9) Which earthworm is considered as the biggest in terms of its size? Choose from 500 different sets of quiz questions environmental biology flashcards on Quizlet. Delete Quiz. 150 years. 72) The percentage of the surface covered by glaciers on earth is? How much of the world's water is available for human use? B. World Environment Day Quiz For Students And Children: World Environment Day is celebrated on the 5th of June every year. Here, we are giving the Environment Quiz Questions with answers on the Basic Concepts of Environment and Ecology in the form of multiple choice questions which strengthen the knowledge of aspirants … 36) In her well-known book Silent Spring, which insecticide was referred by Rachel Carson for its adverse effects? 355 times ... 20 Questions Show answers. 81) The greenhouse effect is one of the things that make Earth a comfortable place to live. Climate Change and Global Warming Quiz This free printable ‘True or False?’ environment quiz sheet about global warming and climate change has eight questions and is most suitable for age 8 to age 12 although teenagers may learn something too. 24 Questions Show answers. Environmental Problems Trivia Questions & Answers : Environment This category is for questions and answers related to Environmental Problems, as asked by users of FunTrivia.com. Which layer is responsible for the greenhouse effect on earth? This quiz is incomplete! Answer: The soil becomes acidic which reduces the growth of crops. 14) The water in its body is reused by which animal to retain its body moisture? 20 Questions Show answers. 67) The duration of the small ice age was from _____ to _____. Question 1 . Are you a whiz when it comes to green trivia? We should ..... paper, glass and plastic materials. Here, we are giving the Environment Quiz Questions with answers on the Basic Concepts of Environment and Ecology in the form of multiple choice questions which strengthen the. Question 1 (out of 10): About how long does it take a Styrofoam cup to decompose? May, 15. Test your understanding of Environmental conservation concepts with Study.com's quick multiple choice quizzes. Answer: United Nations Environment Programme. About This Quiz & Worksheet. Free to play! 40) The country which decommissioned all of its nuclear reactors is _____. 58) _____ is the ecosystem where the biological productivity observed more. Free to play! Preview this quiz on Quizizz. 25) In Great Britain, there are some land areas which are kept in reserve for an open space, most often around larger cities. Use it in conjunction with the two worksheets above or just as a stand-alone quiz sheet. Can You Pass This Basic World History Quiz? Take your knowledge on Health Safety & Environment. Deforestation. How long does it take for carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere to disperse? Books; Business; Countries & Cultures; Creative Arts & Professions; Environment; Film & Photography; Food & Drink; Games; History; IT & Internet 13) Which animal’s habitat and habit have still ambiguity among environmental scientists? 94) _____ makes the soil porous and also called a friend of the farmer. 27) When there is a discharge of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, it will cause _____. Here we have provided Environment Quiz that makes you overcome the unawareness of Environment.Without referring all the books, sites and links., here we have given the description of the Environment General Knowledge Questions, which is the simple way to … Answer: National Environmental Engineering Research Institute. 19) Animals which are lively in the daytime and rest in the night are called? Answer: Sonic booms produced by aircraft. Environment Quiz Questions - Environment stands for surrounding and it has been defined as the sum total of all conditions and influences that affect the development of an organism. 76) The person who discovered natural radioactivity was? A.P. 1) What was the side effect of the use  DDT in birds? 84) The city which has recorded as first in air pollution among the world? . While many greenhouse gases occur naturally and are needed to create the greenhouse effect that keeps the Earth warm enough to support life, ... is the main source of excess greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Sometimes these tankers get damaged and the oil leaks into the oceans and seas. 99) In Italy there is a filthy river which is leaching out 234 tons of arsenic annually. 83) For conducting environmental related analytical studies globally, which type of satellites are usually used? 2) Which rays from the sun is affecting the people who live in the higher altitude areas above the sea level? 6th - 7th grade. Answer: The polluted water from factories can be treated in sewage treatment plants to control water pollution. You can do this 20-question quiz online or print it on paper. Answer: Temperature, pressure, wind velocity and humidity of atmosphere. Find Out Your Warrior Cat Name With This Quiz. 55) The ecosystem which has most biodiversity is? Answer: By using electrostatic filters in the chimneys of factories. For every tonne of paper recycled, we save ... How much of our air pollution comes from motor vehicles, like cars and trucks? This quiz is incomplete! What year did the United States EPA declare greenhouse gasses a threat to public health? 