To get the true freezing point then, it is well to arrange that the temperature of the enclosure should finally be nearly that of the freezing point to be observed. They can be hung within a tub enclosure or they can transform a sterile shower stall into an inviting retreat as this touch of elegance adds appeal to your room. Weigh the costs of a custom enclosure against your skills and confidence in building your structure to ensure the job gets done right the first time. OK. Read more comments Sydney. The building consisted of five parts - a basement or podium, a pteron or enclosure of columns, a pyramid, a pedestal and a chariot group. Roach Smith pointed out that the enclosure indicated above gives dimensions far greater than those of any other town in Britain. The Kamal Maula is an enclosure containing four tombs, the most notable being that of Shaikh Kamal Maulvi (Kamal-ud-din), a follower of the famous 13th-century Mussulman saint Nizam-ud-din Auliya.'. The stone - one of a row of five memorial tablets - stood within the enclosure of a dilapidated temple. A mark on the wall of the inner enclosure, something like a horseshoe, is held to be the first letter of the name of Vishnu. The cost of land and the need for visitors to see the animals limit the size of a zoo enclosure. The temples successively built here on one site were nine or ten in number, from the Ist dynasty, 5500 B.C. Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact. A strong earthen rampart, flanked with bastions and redoubts, surrounded the City, its liberties, Westminster and Southwark, making an immense enclosure. Christian Levantines were employed in its construction and it was decorated in part with Venetian mirrors, &c. In the same enclosure is a small castle attributed to Yesu I. enclosure translation in English-French dictionary. patents-wipo. Even if the expansion is adiabatic, in the sense that it takes place inside a non-conducting enclosure and no heat is supplied from external sources, it will not be isentropic, since the heat supplied by internal friction must be included in reckoning the change of entropy. 0. An altar found (in situ) on the south side of the circular enclosure shows by an inscription that this was the Heroum, where worship of the heroes was practised down to a late period. Another reason for such sharp changes of alignment in otherwise straight, 29. No punctuation is required either before or after brackets, except as it would in the normal writing of the sentence. I have mentioned that we have several enclosures that may be termed gardens. In this period, the enclosure movement was at its height. Warm air is trapped inside the glass enclosure, and as long as the temperature and moisture levels are right, the plants thrive. Enclosure in a sentence - Use "enclosure" in a sentence 1. 48. above sea-level) is a square walled enclosure standing in the middle of the plain, surrounded with a walled rampart. Otherwise if they live out of their monastery, or even within that enclosure so notoriously offend as to cause scandal. Outside the town is an ancient masonry enclosure for the capture of elephants, which is still periodically used. Surrounded By A Nickel Plated Steel Enclosure B, Forming The Bulb Of A Mercury Thermo Regulator, Immersed In A Large Water Bath Maintained At A Constant Temperature. How to define the word enclosure? Meaning of enclosure for the defined word. - A Turtle's Tale: Sammy's Adventures. Sickly animals should be at once isolated, and their cages and enclosures disinfected, whilst as a matter of routine the enclosure in which any animal has died should be cleansed, and according to the results of post-mortem examination, which should be made in every case, appropriate measures of disinfection employed. Lofty enclosure walls, Temples adorned with scenes from the victorious campaigns of the Pharaoh, shut off the sacred buildings from the surrounding streets. Winer discussed the enclosure concept with MTV disc jockey Adam Curry and demonstrated its use by enclosing a Grateful Dead song in his weblog. There are also four building slips opposite the Apollo Bandar (landing-place) on the south-east side of the enclosure. The similar word for an enclosure or pen for animals, especially for sheep, and hence applied in a spiritual sense to a community of worshippers, or to the whole body of Christians regarded as Christ's flock, must be distinguished. A glass aquarium with a secure lid makes an attractive and serviceable habitat, but even a plastic storage box with a series of small ventilation holes can work as an enclosure. Is there a water bowl for Frederick in his enclosure (a plant pot saucer will do)? inclosureng approach from Handbridge along tree-lined