The exact design of the survey will be described in more detail later on. Postnatal follow-up will be conducted in months 18–42. Henrichs, J., Verfaille, V., Viester, L. et al. Manual for ASEBA Preschool Forms & Profiles. The Digital Object Identifier for the article. MajorVersionDate The assessment of antenatal emotional attachment: development of a questionnaire instrument. Uijen AA, Schellevis FG, van den Bosch WJ. Routine third-trimester ultrasound detection of fetal abnormalities BJOG. In addition, a third-trimester ultrasound will reveal whether the original birth prediction dates are correct, and it will help determine how much the baby weighs. Soc Sci Med. XMP Media Management Schema 2016-10-13T14:37:14+02:00 Second, participating midwifery practices will offer both CAU, and later on, routine third trimester ultrasound screening. Text Both the intervention group and the control group will receive the following standard elements of midwifery care: 1) serial fundal height measurements and clinically indicated ultrasonography in line with the KNOV guideline for the detection of IUGR [26]; 2) information about life-style factors that may influence fetal development, e.g., smoking and alcohol use; and 3) advice to report a reduction in fetal movements. Second Trimester. Gives the ORCID of an author. The primary dichotomous clinical outcome of the main study will be a composite measure of severe adverse perinatal outcomes up to 7 days after birth defined as one or more of the following: Antepartum, intrapartum or perinatal death occurring from 28 weeks of gestation onward. We gratefully acknowledge the contribution of the participating women and their children, midwives, obstetricians, ultra-sonographers, and staff at participating midwifery practices and hospitals in the Netherlands. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. adjustments you had to make to obtain good images was second to none. For the main study (n = 15,000), data will be extracted from the following existing databases: 1) the database of the Perinatal Registry of the Netherlands (Perined); 2) ultrasound centers’ databases; 3) hospital medical records of mothers and neonates if applicable. In the intervention group two routine third trimester biometry ultrasounds will be performed, the first at 28–30 weeks of gestation and the second at 34–36 weeks of gestation. The MOS 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36). Utrecht, NL, Perined. • If cervical length is < 35 mm (transabdominal) transvaginal ultrasound should be performed. However, we lack evidence for its clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness and information on ethical considerations of additional third trimester ultrasonography. In practice, it refers to any bleeding that occurs from the time of viability, (i.e., 23 to 24 weeks' gestation). A.Objectives Every three months, 20 practices will be randomized to the intervention condition, i.e. In practice, it refers to any bleeding that occurs from the time of viability, (i.e., 23 to 24 weeks' gestation). Third, we will perform multiple logistic multilevel regression analysis to test the possible effect of routine third trimester ultrasound screening on severe adverse perinatal outcome. We conclude that in pregnant women in the third trimester of gestation, the antral cross‐sectional area correlates well with volumes ingested, and this cut‐off value in the semirecumbent right lateral position discriminates high gastric volumes. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. Jens Henrichs. First, previous trials had methodological shortcomings, e.g., most trials were underpowered to detect clinically significant differences in severe perinatal outcomes, heterogeneity in number and timing of ultrasound scans, and contamination, i.e., ultrasound scans were often also conducted in the control group [14, 15]. The time horizon of this analysis ranges from 22 weeks of gestation until 6 months after the expected date of delivery. Medical insurance generally covers the cost of an ultrasound if it is deemed … uuid:c9fa0a0a-837a-4434-b836-718a37d01f63 Definitely the best ultrasound course I have done. De Reu; Marlies Rijnders; Alieke de Roon-Immerzeel; Connie Scheele; Sicco A. Scherjon; Rosalinde Snijders; Marc E. Spaanderman; Pim W. Teunissen; Hanneke W. Torij; Tanja G Vrijkotte; Jos Twisk; Kristel C. Zeeman; Jun Zhang. Springer Nature. seriesEditorInfo Inclusion criteria for ultrasonographers that perform ultrasounds for women in the IRIS study are: 1) they have successfully followed the e-learning training for fetal biometry of the national medical e-learning education programs for medical students and professionals in the Netherlands (; 2) they possess a certificate for ultrasound anomaly screening (‘SEO’ certificate’) or will be judged as adequate performers of ultrasonography (based on 4 cases) by an IRIS study sonographer; 3) they use ultrasound equipment according to the standards of the NVOG [27]. internal The Investigation and Management of the Small-for-Gestational-Age Fetus RCOG Green-top Guideline No.31. Single outcomes include the different elements of the composite primary outcome and the secondary composite outcome. PURPOSE: The detection … Midwifery practices will form the unit of randomization. 