20) Animals which rest at night and lively during the daytime are termed as _____, 21) Among chemical fertilisers, the two commonly used ones are_____ and _____. 39) Name the director of Friends of the Earth, the environment protection group in the UK during the period 1984-90? Environment . 66) The topography of today’s landscape on earth started from which era? Environmental damage to air, plants, and streams caused by the exhaust from factories and automobiles is called... answer choices the greenhouse effect Quiz: Environmental Issues. 78) When using a catalytic converter in a car, which fuel must be supplied from the pump? 85) The person who denoted man as Ecologically dominant organism? 92) 14 % of earth’s dry surface was covered by this and according to 1991 data, it has been reduced by its half. May, 20. PUB QUIZ QUESTIONS. SURVEY . 16) How does the soil adversely affected by the acid rain? 86) ‘Man of the Trees’ is the other name given to _____. 71) Which region on earth surface receives rain much more than other parts? 33) Cite the places where you can see the biggest species of Ox on earth. D. … There are 86 Environment quizzes and 860 Environment trivia questions in this category. Hardest Questions Quiz This is the hardest Knowledge Trivia Test on Geography! 90) _____ is responsible for El Nino,a band of warm ocean water that develops in the central and east-central equatorial Pacific, including the area off the Pacific coast of South America. Hit share! Answer: The South African Giant Earthworm. 24) When smoke reacts with industrial fog _____ will be formed. SURVEY . �, Removing question excerpt is a premium feature. 74) The unhygienic and dirty condition which makes it difficult to live on the earth is. 30 seconds . Answer: Sulphur. How much do you know about the world around you? What is the most common  type of trash thrown away by Americans? Cars and the environment 87) In New Zealand, one animal caused severe soil erosion in the countryside. Which country currently emits the most greenhouse gases? Answer: Temperature, pressure, wind velocity and humidity of the atmosphere. Take Fact Monster's Environment Quiz to find out. What is the leading source of energy in the United States? What is its name? 4) The gas which becomes a potential health hazard which is released to the air  by the  transportation is _____, 5) _____ is one of the main reason of noise pollution. (How many types can you think of?) On which date International Day for Biodiversity is observed? 77) Who is the environmentalist campaigned for the need for the ecological conscience through his books and writings? by Beth Rowen. . 3) The dumping wastes from _____becomes a major threat to the environment and soil in this technological era. To play this quiz, please finish editing it. 17) Name the major cause for ozone layer thinning or depletion? 97) _____ are the greatest pool of wildlife diversity in terms of its fecundity. Start studying Environmental chapter quiz questions. What is a watershed? To play this quiz, please finish editing it. 1. It takes. What is it called? 18) One of the seven wonders of the world, which is also in India has got affected by air pollution from industry in its premises. So, all of us need to know about the subject of the Environment is a necessary thing. 49) The association of fungus with certain plants is a _____ relationship. 41) Where is the famous National Park ‘Keibul Lamjao National Park ‘ which floats on the surface of a lake and also a wildlife sanctuary, is situated? Q. 100) What is the remedy which can lessen smoke pollution caused by factories? What is the most common type of waste that litters our oceans? 68) Where you can find a cavity in the ground called sinkhole caused by water erosion and providing a route for surface water to disappear underground? What is it? Most of the oil that we use is imported into our country from other nations. A. What do you know about these issues - and what solutions are there? … 2 months. Answer: Musk Ox, found in Canada and Denmark. Top Environment Quiz Questions Part 1 (1-25). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The oil is carried in huge sea going tankers. Answer: Sloth (can be seen in South American jungles). 50) The disintegration of dead animal and plant matter results in the formation of _____, 51) The gas layer which is a protective layer as well as unhealthy to Earth’s environment and life is _____. This quiz is designed to refresh your memory about important issues of health and safety in your workplace. Answer: Endangered species. In the way the environment has great importance in our lives, so the related questions also have great importance for all examinations. 30) Name the British Islands which includes Burgar Hill, where there the most productive wind turbine is located. answer choices . 47) _____are the category which were recognised for their protection and conservation in their natural habitat globally. Back to Science for Kids Q. Which was that sea? 82) The colour which is being used widely for denoting conservation and preservation of the environment and related things? What is such an accidental discharge of oil into water bodies called? Here are 25 of the best questions for your next family quiz - which won't leave anyone out! Question 1 . 