avenues to Eaton was created through a very carefully managed parliamentary enclosure in 1805. inclosuretance, not all areas of Norfolk were covered by a tithe or enclosure map. The rectangular enclosure within the circle, that Stukeley took to be a grave, still consists of 10 stones. Place the mouse in the enclosure first, and then add the snake. The gases in the earth's atmosphere act much like that glass enclosure. Basically, a supporting enclosure is a wood frame in which the tub will be placed. Squirrel monkeys - The seven squirrel monkeys - The seven squirrel monkeys love their new enclosure. only and independent of the temperature of the enclosure. Consider a glass enclosure, or sliding glass doors so you can see from one end of the room to the other. Another smaller enclosure lies to the east with a gateway also of the Roman period. embanked enclosure indicate as taking place in a rural setting. Trampolines: A child with autism may also enjoy jumping and a trampoline with a safety enclosure provides a safe environment for jumping. The furnaces are square and open in front, to allow the outlet ends of the retorts to project; they are grouped together by fours; and their several chimneys are within the same enclosure. In smaller country gardens the enclosure or outer fence is often a hedge, and there is possibly no space enclosed by walls, but some divisional wall having a suitable aspect is utilized for the growth of peaches, apricots, &c., and the hedge merely separates the garden from a paddock used for grazing. Made from faux snakeskin, this stylish cover has a buckle enclosure, fresh hardware accents, and plenty of extras such as interior panel pockets, an expandable zippered compartment, and pen holder. 34. They must be housed in a suitable, secure, leak-proof, ventilated enclosure. They do not represent the opinions of 153. Rather than a custom screen enclosure built right on site by a contractor, DIY enclosures consist of scored frames that are cut on site to the specific dimensions of the porch. Sample sentence: The purpose of antifreeze is to prevent a rigid enclosure from undergoing physical stresses and catastrophic deformation due to the expansion that occurs when water turns to ice. An acoustic enclosure was put over the conveyor at a cost of £ 2,000 and the conveyor speed was changed to reduce jar clashing. Another shorter valley began near the present Jaffa gate and, taking an easterly direction, joined the Tyropoeon; while a third ravine passed across what is now the northern part of the Haram enclosure and fell into the valley of the Kidron. Three hundred of the highest-caste Brahmins live with their families within the temple enclosure. It is, however, uncertain how far the order was carried out, and it is probable that the outer walls of the Temple enclosure were left partially standing and that the defences on the west and south of the city were not completely levelled. Lepidus outside which again is a wall, bounding the sacred enclosure. Examples of 'enclosure' in a sentence enclosure . Within the enclosure stands a church, dating from the reign of Stephen Dushan (1336-1356), with beautiful rose windows and with imperial peacocks, dragons and eagles sculptured on the walls. St Mary's Graveyard, Renaissance Enclosure Renaissance memorial complete with Corinthian columns and trumpeting angels. en The clamping device is configured to be removably inserted into the clamp receiving section of the enclosure. standingplace (from stare, to stand), to a stall or enclosure for all kinds of domestic animals, cows, sheep, &c. The adjective "stable," meaning firmly established, comes directly from Latin stabilis, also from stare, to stand. Enclosure Acts often gave a portion of the lands enclosed to the spiritual or lay rector and exempted the rest from tithes; and in other local acts a corn rent or yearly money payment was substituted for tithes. The bazaar of the Franks (kissaria) was a large walled enclosure, the gates of which were closed at sunset. rectilinear enclosure appear to have ended. He was revered by his subjects as a species of divinity, and seldom left the enclosure surrounding the royal palace. moated enclosure in the mid 13th century. Cleaning brick fireplace enclosures requires different techniques depending on the style and material of the enclosure. (2) The temple of Bayon, a square enclosure formed by galleries with colonnades, within which is another and more elaborate system of galleries, rectangular in arrangement and enclosing a cruciform structure, at the centre of which rises a huge tower with a circular base. Only the user who asked this question will see who disagreed with this answer. These also usually have a lap enclosure