2 Fonts Hakkaart-van Roijen L, Tan SS, Bouwmans. SMUR = Submitted Manuscript Under Review Conceptual framework and item selection. Women participating in the main study, in the survey, and in sub-study A and B of the IRIS study will be asked to provide written informed consent. Impairment of fetal growth potential and neonatal encephalopathy. METHODS: Women without complications between 24 0/7 and 30 6/7 weeks of gestation were randomized (NCT0270299) to either … Med Care. This protocol can be used as starting point for the development of a multidisciplinary guideline for prenatal care of IUGR in the Netherlands. 2015;386(10008):2089–2097. Mirrors crossmark:CrosMarkDomains In 55 cases (18%) of third-trimester induced abortion, the anomaly could not have been diagnosed before the third-trimester. However, we lack evidence for its clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness and information on ethical considerations of additional third trimester ultrasonography. Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) is a major risk factor for perinatal mortality and morbidity. By the end of your pregnancy, your breasts will have grown by as much as 2 pounds. Early Hum Dev. 2. 2011;24:708–12. internal A Guide for Third Trimester Ultrasound Scans. Role of Ultrasound. PubMed Gives the name of a series editor. If not coupled with an effective intervention, ultrasound screening alone cannot be clinically effective [12]. Foetale groeibeperking Versie 2.1 NVOG richtlijn [Fetal growth restriction Version 2.1 NVOG guideline]. Apgar score 5 min after birth <4, as indicated in the Perined database; and 2) women participating in the survey and being referred to a gynecologist/secondary care during the perinatal period, and women having a neonate who has been referred to a pediatrician, has a birth weight <5th percentile or a severe adverse perinatal outcome. Bouwmans C, Hakkaart-van Roijen C, Koopmanschap M, Severens H, Bouwer W. Manual iMTA Productivity and Cost Questionnaire. Other secondary single outcomes will be neonatal mortality and severe morbidity between the 7th and 28th day after birth, congenital abnormalities, life threatening congenital conditions among neonates, non‐cephalic presentations (when labor started) in primary care, and place of birth. First, an explorative literature study will be conducted to examine ethical dilemmas of pregnant women and professionals regarding decision-making, ultrasound screening procedures, and communication of ultrasound findings. Permits publishers to include a second ISSN, identifying an electronic version of the issue in which the resource occurs (therefore e(lectronic)Issn. Early Hum Dev. Additional family members and friends must use our family viewing room during Growth Scan. Murray E, Fernandes M, Fazel M, Kennedy SH, Villar J, Stein A. Two sub-studies will be conducted as part of the IRIS study. During the 4D scan, they can continue to watch in the viewing room, or enter the ultrasound room. Manegold G(1), Tercanli S, Struben H, Huang D, Kang A. To develop a multidisciplinary consensus‐based protocol for the detection and management of IUGR and to study professionals’ adherence to the protocol. 2011;12:151. ACERs increased from €9050 per case detected in 2006 to €14 580 per case detected in 2014 (p=0.001). URI In a purposively selected subsample of pregnant women (n ~ 15) participating in the intervention group, semi-structured interviews will be conducted during late pregnancy to explore and better understand the role of third trimester ultrasound screening in the experience of maternal pregnancy-specific anxiety and maternal bonding. Some things that your practitioner may … For the economic evaluation, costs will be measured from a societal perspective. Performing two ultrasound examinations enables detection of early and late fetal growth restriction and allows monitoring of fetal growth patterns, which may reveal decreased fetal abdominal growth velocity. AdJ, AF, HvdH, and PJ were involved in study conception and design. Lalor JG, Devane D, Begley CM. internal In this analysis, pregnancy related data derived from the Perined database of all 15,000 participating women will be used. … Incremental Cost‐Effectiveness Ratios (ICER) will be calculated by dividing the difference in healthcare costs by the difference in effects. In a qualitative sub-study (using diary notes from 32 women for 9 months, at least 10 individual interviews and 2 focus group studies) we will explore ethical considerations of additional ultrasonography and how to deal with them. Text internal volume 16, Article number: 310 (2016) converted Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. doi van Duijnhoven; William A. Grobman; Henk Groen; Chantal W.P.M. Petra Jellema Br J Psychiatry. external editor Does your practitioner have a specific concern that only an ultrasound can answer? Routine third trimester ultrasound screening may have other benefits, including the detection of structural fetal abnormalities, e.g. Data on protocol adherence will be collected via standardized forms filled out by a researcher attending several multidisciplinary case evaluations or audits in case of perinatal deaths or severe adverse perinatal outcome. Fetal and umbilical Doppler ultrasound in normal pregnancy. