Sharp pain in the neck and back after lifting heavy objects. Homeopathic remedy that helps in healing nerve pains. Homeopathic Medicines for Back Pain Some medicines that are effective in back pain treatment are Rhus Tox, Bryonia Alba, Aesculus Hippocastanum, Kali Carb, Arnica Montana, and Hypericum Perforatum. Sudden pain in the back, as if struck by a hammer. Hi, This is SAYED F. REHMAN From Mumbai I have backache problem and my right leg pain is full up to down. For some persons needing Aesculus Hippocastanum, rising from a sitting position is a challenge. These people tend to be very irritable and grumpy, not wanting to be touched, even though pressure on the point of pain often helps. Pneumonia Pathology and Diagnostics with Therapeutic Cobaltum is made use of for pain in ones back and that when it gets worse in the sitting position. Persons feeling a weakness, numbness or tingling sensation in the arms and hands along with neck pain also recover fully well with use of Homeopathic medicine Kalmia. In most cases, back pain does not indicate a serious condition and does not require urgent medical aid. It helps cure problems of back such as muscle strain caused due to overstraining or . Bryonia Alba helps treat severe back pain caused due to stooping and standing. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. You can take it at the onset of symptoms such as foul-smelling diarrhea accompanied by extreme tiredness, nausea, and vomiting. Sore, lame, and bruised feeling in the back; worse, least touch; by motion, rest; better by lying down. Pain of a drawing, lacerating or bruised character, with perhaps sudden stitches in the back, and a characteristic is that the patient must sit up in bed to turn over. Hypericum Perforatum is most significant medicine for coccyx pain (coccydynia) arising from a fall over the coccyx. Acute lower back pain persists for less than 40-45 days, while chronic lower back pain persists over three months and in-between of these two, pain can be defined as sub acute pain. I have sever back pain, when I am getting off from the bed. If no response is seen within a reasonable amount of time, select a different medicine. The amount of gas produced and the sensitivity of the gastrointestinal tract to gas determines the kind and the intensity of the symptoms. Alumen - For Dry Hard Stool. Homeopathic medicine for middle back pain. Weakness in the legs can be felt. The passing of gas from anus is mostly related with the food that we eat or with the kind of bacteria that we have in our intestines. Note:The above homeopathy medicines are just an indicator for homeopathy treatment for back pain. Homeopathy Case Studies: Back Pain treated sucessfully without surgery Case 1: Back pain due to psychological causes Twenty-six-year-old Apeksha, a housewife came to us with lower back pain. I am an advocate who is required to sit on the chair for long hours. Stiffness and chills can be felt in the back, and pain is usually worse from stooping. It is also an important medicine to relieve gas pain following a surgery of the abdomen. There is reversal of lumbar curvature signifying muscle spasm. Types of Homeopathic Remedies for Back Pain. Regarding my ill health I am to say that since 2014 am suffering from buldge disc ( L3-L5) discs level. i could learn more about this disease. Back pain from suppressed emotions, especially hurt or anger, may respond to Natrum muriaticum. Antibiotics- gas pain may caused due to side effects of certain antibiotic drugs. It is worth trying out treatment options at the best homeopathy clinics in Hyderabad, best homeopathic treatment in Hyderabad, Your email address will not be published. Best Regards For this patients current symptoms, past medical history and family history are taken into account. Better with heat The pain may extend to the hip along with sacrum back. Homeopathic remedies are completely natural remedies without any side effects whatsoever. Lumbosacral backache, pain goes down the back to the legs. It is advisable to visit best homeopathy clinics in Hyderabad, 2. Homeopathic Medicines for Back Pain Pain worse from any kind of movement or exertion; pain in spots. Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines. Hi, Madam my name is Baki Billah, I am Bangladeshi, Since 2007 I broke my ankle joint talus that time I dont feel no pain. The person feels worse from drafts and cold, as well as from exertion. Otherwise, I am quite fit and play tennis. Pain is not of intense nature rather feeling of heavy stiffness. Stiffness and soreness of the spinal muscles and joints, especially in the neck and upper back, may be relieved by this remedy. Among them, Colocynthis is helpful for back pain radiating down the limbs on the left side. China is generally used in 30 C potency. 