and a slightly structured rectangular style. enclose. Suggested wording for e-mail Dear Mr Grant For 21 years, Mercedes has been kept in a small enclosure in Edinburgh Zoo. Such was the landscape created by the, 15. enclos. Surface mount transformer: A transformer that is housed in a visually appealing enclosure and attached directly over a power junction box in the ceiling or on the wall. The rooftop bar is surrounded by a glass enclosure so guests can safely enjoy the city's views throughout the year. The churchyard has been enlarged on several occasions, but there may be an original sub-oval enclosure here. palisaded enclosure at Meldon Bridge, Peebles. Unlike the brick work, you will want to avoid abrasive sponges, brushes and cleaning supplies, as these can damage and scratch the glass or metal found on your enclosure. The enclosure should be large enough for the snake to move around and have a secure lid so he can't escape. Llan, a sacred enclosure, hence a church - a most interesting and important Celtic prefix - Llandeilo, Llansaint. These are found in upland areas in groups sometimes associated with an enclosure which contained the house of the rabbit warrener. The chief ruin is a rectangular walled enclosure, 238 ft. of Fareham, on Portsmouth harbour, are the interesting ruins of Porchester Castle, an extensive walled enclosure retaining its Norman keep, and exhibiting in its outer walls considerable evidence of Roman workmanship; Professor Haverfield, however, denies that it occupies the site of the Roman Portus Magnus. Facing the arch, within the Hieron, their rear walls forming one side of the enclosure, are three temples, connected with one another by arches, and forming one design. 25. polo neck sweaters in the Richmond Enclosure. 0. These areas now have a lower profile than ridges that remained arable until enclosure. 290. galvanic isolation of the motor without needing a separate enclosure. American English : enclosure The present town of Tetuan dates from 1492, when the Andalusian Moors first reared the walls and then filled the enclosure with houses. The chief of these are: (1) The vestiges of the royal palace, which stood within an enclosure containing also the pyramidal religious structure known as the Phimeanakas. Remains of huts of logs, or of wattled work, are often found within the enclosure. resend the message to you by using ' MIME ' encoded ' enclosure ' method in Pegasus Mail. Examples of enclosure in a Sentence; Examples of enclosure [ … ] they celebrated by kissing under a favorite old maple tree that overhangs a Boulder sidewalk, creating an igloolike enclosure. In rare instances the body of the work is entirely of stones, the stockaded defence and the huts within its enclosure being the only parts constructed of timber. These remains consist of Etruscan tombs, the sacred enclosure of the goddess Nortia, with votive objects and coins ranging from the beginning of the 3rd century B.C. In such examples as the above we may regard the hymenium (Solenia, Cyphella), zygospores, or asci as truly invested by later growth, but in the vast majority of cases the processes which result in the enclosure of the spores, asci, &c., in a "fructification" are much more involved, inasmuch as the latter is developed in the interior of hyphal tissues, which are by no means obviously homologous with a stroma. To the east of this enclosure there extends a terrace decorated with magnificent reliefs. It's difficult to see enclosure act in a sentence . Conduit: A metal tube or " pipe " used as an enclosure to protect electrical conductors; also a type of electrical raceway. The Backpack: A roomy exterior pocket and zip around top enclosure makes this classic easy to grab, go, and stow your items. 5. As in the 16th century, such enclosure had the most sudden and dramatic effects in creating a proletariat. enclosure movement. C. 93) a gross rent charge can be substituted for a commutation of tithes on common rights at a fixed sum per head; a gross rent charge made payable in respect of the tithes of a gated or stinted pasture rated to the relief of the poor may be apportioned thereupon and enforced in the method prescribed by the other Tithe Acts; a rent charge on commons may be commuted for part of the land or redeemed, if the landowners and persons liable for tithe so agree; and upon enclosure, a rate per head may be converted into a rent charge on the lands allotted. In addition to these temples, there was also found a great fortified enclosure, about 860 ft. Enrich your vocabulary with the … There was no common land in Bowling, and there had never been an enclosure act. The same calorimeter is afterwards filled with a known liquid, such as water, and the time of cooling is observed through the same range of temperature, in the same enclosure, under the same conditions. The weight of steam condensed on the body gives a means of calculating the quantity of heat required to raise it from the atmospheric temperature up to ioo° C. in terms of the latent heat of vaporization of steam at zoo° C. There can be no appreciable gain or loss of heat by radiation, if the admission of the steam is sufficiently rapid, since the walls of the enclosure are maintained at too C., very nearly. Some heat is lost when the calorimeter is raised above the temperature of its enclosure, and before the final temperature is reached. 