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol. external This large-scale nationwide stepped wedge cluster-randomized trial will provide evidence whether or not routine third trimester ultrasound screening in combination with protocolized management is clinically effective and cost-effective as compared to CAU in reducing severe adverse perinatal outcome. However, a meta-analysis of 13 randomized trials among low-risk pregnancies (n = 34,980) did not reveal beneficial effects of third trimester ultrasound screening on primary outcomes of perinatal mortality, preterm birth less than 37 weeks, Caesarean section rates, and induction of labor rates [14]. Department of Midwifery Science, AVAG and the EMGO+ Institute for Health and Care Research, VU University Medical Center, Van der Boechorststraat 7, A-511, 1081 BT, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Jens Henrichs, Viki Verfaille, Laura Viester, Myrte Westerneng & Ank de Jonge, Department of Medical Humanities, EMGO+ Institute for Health and Care Research, VU University Medical Center, Van der Boechorststraat 7, 1081 BT, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Department of Gynecology, Utrecht University Medical Center, Heidelberglaan 100, 3584 CX, Utrecht, The Netherlands, Department of General Practice, EMGO+ Institute for Health and Care Research, VU University Medical Center, Van der Boechorststraat 7, 1081 BT, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Department of Health Sciences and the EMGO+ Institute for Health and Care Research, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Department of Pediatrics, Emma Children’s Hospital, Amsterdam Medical Center, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, You can also search for this author in the URL). PRISM recommends that a subset of the PCV platform values, namely “mobile” and “web”, be used in conjunction with this element. Two major shortcomings have been identified in these previous trials [14, 15]. The lowest Pregnancy Ultrasound cost in India is ₹510 only. Sovio U, White IR, Dacey A, Pasupathy D, Smith GC. The American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine recommends imaging the umbilical cord as part of a standard prenatal ultrasound examination and evaluating the number of vessels in the cord, when possible, in the second and third trimesters. PubMed $2,190.00 Date. Other methods to invite midwifery practices for participation will include attending meetings of regional maternity care networks and the postgraduate training about the KNOV guideline [26], articles in national professional journals, and social media. It does not exclude pathology but absence of any fetal breathing movements in the 3rd trimenster is concerning, particularly in a small for dates foetus. Text Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2016. Routine ultrasound in late pregnancy (after 24 weeks’ gestation). VoR Do they usually do one? An ultrasound performed by a licensed medical professional - either a physician or a registered medical diagnostic sonographer - usually costs around $200 according to Parenting Magazine. A structure containing the characteristics of a font used in a document J Med Ethics. OriginalDocumentID Five ICCs ranging from 0.0003 to 0.002 were reported for neonatal mortality [47]. Intrauterine growth retardation Text Manage cookies/Do not sell my data we use in the preference centre. Patients who come and see us for the dating/viability scan (less than 12 weeks) or the Nuchal Translucency Scan (12-13 weeks) are offered a pregnancy package once there has been a confirmed pregnancy. To be able to provide timely clinical management for these fetuses, sensitive screening procedures for the detection of IUGR are needed. Herdman M, Gudex C, Lloyd A, Janssen M, Kind P, Parkin D, et al. The questionnaires will address identified inconsistencies in the Dutch monodisciplinary KNOV and NVOG guidelines and will also be based on the evidence-based British guideline of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) [51]. pdfToolbox Third, we will identify pregnant women’s and professionals’ ethical dilemmas related to positive, unexpected and unclear findings during ultrasound screening. What A Third Trimester Ultrasound Cannot Reveal? During a Third trimester Scan the Sonographer will observe the development of the baby and will check the function and position of the placenta. Identifies a portion of a document. The biophysical profile (BPP test) combines an ultrasound evaluation with a non-stress test (NST) and is intended to determine fetal health during the third trimester.This biophysical profile is performed if there is a question about fetal health and well being resulting from either an examination, maternal/fetal symptoms, or if the pregnancy is considered high risk. The date when a publication was published. If the URL associated with a DOI is to be specified, then prism:url may be used in conjunction with prism:doi in order to provide the service endpoint (i.e. 2011;51:3–8. Royal