of Conduct (PDF 0.04MB), Item 2 - Minutes of 23 January 2008 Meeting (PDF 0.02MB), Item 4.1 - Audit and Inspection Plan 2008/09 (PDF 0.11MB), Item 4.2 - Annual Audit and Inspection Letter (PDF 0.07MB), Item 5 - Update on the Best Value Regime (PDF 0.02MB), Item 6 - Strategic Risk Management Progress (PDF 0.02MB), Item 7- Revisions to the Code of Governance (PDF 0.03MB), Item 8.1 - Report on Management Actions (PDF 0.01MB), Item 8.2 - Internal Audit Plan (PDF 0.25MB), Item 2 - Minutes of 21 November 2007 (PDF 0.01MB), Item 4 - Strategic Risk Management Process (PDF 0.02MB), Item 5.1 - Final Internal Audit Reports Issued - Third Quarter 2007/08 (PDF 0.02MB), Item 5.2 - Quarter 3 Productivity and Resources Report (PDF 0.02MB), Item 5.3 - Report on Management Actions (PDF 0.01MB), Item 7 - Independent Reporting Lines (PDF 0.02MB), Item 8 - Revision of Standing Orders (PDF 0.06MB), Item 9.1 - Use of Resources Assessment (PDF 0.15MB), Item 9.2 - Reliance on the Work of Internal Audit (PDF 0.20MB), London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority. Agenda (PDF 0.03MB) Updated Audit and Assurance Annual Report 2018 19, Supplementary agendas and papers - 3 December 2019, item 3 - Minutes of the meeting held on 14 December 2017, Item 4 - Matters Arising and Actions List, item 5 - Internal Audit Quarter 3 Report 2017/18, Item 6 - Integrated Assurance Plan 2018/19, Item 10 - Personal Data Disclosure to the Police and Other Statutory Enforcement Agencies, Item 11 - Progress Report on the Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation, Item 12 - Independent Investment Advisory Group Review Implementation, Item 13 - Review of TfL's Independent Reporting Lines for Year Ended 31 December 2017, Item 14 - Register of Gifts and Hospitality, Item 15 - TfL Scorecard 2017/18 Outturn Audit, Item 17 - Member suggestions for future agenda discussions, Item 3 - Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 6 March 2018, Item 4 - Matters Arising, Actions List and Chair's Action, Item 6 - TfL's Statement of Accounts for the Year Ended 31 March 2018, Item 7 - Review of Governance and the Annual Governance Statement for Year Ended 31 March 2018, Item 8 - EY Report to Those Charged with Governance, Item 9- EY Letter on Independence and Objectivity, Item 10 - EY Report on Non-Audit Fees for the Year Ended 31 March 2018, Item 12 - Independent Investement Programme Advisory Group - Review Implementation, Item 13 Independent Investment Programme Advisory Group - Quarterly Report, Item 14 - Strategic Risk Management Update, Item 15 - Internal Audit Quarter 4 Report 2017/18, Item 16 - Internal Audit Annual Report 2017/18, Item 17 - Half Yearly Fraud Report 2017/18, Item 19 - Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation, Item 20 - Register of Gifts and Hospitality for Members and Senior Staff, Item 21 - Legal Compliance Report (1 October 2017 - 31 March 2018), Item 23 - Transformation Programme Update, Item 24 - Member suggestions for future agenda discussions, Item 3 - Minutes of the Meeting of the Audit and Assurance Committee held on 11 October 2016, Item 5 - EY Report on Non-Audit Fees for Five Months ended 28 February 2017, Item 6 - Internal Audit Reports Quarter 2 and 3 report 2016/17, Item 9 - Integrated Assurance Plan 2017/18, Item 10 - Local Audit and Accountability Act - Appointment of External Auditors, Item 11 - Strategic Risk Management Update, Item 12 - National Fraud Initiative Update, Item 13 - Half Yearly Fraud Report 2016/17, Item 14 - Review of TfL's Independent Reporting Lines for the Year Ended 31 December 2016, Item 15 - Personal Data Disclosure to the Police and Other Law Enforcement Agencies, Item 17 - Legal Compliance Report (1 April 2016 - 30 September 2016), Item 18 - Register of Gifts and Hospitality for Members and Senior Staff, Item 19 - Members' Suggestions for Future Discussion Items, Item 3 - Minutes of the Meeting Held on 14 March 2017, Item 6 - TfL's Statement of Accounts for the Year Ended 31 March 2017, Item 7 - Review of Annual Governance and the Annual Governance Statement for Year Ended 31 March 2017, Item 9 - EY Letter on Independence and Objectivity, Item 11 - EY Report on Non-Audit Fees for Six Months Ended 31 March 2017, Item 12 - Internal Audit Quarter 4 Report 2016/17, Item 13 - External Quality Assessment of Internal Audit, Item 14 - Internal Audit Annual Report 2016/17, Item 16 - Half Yearly Fraud Report 2016/17, Item 17 - Register of Gifts and Hospitality for Members and Senior Staff, Item 18 - Legal Compliance Report (1 October 2016 - 31 March 2017), Item 19 - Independent Investment Programme Advisory Group - Annual Report 2016/17, Item 20 - Independent Investment Programme Advisory Group - Review, Item 21 - Garden Bridge - TfL Response to the Hodge Review, Item 22 - Strategic Risk Management and Assurance Annual Report 2016/17, Item 23 - Strategic Risk Management Update, Item 25 - Member Suggestions for Future Agenda Discussions, Item 3 - Minutes of the Meeting of the Audit and Assurance Commitee held on 13 July 2017, Item 5 - Internal Audit Quarter 1 Report 2017/18, Item 6 - Effectiveness Review of External Auditors, Item 7 - Appointment of External Auditors, Item 8 - Independent Investment Programme Advisory Group - Review Implemenation, Item 9 - Register of Gifts and Hospitality for Members and Senior Staff, Item 10 - External Audit Plan TfL, TTL and Subsidiaries - Year Ending 31 March 2018, Item 11 - EY Report on Non-Audit Fees for Six Months Ended 30 September 2017, Item 13 - Member Suggestions for Future Agenda Discussions, Item 3 - Minutes of the Meeting of the Audit and Assurance Committee held on 11 October 2017, Item 6 - Half Yearly Fraud Report 2017/18, Item 7 - National Fraud Initiative Update, Item 10 - Independent Investment Programme Advisory Group Review Implementation, Item 11 - Report of Control Environmental Trend Indicators to the Audit and Assurance Committee, Item 13 - Strategic Risk Management Update, Item 15 - Register of Gifts and Hospitaility for Members and Senior Staff, Item 16 - Member Suggestions for Future Agenda Discussions, Item 3 - Minutes of the Meeting of the Audit and Assurance Committee held on 14 June 2016, Item 6 - External Audit Plan TfL, TTL and Subsidiaries - Year Ending 31 March 2017, Item 7 - EY Report on Non-Audit fees for Six Months Ended 30 September 2016, Item 8 - EY Review of Internal Audit of Garden Bridge Procurements, Item 10 - Internal Audit Quarter 1 Report 2016/17, Item 11 - Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 - Appointment of External Auditors, Item 14 - Effectiveness Review of the External Auditors, Item 16 - Independent Investment Programme Advisory Group - Review, Item 3 - Minutes of the Meeting of the Audit and Assurance Committee held on 8 March 2016, Item 6 - TfL Statement of Accounts for the Year Ended 31 March 2016, Item 7 - EY Report to Those Charged with Governance, Item 8 - EY Letter on Independence and Objectivity, Item 9 - EY Report on Non-Audit Fees for Six Months Ended 31 March 2016, Item 12 - Internal Audit Quarter 4 Report 2015/16, Item 13 - Internal Audit Annual Report 2015/16, item 14 - Review of Annual Governance and the Annual Governance Statement for the Year Ended 31 March 2016, Item 17 - Controls - Development and Implementation Programme, Item 18 - Strategic Risk Management and Assurance Report 2015/16, Item 19 - Strategic Risk Management Update, Item 20 - Legal Compliance Report (1 October 2015 - 31 March 2016), Item 21 - Half Yearly Fraud Report 2015/16, Item 3 - Minutes of the Meeting of the Audit and Assurance Committee held on 8 December 2015, Item 6 - Internal Audit Quarter 3 Report 2015/16, Item 8 - Integrated Assurance Plan 2016/17, Item 9 - Strategic Risk Management - Update on New Approach and Reporting Documentation, Item 11 - Review of TfL's Independent Reporting Lines for Year Ended 31 December 2015, Item 3 - Minutes of the Meeting of the Audit and Assurance Committee held on 8 October 2015, Item 5 - External and Internal Audit Protocol, Item 7 - Internal Audit Quarter 2 Report 2015/16, Item 8 - Changes in Legislation and Accounting Standards Impacting on TfL, Item 11 - Half Yearly Fraud Report 2015/16, Item 12 - Personal Data Disclosure to the Police and Other Law Enforcement Agencies, Item 14 - Legal Compliance Report (1 April 2015 - 30 September 2015), Item 3 - Minutes of the Meeting of the Audit and Assurance Committee held on 16 June 2015, Item 6 - External Audit Plan TfL, TTL and Subsidiaries - Year Ending 31 March 2016, Item 7 - KPMG Report on Non-Audit Fees for Period between 1 April - 10 July 2015, Item 8 - Review of Internal Audit Charter, Item 10 - Internal Audit Quarter 1 Report 2015/16, Item 13 - Effectiveness Review of the External Auditors, Item 15 - Strategic Risk Management Update, Item 3 - Minutes of the Meeting of the Audit and Assurance Commitee held on 9 March 2015, Item 6 - TfL Statement of Accounts for the Year Ended 31 March 2015, Item 7 - KPMG Report to Those Charged with Governance, Item 8 - KPMG Letter on Independence and Objectivity, Item 9 - KPMG Report on Non Audit Fees for Six Months Ended 31 March 2015, Item 12 - Internal Audit Quarter 4 Report 2014/15, Item 13 - Internal Audit Annual Report 2014/15, Item 14 - Review of Governance and the Annual Governance Statement for the Year Ended 31 March 2015, Item 16 - Strategic Risk Managment Update Quarter 4, Item 17 - Strategic Risk Management and Assurance Annual Report 2014/15, Item 18 - Legal Compliance Report (1 October 2014 - 31 March 2015), Item 20 - National Fraud Initiative Update 2014, Item 21 - Contactless - Security Controls Update, Item 3 - Minutes of the Meeting of the Audit and Assurance Committe held on 17 December 2014, Item 6 - Internal Audit Quarter 3 Report 2014/15, Item 8- Integrated Assurance Plan 2015/16, Item 9 - Review of TfL's Independent Reporting Lines for Year Ended 31 December 2014, Item 10 - National Fraud Initiative 2014 Update, Item 11 - Strategic Risk Management Update - Quarter 3, Item 12 - Controls Over Procurement Authorities, Item 13 - Policy on Disclosure of Personal Data to the Police and Statutory Law Enforcement Agencies, Item 3 - Minutes of the Meeting Held on 8 October 2014, Item 6 - Internal Audit Quarter 2 Report 2014/15, Item 8 - Strategic Risk Management Update - Quarter 2, Item 9 - Half Yearly Fraud Report 2014/15, Item 10 - Legal Compliance Report (1 April - 30 September 2014), Item 11 - Personal Data Disclosure to the Police and Other Law Enforcement Agencies, Item 12 - Contactless - Security Controls in Place to Protect Payment Card Data, Item 3 - Minutes of the Meeting of the Audit and Assurance Committee held on 18 June 2014, Item 7 - KPMG Report on Non-Audit Fees for Six Months Ended 31 March 2014, Item 8 - Update on the Procurement of External Audit Services, Item 9 - Effectiveness Review of the External Auditors, Item 11 - Internal Audit Quarter 1 Report 2014/15, Item 14 - Freedom of Information and Transparency, Item 15 - Strategic Risk Management Update - Quarter 1, Item 16 - Make a Difference Recognition Scheme, Item 17 - Savings and Efficiencies Update, Item 18 - National Fraud Initiative 2012/13 Update, Item 3 - Minutes of the Meeting of the Audit and Assurance Committee held on 5 March 2014, Item 5 - KPMG Report to Those Charged with Governance, Item 6 - KPMG Letter on Independence and Objectivity, Item 10 - Internal Audit Quarter 4 Report 2013/14, Item 11 - Internal Audit Annual Report 2013/14, Item 13 - Review of Annual Governance and the Annual Governance Statement for the Year Ended 31 March 2014, Item 14 - Statement of Accounts for the Year Ended 31 March 2014, Item 16 - Strategic Risk Management Update - Quarter 4, Item 17 - Strategic Risk Management and Assurance Annual Report, Item 18 - Legal Compliance Report (October 2013 - March 2014), Item 19 - Half Yearly Fraud Report 2013/14, Item 20 - National Fraud Initiative 2012/13 Update, Item 3 - Minutes of the meeting of the Audit and Assurance committee held on 18 December 2013, Item 4 - Matters arising and actions list, Item 7 - Internal audit quarter 3 report 2013/14, Item 8 - TfL integrated assurance framework, Item 9 - Integrated assurance plan 2014/15, Item 10 - Update: strategic risk management quarter 3 2013/14, Item 11 - Review of TfL's independent reporting line for year ended 31 December 2013, Item 12 - National Fraud Initiative 2012/13 update, Members: Keith Williams (Chair), Steve Wright (Vice Chair), Richard Barnes, Charles Belcher, Brian Cooke, Baroness Grey-Thompson, Agenda (PDF 0.07MB) ... 4 foreword Transport for London Annual Report 2016-17 April 2017 the ‘ Please offer me a seat badge! 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tfl annual report 2016/17 2021