5. Victorian women would often enclose their personal letters in handmade envelopes sprayed with a drop of their perfume. Letter and two enclosures from Mr. Theodor Paesche. The reel to which the raw silk is led consists of a light six-armed frame, enclosed within a wooden casing having a glass frame in front, the enclosure being heated with steam-pipes. 3. The Rose Creek enclosure with three wolves was opened on Wednesday. There should be a sense of enclosure, and freedom to move within it. Usually horses are applauded into the winners, 17. Adjoining the theatres is a large rectangular enclosure, surrounded by a portico, at first the colonnade connected with the theatres, and converted, about the time of Nero, into the barracks of the gladiators, who were permanently maintained in the city with a view to the shows in the amphitheatre. Both economic and social factors drove the enclosure movement. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Please note that all of our pool heaters need to be installed in a dry weatherproof enclosure. The fortress, a square enclosure, erected in 1765, contains the palace, built in 1790 in the original Persian style. An insurrection of the Yorkshire peasants, which is to be ascribed in part to the distress caused by the enclosure of the commons on which they had been wont to pasture their cattle, and in part to the destruction of popular shrines, may have caused the king to defend his orthodoxy by introducing into parliament in 1539 the six questions. The bowling green was then fronted by a wooden village tearoom on Station Road together with an enclosure to apparently ' contain children '. At the triplets ' enclosure we only saw Nimira to start with, who was meowing at us from just below the deck. 251+4 sentence examples: 1. I don't need full enclosures, just the covers. (wall, barrier) clôture nf nom féminin: s'utilise avec les articles "la", "l'" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "une". When you use a fireplace or wood burning stove, it's only natural that ashes will form and begin to build up on the floor and in the cracks and crevices of the entire enclosure. Lay a piece of carpet on the interior floor of the enclosure. The enclosure is a high impact polycarbonate that seals the unit to IP65 (NEMA 4X ). Typically, robes will cinch or tie with a sash or belt enclosure made of the same or complementary satin as the robe itself. 1 Aug 2017. This enclosure of the shell is a permanent development of the arrangement seen in many Streptoneura (e.g. A mentally ill man was mauled after climbing into the lions'. Second, the enclosure also keeps unsightly droppings hidden from view. Remove and discard any uneaten vegetables, fruits or meat servings from the enclosure after 15-20 minutes. bran scattered in the enclosure substrate. Temples are very rare, though these blocks of coral are sometimes surrounded by a roofless enclosure opening to the west. The March and Charlton Stands are situated in the Richmond Enclosure and there is access to the Winners ' Enclosure and Parade Ring. With still greater emotion were the printed enclosures opened and read. stone slabs, had been cut into the earlier enclosure bank. He keeps a donkey in that enclosure. No petty official was going to stop Philip from getting into the, 28. Rumford proposed to eliminate this correction by starting with the initial temperature of the calorimeter as much below that of its enclosure as the final temperature was expected to be above the same limit. Some have supposed the circle of slabs to be the retaining wall of a tumulus; but its structure is not solid enough for such a purpose, and it can hardly be anything but a sacred enclosure. That's the real benefit of the new chimpanzee, 13. The Sun (2017) The new enclosure is brilliant for us as it allows us to give the gorillas the enrichment they need. Within the enclosure of the Khalifa's house is the tomb of Hubert Howard, son of the 9th earl of Carlisle, who was killed in the house at the capture of the city by a splinter of a shell fired at the Mandi's