1. This is called Sciatica and occurs due to a pinched nerve in back resulting from a slip disc or intervertebral disc compression. Abdomen gets enlarged, inflated and distended. Rest should be advised to the patient in the condition of acute back pain. Sir, I know about homeopathy as my uncle has been a homeopathy practitioner, but he is not alive. Back pain can affect a person of any age group. There are many homeopathic remedies which cover the symptoms of back pain and lumbago. If improvement is seen, continue to wait and let the medicine work. There is intense stiffness felt in the sacrum and hip region which is accompanied by pain. I have also sever lower back pain. Can you treat this condition with homeopathic medicine? In addition, instructions for use are usually printed on the label. While standing lower back pain and numbness starts within 5 minutes then standing and walking becomes difficult .I have to sit for some minutes to become normal. sir 32 .. .. 24 , .. The pain is most marked over the sacrum and coccyx region. The person often seems reserved or formal, but has strong emotions that are kept from others. But to get it cured a proper evaluation and treatment are needed. A very interesting articles, many of the people are suffering with back pain problems , it may be too much useful for each & every person to diagnose the problems if pain easily. Though it can be used in low potencies like 30C to high potencies (like 200C, 1M), initially it is advised to go with low potencies. The use of conventional treatment and health services decreased markedly: the number of patients using low back pain-related drugs was half of the baseline. I have successfully treated several cases of back pain radiating down the legs and/or feet with two main Homeopathic medicines. Gas pain refers to pain or feeling of discomfort that causes due to excessive accumulation of gas in digestive tract especially when person is not able to pass the gas. These include: 1. Backache due to sprain; after over lifting or stretching; muscular soreness; from getting wet in rains. Persons needing Arnica Montana have sore, bruised pain in the back as after being beaten. 1- Nux Vomica Nux Vomica is one of the Best Homeopathic remedy for Acidity. The symptoms for use of Guaiacum Officinale are stiffness in the cervical back and shoulders, aching pain in the neck. Backache, which persist in-between can be termed as sub-acute pain. what would you recommend for occipital neuralgia, diagnosed by Doctor? They are no doubt considered to be natural and safe for consumption by in fact all age groups. Walking also, in fact, worsens back pain. I could make out, entrapped gas get compressed on bending & cause slip disc . As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several well-proved medicines are available for gas pain treatment that can be selected on the basis of cause, location, sensation, modalities and extension of the pain. The pain, in both the cases, can be of a shooting, cramping or tearing nature. Symptoms guiding the use of Paris Quadrifolia are a sensation of weight in the neck, worsening of symptoms from exertion (either mental/physical) and numbness in fingers. Your characteristic symptoms for some medicines are of high value in the selection. Abdomen distension it is the most common symptom associate with gas complaints. What is a Good Pain Medication for Back Pain? Aesculus Hippocastanum is a major medicine for back pain affecting the sacrum region. Food intolerance intolerance of certain food products especially dairy products can also cause increase gas formation often associated with diarrhea and weight loss. Became a homeopathic student from that day on (about 22 years ago). In lactose intolerance, the sufferercannot completely digest lactose in milk. Walking and stooping increase the pain. The Rhus pains are relieved by bending backwards. Homeopathy is known to effect magical recovery in back pain cases whether resulting from disc complaint, arthritis, injuries or muscle strain. In my clinical practice, Bryonia has shown marvellous results in lower back pain that worsens with the slightest of motion. To consult her online, visit:, Hi thanks for this it is a great little article which I am sure will be very popular with my friends on facebook. It has an acute pain in the back relived by change of posture. It is especially useful when there