It makes the special feel better to use, as your shield moves far faster when you're dashing. Would that the stalwart warrior-king's sword offered similar protection. As the Heart-Seeking Bows special doesnt deal a whole lot of damage, this isnt the most useful upgrade for most players, but when used for niche uses it can be a great idea. With the Greater Consecration upgrade, the Holy Excalibur aura gets a 45% range increase and will also slow down enemies 10% more. In my opinion, this is a very worth it upgrade and one that I havent seen often, but would absolutely use. Dashing Wallop is a good buff to Dash-Strikes, which is what it's meant to be. Bonus Hellfire Blast Damage: (50/63/75/88/100). Filed Under: Action, Console, Desktop, Hades, Indie, RPG, Singleplayer. Minotaur Rush allows me to play slower and more methodically while also increasing dps, but requires consistent timing, which can be both difficult and awkward. This upgrade is pretty niche and will depend on a players preferred play style. Piercing Volley strongly increases the usability of the Heart-Seeking Bows Special as it will make it so it deals 400% damage to Armour. It should be noted that players will not be able to use Triple Bomb with Cluster Bomb or Hazard Bomb and while not my all time favourite upgrade that is given to the Special, it is a very close section. Sudden Rush, like Charged Shot, makes the weapon feel far more fluid to use. Our Hades weapons guide looks to furnish you with all the knowledge you need to wield these titan-slaying weapons, with in-depth tips and details on every facet of each one - and my personal opinion on the very best weapons in Hades. You cant really go wrong with either of those. Although up to two Hammers will always be offered, it is not guaranteed they will be offered again, should Zagreus choose to not take it. Admittedly, the damage radius is fairly significant, sitting at 350 units, its already hard to charge up the Heart-Seeking Bow, at least for me, so I recommend avoiding it. Foes targeted by your Special move slower and take +30% damage. With Targeting System players will be be able to deal 30% more damage and will also slow down enemies using their Special. While Shadow Slash provides players with a massive increase in damage, the reality is that newer players may struggle with it as it requires players to strike foes from behind, or essentially Backstab. This one transforms the shield's moveset in more subtle ways compared to other hidden aspects. Players should note that Dashing Flight cannot be combined with Charged Flight and will not be able to use it with the Aspect of Zeus. Admittedly, early on in my gameplay of Hades, I thought that the Daedalus Hammer provided useless upgrades, simply because the few times I had actually chosen it as a reward, I got mediocre rolls on the upgrades. Your Thrust deals +200% damage and has a +40% Critical chance. For those intrepid adventurers who are trekking out of the Underworld armed with Aegis, here are some ideas for putting together the perfect Shield of Chaos build in this beloved indie roguelike. Aegis, the Shield of Chaos is an Infernal Arm that can be unlocked for 3 Chthonic Keys. The following are all of the upgrades players can get for the Eternal Spear. Hades is fairly well-balanced, so keep in mind while you're reading through this list that some weapons may simply fit . Luckily for players, the range of the Point-Blank Shots damage increase is fairly large, affecting enemies that are within 330 units away from the player. With Quick Spin, players no longer have to deal with the first charge state of the Quick Spin and will only have to wait 0.15 seconds for the second stage or 0.3 seconds for the third state. It seems like it wouldn't be that good, but I think it really does what it needs to quite well. Each upgrades as a little something to the mix and improves your trusty tool to perform better on the battlefield. While the Daedalus Hammer upgrades are going to come down to personal choice and a players personal play style, players should be aware that some upgrades feel completely useless. Although not automatic, being able to manually shoot your Special this many times is extremely powerful, especially if players are using their Special to boost their damage using Aspects. Having tried them all multiple times, Id recommend Dionysus. The numerous options available to tweak the various weapons are one feature that keeps players coming back. After you perform a Bull Rush attack, you'll throw multiple shields in your special - one extra shield initially, then more as you upgrade. Ares' Blade Dash lets you deal damage as you escape after the Bull Rush, so consider aiming for that one as well. With Long Muscle, players will be able to stand further from enemies, avoiding damage and will still deal a good amount of extra damage. It can work in a solo-special build, but more importantly is a solid upgrade for a supplemental special. Realistically, this can help a player with sustain, especially if they are good at ensuring that they are consistently dealing damage, but when a player is against ranged enemies this can actually be a hinderance if not a worry. This isvery important as you will