tomb. Since argentite (Ag 2 S) is isomorphous with galena, it is probable that the silver isomorphously replaces lead, but it is to be noted that native silver has been detected as an enclosure in galena. We were led to a fenced enclosure. The author then points out the great advantages of enclosure; recommends " quycksettynge, dychynge and hedgeyng "; and gives particular directions about settes, and the method of training a hedge, as well as concerning the planting and management of trees. The enclosure ditch was found to have been cut through a shallow flint pebble layer which overlay coombe rock. The house was confined by an enclosure. In the south-western corner of the enclosure stands the citadel (ark), within a wall 25 ft. of the barrack field is the Royal Military Repository, within the enclosure of which is the Rotunda, originally erected in St James's Park for the reception of the allied sovereigns in 1814, and shortly afterwards transferred to its present site. to the middle of the 3rd century A.D., remains of Roman houses, &c., and an amphitheatre of the imperial period (E. Another famous enclosure is Lord's Cricket Ground, St John's Wood Road. Provision for drainage was made by a channel running round the enclosure. I enclose a ticket, hoping that you will come. Not only so, but, when greater strictness of rule and of enclosure seemed the most needful reforms in communities that had become too secular in tone, the proposal of Ignatius, to make it a first principle that the members of his institute should mix freely in the world and be as little marked off as possible externally from secular clerical life and usages, ran counter to all tradition and prejudice, save that Cara.ffa's then recent order of Theatines, which had some analogy with the proposed Society, had taken some steps in the same direction. My favorite part of … flameproof enclosure with a separate input terminal chamber. A small child or animal could also get very sick if they ingest any of the residue and ashes found on either side of the enclosure. unsaddlehe unsaddling enclosure is a bronze of the legendary Blast of Storm. in a sentence. Not a soul remained within the enclosure. "They used to role their barley grounde 2 This process of enclosure must be distinguished from that of enclosing the arable common fields which, though advocated by Fitzherbert in a passage quoted below proceeded slowly till the 18th century. 2. The structure may have consisted as a series of concentric timber circles, rather than a true palisaded enclosure. Short Example Sentence for Enclosures . earthwork enclosure may indicate the forerunner of the Roman town. In this sacred enclosure, which lay between the south-eastern corner of the Propylaea and the wall of Cimon, no traces of a temple have been found. A lesson of loyalty was thus impressed on aspirants to renown by the last objects which met their eyes as they passed from the sacred enclosure to the scene of their trial. walled enclosure was leveled in the 4th century or later. The great temple of Edffl, which has its enclosure walls and pylon complete, and is the most perfect example remaining, was gradually built during a century and a half from Ptolemy III. Enclosure acts. Is there a water bowl for Frederick in his enclosure (a plant pot saucer will do )? Enclosure definition is - the act or action of enclosing : the quality or state of being enclosed. The steel framed glazed screens and security shutters are also simple strong elements providing enclosure and view. . Standard Double Snap: A flap enclosure with dual stainless steel snaps keeps items secure. A common example of this method is the determination of the specific heat of a liquid by filling a small calorimeter with the liquid, raising it to a convenient temperature, and then setting it to cool in an enclosure at a steady temperature, and observing the time taken to fall through a given range when the conditions have become fairly steady. ALAMBAGH, or ALUMBAGH, the name of a large park or walled enclosure, containing a palace, a mosque and other buildings, as well as a beautiful garden, situated about 4 m. Each enclosure has four gates with high towers, placed one in the centre of each side opposite to the four cardinal points. There is little evidence for partitions inside, and in wealthy establishments the place of rooms seems to have been supplied by separate buildings within the same enclosure. inclosuree both held of the commissioners of the Enclosure act, under a renewable lease of twenty-six years. It has a snap enclosure to provide easy access to the seven card slots, bill compartment, ID window, and coin pocket on the interior. of the river Selinus, lie the ruins of a temple of Demeter, with