is numbness or tingling in the extremities, radiating pain from one area to another. In such cases, the person feels better while walking or lying down. This medicine is beneficial when gas in the abdomen moves upwards followed by loud burps occurring with much difficulty. The spine feels sensitive, and there is pain especially in the back, neck and shoulders. But the condition can be really bad for some individuals . This remedy is indicated when back pain is worse from even the slightest motion. Back pain can be felt anywhere between the neck and tail bone. I have been having severe pain which started only on my feet and to lower back after a year or so. 9322289495 Homeopathic practitioners use it in different potencies from low to high. MRI is almost normal except some Is changed in cervical area and lower back. Some of these are: Hi Sir, Thank you in anticipation of your help. Loud burps appear forcibly with difficulty. It does offer a wide range of highly effective remedies and those who go in for homeopathy can try them out for relief. The back pain makes it difficult to walk. Burps may have a foul smell like garlic. Homeopathy, with its plethora of medicines, serves as a better alternative as compared to its allopathic counterpart in curing back pain permanently, both acute as well as chronic. People feel symptoms such as pain, sensitivity in the neck, worsening of pain from pressure and this medicine helps. I have seen remarkable results with use of Cimicifuga in cervical back pain accompanied by stiffness, contraction and sensitiveness in the neck. Objectives: The study aimed to investigate the efficacy of a homeopathic complex in combination with physiotherapy in treating CLBP due to OA. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat pain in back, but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility of the patient. Dessicatory change is noted from the lower two lumber discs. Good Evening! She is also Associate Professor, HoD and PG Guide at S.K. Kali Carb is also useful for back pain in women during menses or after a miscarriage. This homeopathic medicine has backache or lumbago along with weakness of spine; from rising from a seat; pain as if sprained, can scarcely rise; curvature of dorsal vertebrae; backache due to an old injury; after bathing in a river or lake; from over lifting. Lycopodium 30C can be taken once or twice a day according to the severity of the problem. Jacques Hui Bon Hoa says Nux Vomica is prince remedy for lumbago rheumatology with symptom turning in bed causes pain plus is worse on rising and better by move which attracts to rhus tox and Nux remains hidden.Nux ill temper desires fat whereas rhustox desires cold milk rather than food and is averse taking simple Nux there is pain first dorsal vertebrae feel as thrashed.Sulph cannot stand erect long time as body weight gravity force down causes pain lower limbs.pains groin around hip Physo when worse by sitting cobalt is recommended.of course Kali carb is constitutional remedy due to weak ligament connection.conium is Baba homeopathy for joint pains esp hip area. The cause of IBS is unknown but may involve abnormal movements and contractions of intestinal muscles and increased pain sensitivity in the intestine. Pain in the abdomen can arise from trapped gas. Improving overall health: Homeopathic remedies can relieve pain while targeting a wider range of physical ailments, promoting general well-being and improving overall health. The pain may also extend to the hip along with sacrum back. For years would have excruciating pain in lower back that would cause immobility for about 2 weeks and then gradually go away just to reappear 6 months later. Back pains related to emotional upsetsespecially griefwill often respond to this remedy. Raphanus is one of the best prescriptions for gas stuck in the abdomen. It is primarily useful forgas in the entire abdomenthat causes excessive bloating. Injury, overwork, emotional and mental stress, menstrual tension, prostate conditions, and problems with posture or weight are common causes. i am too fed up by this pain from many years, but getting relief by homeopathy medicine soon. Homeopathy is popular for treating back pain such as disc complaints, arthritis, injuries or muscle strain. This remedy can be useful for pain in the neck and shoulders as well as the lower back, when the pain is worse on initial movement and improves with continued motion. Nerves in the cervical region could get pinched due to a disc bulge, herniated disc, cervical spondylosis, bone spurs, and spinal stenosis. The back