43) Which are the three primary greenhouse gases? Geography is the study of the earth, the people in it, and their interactions with their environment. Which is the latest ecosystem? Environment Quiz Questions Part 1 Environment Quiz 1 – 15 1) Which are the main factors that decide the conditions of environment? Read: 100 Harry Potter Quiz Questions Answers, Check General Knowledge Questions and General Knowledge Quiz Questions and Answers. Question 1 . 89) Name the southwest winds originating as hot, dry desert-air over Northern Africa, flowing northward into the southern Mediterranean basin? 59) In 1977, the scientists had made a fascinating discovery in ecosystems and that is the latest one. General Knowledge Quiz Questions and Answers, Fashion and Clothing Quiz Questions Answers. 88) The ocean can be divided into _____regions ecologically. 120 seconds . 12) There is a layer in the upper part of the atmosphere which prevents the sun’s harmful UV rays to enter into earth’s surface and acts as a protective cover for the earth. 45) Who coined the term ‘Ecology ‘in 1870? 93) In 1971 which environmental protection network was started in the UK? Take our environment quiz to get your environmental IQ score, answer these 10 simple questions to test your general knowledge about environment. 57) The ecosystem which has the least biodiversity is _____. Play this game to review Environment. Desertification. Related quizzes can be found here: Environmental Problems Quizzes 38) In 1976, a convention was conducted in Barcelona on account of the pollution of a sea and for taking the measures to clean it. 98) In a European country, its historical buildings and monuments are destroying slowly due to the intense air pollution, which is the capital of the country too. 75) The _____ cycle in nature will be affected after a volcanic eruption on earth. So, all of us need to know about the subject of the Environment is a necessary thing. Answer: The use of chlorofluorocarbon by man. Candidates who are willing to attempt the competitive exams regarding environment should know about the GK Environment Topic. Acid rain. 54) The ecosystem which is similar to a tropical rainforest in terms of biological production is? Learn more about America's Most Polluted Metro Areas and Earth Day. 96) The atmospheric phenomenon in which warm air holds down the cool air and prevents pollutants from rising and scattering is _____. 91) The major components which affect the changes in the environment are _____. Approximately how much of global electricity output is produced from renewable sources? For webquest or practice, print a copy of this quiz at the Earth Science: Land Pollution webquest print page. 29) Name the Asian country which is polluted by the trash due to commercial mountaineering and also called the world’s highest rubbish dump. 52) The element which forms by the action of bacteria during the disintegration of dead organisms is? What does sustainability mean? What does sustainability mean? We should ..... paper, glass and plastic materials. 23) Name the country in Europe which uses its underground hot water current for heating their 85% of housing. 48) UV light reacts with nitrogen oxides to form photochemical smog. Online Test Name: Environment: Exam Type: Multiple Choice Questions: Category: GK Quiz: Number of Questions: 30 Questions: The human being cannot survive without a healthy environment. Select the correct answer for the question and then press next to move to the next question. ... To play this quiz, please finish editing it. With lots of cafés offering a discount to bring your own, it’s good for your wallet, too” 4-6: Think Local, Stay Hopeful. To play this quiz, please finish editing it. Learn quiz questions environmental biology with free interactive flashcards. These 10 questions will test how well you understand what it takes to live an environmentally friendly lifestyle. 6) The gas which has a major role in the Greenhouse Effect is? Of animals and plants. Play this game to review Environment. This phenomenon was first detected in _____. To create just 1 kilogram of consumer goods, manufacturers create ... kilograms of waste. 56) _____ determines the stability of a grassland ecosystem. Ultimate Environment Quiz 20 Questions | By Cagreis | Last updated: Oct 22, 2020 | Total Attempts: 8585 Questions All questions 5 questions 6 questions 7 questions 8 questions 9 questions 10 questions 11 questions 12 questions 13 questions 14 questions 15 questions 16 questions 17 questions 18 questions 19 questions 20 questions 95) _____ can take the fertile top-soil to hundreds of kilometers away. Browse through all study tools. Environment General Knowledge Questions - Environment GK Quiz Details. Save the planet DRAFT. 1. It was started in 1972 by the United Nations Assembly when the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment began. 28) Partial decay of sphagnum moss results in the formation of _____ on bogs which grows 1 mm per year. Which is that wonder of the world? 