About Us

Established in 1989, FoxFire Greens, Inc. is one of the premier wholesale flower providers in North Georgia.

Providing specialty flowers and plants to North Georgia for over 30 years

FoxFire Greens on Arbor Hill Road

Established in 1989, FoxFire Greens, Inc. is one of the premier wholesale flower providers in North Georgia. With eight greenhouses and over 20,000 sq. ft. undercover, we are well positioned to provide specialty flowers and plants for the landscaping industry. In the spring, we offer a wide variety of specialty annuals and in the fall, we specialize in the production of colorful pansies and violas.

Foxfire Greens is a wholesale flower provider serving Retailers, Re-wholesalers, Landscapers and other prospective customers within the Nursery Industry (NAICS Code 424930).

Our Team

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Interested? Shop This Plant Collection!

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