Organization of Midwives in the Netherlands, Dutch Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development. When is the third trimester ultrasound done? author You will learn how to use ultrasound equipment safely in order to optimize image quality in relation to 3rd Trimester ultrasound examinations. Specifies the types of author information: name and ORCID of an author. Achenbach TM, Rescorla LA. Spielberger CD, Gorsuch RL, Lushene R, Vagg PR, Jacobs GA. Manual for state-trait anxiety inventory. Women may experience higher levels of emotional distress, due to an (incorrect) indication of IUGR and be exposed to additional monitoring and obstetric interventions [18, 19]. Judith E. Bosmans This scan shows the baby’s heartbeat and heart rate. Hukkelhoven; Trudy Klomp; Marjolein Kok; Marlou L. de Kroon; Maya Kruijt; Anneke Kwee; Sabina Ledda; Harry N. Lafeber; Jan M. van Lith; Ben Willem Mol; Marianne Nieuwenhuijze; Guid Oei; Cees Oudejans; K. Marieke Paarlberg; Eva Pajkrt; Aris T. Papageorghiou; Uma M. Reddy; Paul A.O.M. J Clin Epidemiol. A practical guide for calculating indirect costs of disease. ASQ-3 User's Guide. Practices will be eligible if all midwives are willing to follow the postgraduate registration training in the guideline ‘detection of IUGR’ of the KNOV [26]. 2012;7:e30935. internal A trans vaginal scan is usually avoided in the 3rd trimester, but it may be recommended by your doctor in case of any medical issues. CrossMarkDomains internal Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of routine third trimester ultrasound screening for intrauterine growth restriction: study protocol of a nationwide stepped wedge cluster-randomized trial in The Netherlands (The IRIS Study). So far, only one previous trial, The Helsinki ultrasound trial, addressed this matter showing that one-stage second-trimester ultrasound screening is cost-effective in reducing perinatal mortality as compared to care as usual when taking all significant costs and effects into account [25]. 1992;26:105–10. Some warm gel is applied to your lower abdomen and a probe is used to transmit ultrasound images to the screen for interpretation. This analysis will be adjusted for possible clustering of observations at the level of midwifery practices and medical/biological, demographic and life-style related confounders. Learn about the types of tests your doctor might use at your prenatal checkups in the third trimester, for both you and your baby’s health. GTS_PDFXVersion Some midwifery practices perform ultrasound in their own practice; others refer to an ultrasound center. With 80 % power and a significance level of p < 0.05, 13,536 pregnant women should be included. publicationName orcid PlateNames Reviews on the effects of routine third trimester ultrasound screening on pregnancy and perinatal outcome concluded that a large-scale trial with adequate power is needed to address severe adverse perinatal outcomes and to examine long-term neurodevelopmental outcome in the offspring [14, 16]. Incremental Cost‐Utility Ratios (ICURs) will be calculated by relating the difference in costs between the conditions to the difference in QALYs. Development of the 10-item Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. “We then advised an ultrasound for assessing the growth of the baby along with doppler scan during the third trimester ” said Dr Anita Sabherwal Anand. serial fundal height measurements and clinically indicated ultrasonography alone, has not been studied earlier. EVoR = Enhanced Version of Record Ultrasound is essentially used for assessing fetal growth and maternal wellbeing.Ultrasound is a valuable diagnostic tool in assessing the following indications: Follow up of previously identified, or suspected, abnormality. This is done with the use of fetal heart-rate monitoring and ultrasounds to assess the amniotic fluid levels. AO = Author’s Original To be more specific, the current monodisciplinary Dutch guidelines of the Royal Organization of Midwifes in the Netherlands (KNOV) and of the Dutch Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology (NVOG) for IUGR detection or management have a different focus and do not fully align [26, 27]. (2011) are based on prevalence rates of neonatal mortality ranging from 1.5 % to 5.9 % indicating a higher maximum rate than the rate of severe adverse perinatal outcome expected for the IRIS study, i.e. Van BS, Boshuizen HC, Knook DL. Introduction. Author information: contains the name of each author and his/her ORCID (ORCiD: Open Researcher and Contributor ID). orcid 1998;18:S68–80. uuid:66b8b6fc-8116-4fba-97c5-d88a19656564 external Using a short questionnaire, we will evaluate community midwives’ experience of cooperation with healthcare professionals in secondary care in terms of the IRIS study protocol after the completion of the inclusion period. An alternative approach to detect IUGR fetuses comprises routine third trimester ultrasonography. To assess comparability of study groups and predictors of outcome, data on baseline characteristics of participating midwifery practices and participating pregnant women will be collected. Again, pregnancy related data derived from the Perined database of all 15,000 participating women will be used in this analysis. Pregnant women will be enrolled during months 1–12 at 20–22 weeks of gestation. Perined data suggest that the expected rate of severe adverse perinatal outcome in the source population, i.e. ARDMS Midwife Focused Sonography Certificate. The 3rd trimester focussed course is a stand alone module that meets the demand for 3rd Trimester scan training in response to national guidance on antenatal care. Optimizing the definition of intrauterine growth restriction: the multicenter prospective PORTO Study. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Med Decis Making. 2004;30:505–9. Fetal growth restriction and the risk of perinatal mortality-case studies from the multicentre PORTO study. For example, parents may find this burdensome due to increased responsibility that comes with the fact that they have to choose for further examinations of the fetus (or not). The … Differential effect of intrauterine growth restriction on childhood neurodevelopment: a systematic review. The cost of ultrasound screening increased from €168 in 2006 to €258 per pregnancy in 2014 (p=0.001). Text Maternal baseline characteristics will include ethnic background, maternal age, educational level, height and weight, smoking, alcohol use, drug use, and work status during pregnancy. Serial ultrasound scanning in pregnancies ... scans in the third trimester, while some units did not scan high risk pregnancies at all [8]. The “Transabdominal Third Trimester Scanning” module aims to prepare you for a career using medical ultrasound, where you are continually seeking to improve yourself, the patient experience and your own diagnostic expertise. Patient Educ Couns. Article Alfirevic Z, Stampalija T, Gyte GM. You'll find out which symptoms are normal, and which ones may warrant a call to your doctor. 18 0 obj Intrauterine growth retardation has often been defined as failing to achieve a specific fetal biometric or estimated fetal weight threshold by a specific gestational age [2]. Protocol adherence will also be assessed via standardized case report forms filled out by research assistants/nurses using hospital records of a subsample of neonates and women (n ~ 2000) displaying perinatal/postpartum morbidity/mortality (for more detail see subsection data collection). 2010;38:311–8. Acrobat Distiller 10.1.5 (Windows); modified using iText® 5.3.5 ©2000-2012 1T3XT BVBA (AGPL-version) Development of the Pregnancy and Childbirth Questionnaire (PCQ): evaluating quality of care as perceived by women who recently gave birth. 1992;30:473–83. 2. Purposes of these focus group interviews will be: (a) deepen the understanding of the ethical dilemmas of pregnant women and caregivers, (b) validation of ethical dilemmas, and (c) establishing recommendations for future practice. Third-trimester hemorrhage refers to any bleeding from the genital tract during the third trimester of pregnancy. I know, I know, ask my doctor. Farsides B, Williams C, Alderson P. Aiming towards “moral equilibrium”: health care professionals’ views on working within the morally contested field of antenatal screening. This latter guideline addresses aspects of both screening for IUGR in the general population and additional examinations and management of IUGR. In some cases, a transvaginal ultrasound is also performed. The economic evaluation aims to compare the costs generated by pregnant women receiving routine third trimester ultrasound screening versus those receiving CAU. Handleiding voor kostenonderzoek: Methodologie van kostenonderzoek en referentieprijzen voor economische evaluaties in de gezondheidszorg [Dutch manual cost research in the healthcare sector]. The first sub-study will concern a Delphi study aiming to develop a multidisciplinary protocol for the screening for, detection of, and subsequent management of IUGR in prenatal care in the Netherlands. For this analysis, data of the 900 women in the random sample will be used. Series editor information: contains the name of each series editor and his/her ORCID identifier. authorInfo If an alternate unique identifier is used as the required dc:identifier, then the DOI should be specified as a bare identifier within prism:doi only. This study received funding from the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) in the context of the research program Pregnancy and Childbirth, grant number: 209030001. Sparks TN, Cheng YW, McLaughlin B, Esakoff TF, Caughey AB. Costs will vary, so before having an ultrasound, check the cost and whether you will be eligible for a Medicare rebate with your doctor or treating healthcare professional. Moreover, the cost-effectiveness of routine third-trimester ultrasound screening combined with serial fundal height measurements and clinically indicated ultrasonography as compared to care as usual (CAU), i.e. Ultrasound scans are considered to be the most cost-effective, accurate and safe methods for measurement of various fetal parts in pregnant women. The second ultrasound session is scheduled when she reaches 18 to 23 weeks in second. Philippon O, Heinonen OP, has not been studied earlier, Kennedy SH Villar! 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