be shooting yourself in the foot otherwise. Increases Nova damage. With Serrated Point, players will be able to deal damage with their Dash-Strike 3 times, though they will lose 25% of their range while Dashing. Players will also not be able to get Flurry Slash if they have Aspect of Arthur, admittedly for good reasons. Once you get the hang of that playstyle, its a powerful and satisfying way to play. All upgrades affect either the Attack or Special of a given weapon; Zagreus's Cast is unaffected. This can be especially helpful for players who struggle to get their Power Shot off. It should be noted that some upgrades will not be available to a player if they are using certain Aspects with the Shield of Chaos: Dread Flight provides players with a bit more utility when using the Shield of Chaos Special. Other gods will appear in the dungeon to help Zag out regardless of the Keepsake. Aegis is the safest (and most commonly used) weapon in Hades on average, which makes sense considering it's a shield. Advertisement. Players will attack 60% faster and will technically deal more damage per second than other upgrades. Ricochet Fire is a hit and miss kind of upgrade for me as it provides players with more capability to deal AoE damage, however does not actually provide players with that much more damage. Also known as the Captain American Build or the Knockback Build, this is the shield build with the most defensive options, including crowd control and battlefield organization. Bonus Special damage, range, and speed (+10/14/18/22/25%), After your Special, you can retrieve your Spear with Raging Rush. I personally love Quake Cutter, though admittedly it can feel a bit hit and miss. Realistically, 20% isnt much, but if players are focussing on Special damage or have like to rely on their Special for the majority of their damage, this isnt a bad choice as the potential for dealing more AoE damage is greatly heightened. There's an awful lot to learn about each one, with different movesets, upgrades, and aspects to unlock for each Infernal Arm throughout your journeys. But this can prolong the amount of health you have if youre someone who struggles with health. But that's not all we have to say on the topic of Supergiant's marvellous roguelite! Players will also be unable to acquire Kinetic Launcher with the Aspect of Gilgamesh or Aspect of Talos. Hades romance options: who can you romance in Hades, and how? The one which buffs your special ideally. Overall, an interesting hammer, and one I personally enjoy, but I can definitely see why many might not like it much. While not necessary, having extra damage on your Dash Strike can be nice, especially because you can utilize Rolling Knuckle to bounce between groups of enemies, essentially preforming a Dash-Strike at the end of your chain to move to the next enemy. Super Nova is an upgrade I typically avoid, as Im not someone who relies on the Stygian Blades Special. Dashing Flight is pretty interesting. Players will also be unable to combine the Cruel Thrust with World Splitter or Flurry Slash. #WatchMeDie. Hades Boons: the best Boons and Gods to choose. While it can be useful to be able to knock enemies into walls faster, the chances of having a wall around your or an enemy to do this on is sometimes sparing. Your Dash-Strike pierces foes and deals +900% damage to Armor. With the right upgrades and Boons, you can grow to become ludicrously powerful with any of the six Infernal Arms available to you. I'll link it here, though there's so little to the post that it's not worth going back to, hence why I'm covering the same topic here, not to mention that my opinions have changed a little. Explosive Return deals AoE damage when you catch the shields, and if you're lucky enough to get a third upgrade, Charged Flight deals even more damage, though it adds a charge meter to the attack. With Hazard Bomb players will deal 300% base damage with their Special, though they will take 1% damage to themselves when in the area. Give me your thoughts down below. Admittedly, this is one of the better ways to deal damage using your Special. Sudden Rush is a must for dealing with the slower Bull Rush charge time, since it makes it charge faster. Your Special deals +400% damage to Armor. After your Special hits, your next 2 Attacks deal +80% damage. It's like a weaker but more active version of Empowering Flight. In my opinion, Greater Consecration is one of the best ways to protect a player from taking too much damage as in the Holy Excalibur aura, players take less damage, even without the slow. Realistically one of the best parts of Explosive Fire is the amount of slow that it provides players, essentially making sure that players are safer from mobs before they reach them and take damage. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. With Power Rush players will be dealing 500% extra damage, ultimately making the Power Rush a very good source of damage, especially if players upgrade it with other means. Pulverizing Blow can help a player deal some extra damage while using the Shield of Chaos. Charged Shot was a skill that I originally liked a lot, but ended up not using very often as it essentially removes the Bull Rush from a player. The best thing about the Hoarding Slash is it both affects the regular attack of a player as well as the Dash-Strike, meaning that players will be dealing bonus damage for almost all of their attacks. Mastery of this powerful bow relies on good timing, because you'll need to get used to its power-shot with and without dash-striking (more on this shortly), but once you've got that down, this weapon allows you to deal massive and consistent damage from a safe distance, which will help an awful lot in the later realms (particularly Styx) when you're almost guaranteed to take damage getting into melee range with certain enemies. Choose carefully, as some Upgrades are incompatible with certain Boons and Aspects. This makes it a solid option for any build that relies on damage besides attack and special, like a Zeus special build on Zeus aspect or the cast damage for hidden aspect. It's a huge damage increase in addition to making the weapon easier to use, as well as safer. For example, Dash-Strokes will not restore Health and if players have Piercing Wave they will also not receive any Health. Though with Aspect Chiron players would have the best chance to deal the most damage with Concentrated Volley. Like so many other things in Hades, the dialogue with other characters changes depending on the circumstances. One of the many ways that Hades stays fresh is by allowing a high level of customization options with each weapon, and that starts even before stepping into the dungeon. Your Special hits a wider area and deals +20% damage. I truthfully wouldnt scoff at this upgrade as Armour really becomes a problem in the last two stages before players up up against the final Boss. **See below for Naegling's Board's alternate moveset. Essentially with Super Nova, players will gain a 20% wider area of damage when using their Special also increasing their Specials damage by 20%. Quite frankly, while there are other upgrades you can use to upgrade your damage and the speed of your Power Shot, Perfect Shot seems to be the most useful. She dabbles in various genres and creates everything from short blog posts to serialized novels. Normally when I'm using non-hidden shield, I do a loop of dash-strikes and bull rushes, releasing the bull rush as soon as possible to maximize dps. And finally, your Shield can be thrown with your special attack, ricocheting between enemies before returning to you. There are six weapons in total, but you only start with one - Stygius, the sword. This build depends mostly on the effect of Hangover, the God of Wine's signature power, which stuns and slows enemies, so take Boons with Hangover as opposed to his less effective Festive Fog. If youre someone who uses their Dash-Upper regularly, choose it, but otherwise its a bit of a dud. Even if there is a weapon thats generally better than the others, another weapon may be better for you. I dont care for Sturdy. I think that the Heart-Seeking Bow is one of the hardest Weapons to use to begin with, so the fact that players have a reduced range while using Twin Shot is greatly unappealing to me, though players will deal double the damage. One might be in the very first room, taking the place of a god's boon, or appear as a reward for. Your Attack is faster and more accurate; gain +6 ammo capacity. The boons of Ares, which tend to be more offensive, blend well with the Dionysian strategy of slowing enemies, so they can be evaded and destroyed. Pulverizing Blow: Attack hits two times, no knockback effect. I strongly recommend it when players have quick Cast times or when players are able to get their Casts back quickly without having to pick them up. IF youre building a good amount of damage for your Special, this may be the choice for you, however, if youre using your Special to finish off enemies or open up damage against them, this is not the upgrade for you. Essentially with Eternal Chamber, players lose the damage ramp up, technically dealing less damage, but will be able to always damage and never have to reload. If I get access to Cluster Bomb, realistically I begin focusing the majority of my damage of my Special, making it my main source of damage. It should be noted that players will not be able to combine Cluster Bomb with Hazard Bomb or Triple Bomb and will not be able to be used when running the Aspect of Lucifer. Players will have to ensure that they are close enough to an enemy so that the V spread pattern of the players Special doesnt miss the target and multiple shots can be landed on the enemy. Your Igneus Eden has ammo, but its damage no longer ramps (Aspect of Lucifer). This Hades Shield Aspect Guide is the guide for you. Although not a top contender for me, this is an upgrade I wouldnt look past if Im not seeing something I absolutely love. Blocking doesn't work against traps or AoE attacks, but works against literally everything else, making this the basis of all the best Hades shield builds. Admittedly, this is one of the Exclusives that I feel is less overpowered then the rest. More information on how the hammer alters the weapons can be found on their respective pages. Hades Aegis Shield Builds - The Steve Rogers (Knockback Focus) The special ability of Aegis, ricocheting around a room, pairs very naturally with Posiedon's knockback abilities. Equip the Overflowing Cup Keepsake to ensure he stops partying long enough to show up with his Boons. The shield seems to be the best weapon in terms of a guaranteed run win. Explosive Return is surprisingly strong, in my opinion. Quite frankly, Concentrated Volley can be a tricky upgrade to use as players will have to fire their Special in hopes of targeting single enemy. In case the name hasn't already given it away, this Hades shield build focuses on boons from Dionysus. You can do Aphrodite/Artemis for Heart Rend, Demeter or Dionysus special to take advantage of the multiple hits, etc. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Gfinity Esports is supported by its audience. What makes the Aspect of Zeus good is that you can continue attacking while the shield is out, so the idea here is to launch the shield on top of an enemy (or boss) and continuously attack, then recall the shield once it gets out of range, so it does even more damage on the way back. Players can essentially raise their chances of locating Daedalus Hammers by upgrading theirOlympian Favour in the Mirror of Night as this will provide players up to a 20% chance that rewards will be Boons, Daedalus Hammers, Charons Obol or Poms. In my opinion, Ares on attack and Dionysus on special is the way to go with this Aspect, especially with Privileged Status activated on your mirror. Max shots per Special: (3/4/5/6/7), Your Cast loads Cast Ammo into your next Attack, firing on impact. Players will notice that in the early game they may not be able to successfully locate Daedalus Hammers. If players are worried that they are not going to locate a Daedalus Hammer as a room reward, players can choose to visit Charon in any area that hasnt provided them with a Daedalus Hammer for a chance to purchase it for 200 Charons Obols before reaching the Temple of Styx. Knockback boons work a treat with this build, since they let you group enemies at a distance while you charge the Bull Rush. It can appear in the first room of a run, as a room-clear reward, or can be purchased from Charon for 200 before the Temple of Styx. Don't underestimate Armored enemies. Still, I personally prefer other options. It doesnt get anything special that cant be done better with one of the other shields. Truthfully, this is one of my favourite upgrades to get, because its just helpful for dealing damage. I personally dont use Long Knuckle often, but I cant deny that if theres nothing else worth it, I generally take it. Essentially, with Flurry Slash, players can now hold down their Attack button in order to strike rapidly dealing 25 damage for each hit instead of 20/25/30. It comes in a square bottle instead of a circular one and is more difficult to obtain. This build works nicely in combination with Demeter's power of Chill, giving the build a more defensive edge. It should be noted that players will not be able to combine this with Flying Cutter or Kinetic Launcher. Cluster Bomb is by far an absolute favourite of mine, though it might not seem as interesting to players as it is to me. I cant say I always choose this one, though there arent many situations I would void using it. It's useful in Elysium and against minibosses, sure, but other than that ugh. Essentially you will want to make sure that you have to use your Power Shot as little as possible due to how much damage youre dealing with it. Your Attack sequence ends with a +60% damage Dash-Strike. When first starting their adventures in the Underworld, it's easy for players to feel overwhelmed with the various options available. This is essentially the same thing, with the purple tending to be more offensive powers and the green ones as more defensive or passive abilities. Reveal the Aspect of Beowulf by meeting the following requirements: The form in which the shield of chaos first revealed itself. But, like the weapons themselves, these Aspects must be unlocked by spending Titan Blood - a rare resource you obtain only by completing boss battles during your runs. The higher the level of the Aspect, the more effective its improvement is. Sometimes the bone-etched visage shudders as though it means to speak. Aside from that, we also recommend Minotaur Rush and Breaching Rush for buffing the Rush attack even more. Your Attack fires 3 shots in a spread pattern. Triple Beam is an alright upgrade for the Aspect of Lucifer and acts like many other upgrades that cause three lines of damage. Without further ado, here is the Best Hades Shield Aspect Guide. , sure, but more active version of Empowering Flight rest of the Keepsake time! Although not a top contender for me, this is one of the keyboard shortcuts Underworld., giving the build a hades best hammer upgrades for shield defensive edge better on the circumstances the hottest movie and TV that. ' Blade Dash lets you deal damage as you escape after the Bull Rush charge,... * see below for Naegling 's Board 's alternate moveset ammo, but I cant deny if!, another weapon may be better for you extra damage while using the of... Although not a top contender for me, this is a very worth it upgrade and one I enjoy! 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