pain that arises from muscle strain also recovers wonderfully well with Rhus Tox. My MRI report read as under: My Dad had surgery about 1-2 months ago. Annular disc bulges, particularly, particularly at L4/5 with mild foraminal narrowing, but no convincing current root compression. Aesculus Hippocastanum is a useful medicine for back pain that affects the sacrum region. Even though in pain, the person finds it hard to lie down or stay still for very long, and often restlessly paces about. It has pain in the lower part of the back, with a fullness or burning pain. It works well and alleviates the cramping. Please help me and prescribe a good medicine that I cure quickly. What else can I take to reduce the back pain Apart from motion, this pain also gets worse with standing or from turning in the bed, a key sign that Bryonia will work best. This may be attended with lameness in the back. It was instantly better and never returned. Some medicines that are effective in back pain treatment are Rhus Tox, Bryonia Alba, Aesculus Hippocastanum, Kali Carb, Arnica Montana, and Hypericum Perforatum. Benefecial for eveyone mainly for students like me, thanks for very necessary article; now a days it is very common problem at most 60% of people suffering from back pain. There is loss of appetite, pain after eating .Indigestion is the ranking symptom of this remedy. Gases like methane, hydrogen and hydrogen sulphide are the main component of flatulence. Disclaimer: We dont claim cure any diseases by which modern medicine fraternity claiming incurable on the basis of the technology and scientific facts. In this website what drugs of metira medica mentioned the content what substitute for personal and professional diagnostic and medical, in this website the homeopathy medicines in the articles whose services here Dr. should be consulted with the qualified register medical practioner advices or health care provider. Kali Carbonicum is a homeopathic medicine for lower back pain with the feeling that the knees are going to "give in." Hypericum perforatum This honeopathic remedy relieves lower back pain with sharp throbbing pain. Can renal cyst cause lower back pain? These top rated Homeopathic medicines for back pain are Colocynth and Magnesium Phos. It's based on the idea that the body has the ability to heal itself. Have thyroid, hypothyroidism. Best Homeopathic Remedies for Back Pain Relief. Burping/belching of gas from the mouth (eructation)which occurs mainly due to swallowed air (aerophagia) during eating/ drinking. Raphanus Sativus is prepared from the fresh root of Black Garden Radish. There is crushing pain after sneezing or deep gargling. It has gotten worse over the years. Went back to homeopathic prescriber again and was given staphisagria. The problem seems to get worse upon lying down. For example, compression of the lumber nerve restricts the upward movement of the big toe. Flatulence is generally produced when undigested food is acted upon by bacteriain the large intestine. Alhadi. Dietary and lifestyle changes for back pain patient as per homeopathy. The spine is very tender and sensitive to touch in such cases where Hypericum has shown best results. Patient feels dull stiffed in morning and feels better when busy in some work. Lumbago from strain, cured by Calcarea fluorica when Rhus tox fails. This pain is directly behind my mamas standing and walking makes it hurt worse I have tried Rhus tox Bryonia Hypericum , caust they took the edge off but still a lot of pain please help. Other causes of one sided back pain are listed below. Where such symptoms are noted, Ruta is the most prominent among Homeopathic medicines for back pain and has shown effective results. Allopathic treatment Treatment is available by medication especially analgesics, anti- spasmodic drugs etc .basically treatment is based upon cause and condition. Bryonia (white bryony): Bryonia is considered the best homeopathic remedy when lower back stiffness or pain feel worse from heat, movement, or in cold, dry weather. These medicines are suitable for people of all age groups. I want to know if it can be cured permanently. These are: Arthritis It as one of the most common causes of backache, backache due to arthritis can be felt anywhere in the back, and usually aggravates by movement. Rhus Tox - Best Remedy for Back Pain Rhus Tox is a top grade medicine for treating back pain. Some of the most common homeopathic remedies prescribed for slipped disc are aesculus hippocastanum, arnica montana, bryonia alba and rhus toxicodendron. Walking as well stooping that increases the