a propylon leading to the sacred enclosure: the temple itself has a cella with a narrow door and without columns. fr -L'invention concerne un procédé pour cuire et/ou chauffer des aliments consistant à alimenter en vapeur une chambre d'expansion de vapeur (3) comportant une paroi de confinement (4) déformable et/ou mobile délimitant partiellement une enceinte (2) recevant des aliments à chauffer et/ou à cuire. The Unit: The SP Lite is housed in sealed custom plastic enclosure with an external slot for the 9 Volt battery. Dean wasn't sure he appreciated the compliment but the pair made fast work of folding up his tent and moving the small enclosure to the new site. At the time, the enclosure contained around 100,000 Scots pine seedlings. It often occurs also as an enclosure in other minerals. The floor of the enclosure is constituted as in the other Zimbabwe buildings by a thick bed of cement which extends even outside the main wall. This well is now surrounded by an enclosure with an inscription upon its cross. The Tracy Bucket: A roomy, handheld tote with a grosgrain tie enclosure. The words of the cold and moist vegetable Prince were not very comforting, and as he spoke them he turned away and left the enclosure. These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. One of the principal monuments of Hadrian's munificence was the sumptuous library, in all probability a vast rectangular enclosure, immediately north of the New Agora, the eastern side of which was explored in 1885-1886. According to ancient authorities, the Puteal Libonis Puteal was the name given to an erection (or enclosure) on a spot which had been struck by lightning; it was so called from its resemblance to the stone kerb or low enclosure round a well (puteus). With the sleek leather and long tassels embellishing its flap enclosure, this is roomy enough to hold all your essentials and then some. Near the unsaddling enclosure is a bronze of the legendary Blast of Storm. (2) The temple of Bayon, a square enclosure formed by galleries with colonnades, within which is another and more elaborate system of galleries, rectangular in arrangement and enclosing a cruciform structure, at the centre of which rises a huge tower with a circular base. The brick enclosure wall of the temple is still plainly visible near the little village of Sa el hagar (Sa of stone) on the east bank of the Rosetta branch, but the royal tombs and other monuments of Sais, some of which were described by Herodotus, and its inscribed records, have all gone. In early times nuns could go out of their enclosure on occasion; but in the later middle ages, up to the council of Trent, the tendency was to keep them more and more strictly confined within their convent precincts. They have a thick red plastic seal over the enclosure, presenting a false image of a traditional wax seal for added protection. Include the word "Enclosure" if there is indeed an enclosure, such as another document or product included with the business letter. The present writer drew attention to this difficulty as far back as 1881, 1 when he pointed out that the different intensities of different spectral lines need not involve the consequence that in an enclosure of uniform temperature the energy is unequally partitioned between the corresponding degrees of freedom. Over the members of these orders their superiors have jurisdiction and not the bishop. Great options include: envelope liners, a pretty patterned paper band, a DIY map enclosure, or a ribbon, button, or feather. An outer temenos (enclosure) wall surrounded the ground. There is a public enclosure of a racecourse. The Zwinger, begun in 1711, and built in the rococo style, forms an enclosure, within which is a statue of King Frederick Augustus I. 0. Another enclosure, a little to the south, is proved by an inscription to have been a sanctuary of the hitherto unknown hero Amynos, with whose cult those of Asclepius and the hero Dexion were here associated; under the name Dexion, the poet Sophocles is said to have been worshipped after his death. Pronunciation of enclosure with 2 audio pronunciations, 11 synonyms, 9 meanings, 14 translations, 3 sentences and more for enclosure. The cattle are kept in a large circular, 14. 3. In the late Saxon period, occupation comprised a ditched enclosure around at least one timber building. Are found in upland areas in groups sometimes associated with an external slot for the snake to move within.... Providing enclosure and fabulous 4 jet shower panel Ventidius by luring him into the,.. New Forms of Exchange enclosure reorganizes society to meet the overriding demands of the commissioners of the legendary Blast Storm. 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