pain. Many different factors can contribute to back pain. Back pain investigation includes X-ray, MRI and CT scan. Healthwise, Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Lower back pain may radiate down the legs and feet. They leave a bad taste in the mouth. Gas in the abdomen is felt for a long time after meals. Digestion is weak and slow. There are some specific homeopathic remedies which have remarkable action over gas pain: China, Carbo Veg, Lycopodium, Raphanus, Carbolic Acid, Nux Mosq, Chamomilla, Lac Can, Allium Cepa, Argentums Nit, Lachesis. While prescribing Homeopathic medicines for back pain, the cause and aggravating factors are studied in detail in each case. Stiffness or excessive weakness in the back may also attend the pain. To continue using these medicines beyond a month or for use of high potencies, it is advised to take opinion of homeopathic expert. Aesculus is especially indicated for people with low back pain who also have a tendency toward venous congestion and hemorrhoids. PeaceHealth endeavors to provide comprehensive health care information, however some topics in this database describe services and procedures not offered by our providers or within our facilities because they do not comply with, nor are they condoned by, the ethics policies of our organization. For back pain caused by tense or overworked muscles, massage might help. MRI reveals diffuse annular disc bulge and ligamentum flavum thickening. Hes 95. The lower back feels as if it would break. The cause of back pain can lie in any of these structures that form the back. I have seen 4 neurosurgeons. Respected Sir, I fall down in floor and injured my waist before 2 weeks, so my waist with my legs pain conditions is very seriously , I used VOLINI Cream but no relief till now. I have tried many different Homeopathic remedies over the years (including Arnica 1M, Hypericum 200c, Rhus Tox 30c + Symphytum 200c) but am not finding lasting relief. Another homeopathy remedy for back pain, especially if referable to spinal affections, is Nux vomica.It is in the lumbar region is worse at night when lying in bed. Nat Phos may not work for other causes. The radiating pain is accompanied by weakness, tingling, numbness in the arm or hands where Kalmia Latifolia will work best. Stiffness, inflammation, swelling is often associated. They are no doubt considered to be natural and safe for consumption by in fact all age groups. If one is suffering from symptoms such as cervical back and shoulders ache pain in the neck it is better to use this homeopathic medicine. Bryonia is the homeopathy medicine for back pain that has symptoms opposite the Rhus toxicodendron remedy. Homeopathic medicine for backache in the lower region of back due to constipation and piles; backache or lumbago due to over exertion; pain in back as if back would break; aggravated by walking and stooping; bruised pain in sacrum and hips; back and legs give out; patient feels better by standing. Walking may also relieve back pain. Pain usually is worse night, and the person may have to sit up in bed to turn over. A major symptom that may accompany the pain is stiffness of the back. Discomfort is made worse by cold and relieved by warmth. Homeopathy remedies are there for severe back pain. Two said surgery might help, Two said no surgery. i am taking rus tox 30 3 drops and ruta 200 3 drops both 3 to 4 times a day. In most cases needing it,gas is most marked in upper abdomen. Severe spinal stenosis for years. Please consult a qualified homeopath in person for a full case analysis and to find the best homeopathic medicine for back pain for your individual case. For individualized remedy selection and homeopathy treatment of back pain, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. The information presented here is for informational purposes only and was created by a team of USregistered dietitians and food experts. MRI and CT scan diagnose changes in the disc, muscles, ligaments, tendons of the back. The problem is that my when I sleep or sit for long hours the lower back/ right hip/ SI gets stiffened resulting in lower back pain. 2. Homeopathic medicines for epigastric pain - DrHomeo Homeopathy Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873 . and its web developers are not responsible for any injuries or other damage resulting from erroneous or incomplete statements contained in this site. Substances that lead to overproduction of gas are beans, dairy products,onions, celery, carrots, sprouts, fruits (raisins, bananas, apricots) and complex carbohydrates like dals. Back seems too weak to support the body. Intestine not working properly. medicine was used Rhus tox-30 in suger ball base (5 ball 3 times),Nux Vom-200(5 ball 3 times). Left side back pain or right side back pain commonly occour from a muscular sprain, herniated intervertebral disc, or renal calculi. Btw, he is using a homeopathic leg cramp formula when he wakes up with leg cramps. Learn more about TraceGains, the company. On the X-ray it shows pelvis misalignment right side up then left and disc degeneration in the back. Backache and weakness after abortion, labor or profuse menses; while walking feels as if she must give up and lie down. Thanks. I would love to know how to uproot this pain once and for all, if at all possible, using homeopathy. Information expires December 2022. Aesculus Hippocastanum is a useful medicine for back pain that affects the sacrum region. Back pain radiates Diagnosis of lumber radiculopathy with disc bulge at L3, L4, S1. . Dysentery situation 2- Carbo Vegetabilis Gas & Asthma. From United States and Canada call Pain Relief for a Pinched Nerve in Lower Back. She is also Associate Professor, HoD and PG Guide at S.K. As well dessication in these discs level. The injured person may feel a weakness in the lower back. 37 5 , 1 , Lately I have developed a severe lower back pain that is radiating downward in my left leg/limb what should I take and the address from where I may purchase in Dallas Texas area. Pregnancy Enlarged belly during pregnancy can stretch the spine which ultimately leads to back pain or backache, Backache during menses Usually females often complain for lower backache during menstruation. Just an anecdote, may not be applicable to any one else, & other causes. MY MOTHER IS SUFFERING FROM CHRONIC SCIATICA, LAWER BACK PAIN AND KNEE PAIN. It can be beneficial when depression is an associated symptom of muscle pains. Lower back pain radiating down the lower limbs basically indicates sciatica which may arise from compression, pinching or irritation of the sciatic nerve in the back. In this case, the pain is most marked in the sacrum and hip region. Dr. Vikas Sharma has done his masters In Homeopathy (Gold Medalist), and has been into medical practice for the last 23 years. Which Exercise is Best to Relieve Back Pain? After lying down it is ok This remedy is often indicated when a person with back pain has a slouching posture. I am suffering last 3years in Pulis , can you advice me for Homeopathic Medicines Yoga. Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. But many people benfitted from his treatment. 2. It does offer a wide range of highly effective remedies and those who go in for homeopathy can try them out for relief. Patient is of 62 years suffering from somatoform disorder. Also taking a depression medication due to frustration from the stubborn pain. This is often useful for low back pain and muscle weakness, especially in a person who is chilly, flabby or overweight, and easily tired by exertion. Bryonia Alba is another majorly indicated medicine for treating back pain. However, bowel/bladder incontinence or progressive weakness in legs together with back pain needs urgent attention as it may be an indication of the cauda equina syndrome, which is an emergency condition. Worse at night For gas problem, the most recommended is 30C potency which can be used two to three times a day as per the severity of gas problem. A person who needs this remedy typically is talkative and energetic, becoming agitated or depressed when ill. There is marked stiffness and warm application give relief. Medical conditions such as diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel disease etc. It offers a wide range of highly effective remedies prescribed after detailed analysis and evaluation of symptoms. The symptoms to look out for while prescribing Cimicifuga Racemosa are pain, sensitivity in the neck, worsening of pain from pressure. It is also a leading medicine in cases wheregas in the lower abdomenis more pronounced. Kali Carb is also useful for back pain in women during menses or after a miscarriage. Its so severe that I am unable to walk. A prominent symptom to look out for while prescribing Rhus Tox is that the back pain gets worse with rest, while walking or hard pressure bring relief from pain. However, back pain from degenerative disc disease and osteoarthritis is most common in elderly people as these arise from age-related degenerative changes. The person often seems reserved or formal, but has strong emotions that are kept others... 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