60) ______ is one of the most polluted cities in the world, nicknamed “Valley of Death”. C. May, 22. There are numerous factors that play into a business environment. Global warming - the greenhouse effect. Q. 44) Where is the nuclear fuel reprocessing and nuclear decommissioning plant located in Great Britain? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The main gases responsible for the Greenhouse Effect are: A water and ozone B oxygen and nitrous oxide C carbon dioxide and methane: 2. About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found at Earth Science: Land Pollution. Answer: Carbon dioxide, Methane, and Chlorofluorocarbon. Rainforests once covered 14% of the earth's land surface; now they cover .... ... plant, animal and insect species are being lost every single day due to rainforest deforestation. Preview this quiz on Quizizz. Environment is a brief topic, so the questions related to it are mostly asked in all government examinations. 80) The British Green Party was formerly known as _____. 400 years. 63) What is the percentage of glacier cover on the earth by Antarctica? Many factories _____ harmful pollutants into the atmosphere. Environment Quiz. 26) According to CITES agreement, protection should be given to _____. 79) As per data, which country comes in the first position in contributing 5/6th of a ton municipal waste per person? Our online world environment day trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some of the top world environment day quizzes. 69) It will take millions of years to form _____, but a single generation of mankind can dismantle it, 70) The soil which we can see in desert areas is _____. 53) The acid which has a connection with the soil is _____ How long does it take for glass to decompose? 37) Which among the mammals on earth is the slowest in terms of their mobility? 15) Which was the worst-ever nuclear tragedy in history? All types of questions and their answers are asked here under the environment. 10 years. 22) How do wastewater treatment plants or sewage treatment plants work? Name the city. Environment General Knowledge Questions - Environment GK Quiz Details. World's Hardest Science Quiz You'll Ever Take! Making small changes to the way you live can have a big impact on the environment. 62) The continent in which you can see the maximum species of pasturing animals is? 1,000,000+ Questions and Answers 65,000+ Quizzes ... Environmental Science Quizzes Check your mastery of this concept by taking a short quiz. Environment Vocabulary Quiz. 64) The most prolific element on earth’s atmosphere is _____, 65) The percentage of solar light consumed by plants for photosynthesis is _____. Accuracy: A team of editors takes feedback from our visitors to keep trivia as up to date and as accurate as possible. Basic Environment Quiz Questions Part 3 (51-75) 51) The gas layer which is a protective layer as well as unhealthy to Earth’s environment and life is _____ Answer: Ozone. Damage to the ozone layer. You’re aware of the damage being caused to the environment, but maybe you also groan when you see “global warming” trending on Twitter. 61) In which place the soil erosion is recorded in a tremendous volume in the world? This quiz is incomplete! Online Test Name: Environment: Exam Type: Multiple Choice Questions: Category: GK Quiz: Number of Questions: 30 Questions: The human being cannot survive without a healthy environment. 8) The spiral which explains the effect of wind on the ocean mathematically is? You can use this quiz/worksheet combo … According to the United Nations, the main cause of climate change / global warming is the result of: A water pollution minimize donate 7) _____are the fertilisers readily soluble in water and quickly available to the plants so that they are given through the water in large quantities. Environmental Questions and answers for all exams and Quizzes Learn the … Play this hour's "Trivia About Environment" mixed quiz game 35) Rachel Carson, an environmentalist, wrote a book in 1962 which was a best seller in the environmental genre. Think classic movies, easy Geography and some Royal trivia knowledge. Which was that? SURVEY . One environmental win is to have a reusable coffee cup. Every year, the UN chooses different themes and different locations for the celebrations. It tests your understanding of our Environment Vocabulary page. Missed a question here and there? Environmental management is a strategy companies use to save money on resources and reduce the company's environmental impact. 46) Who is the visionary who warned about the climatic changes caused by the combustion of fossil fuels by mankind? Pollution. ... this quiz, please finish editing it. Are you concerned about the environment? Biology Chapter 1 (Introduction To Biology). 10) Rain polluted by acid that has been released into the atmosphere from factories and other industrial processes is known as _____. Environmental Education Italy and Mexico announce bold climate education initiatives at COP25 What is the name of the river? 101) Which term is commonly used for denoting all the living things including plants which are living under the water? Find out how much you know about the environment and its problems. 73) The percentage of water on the earth’s surface which  always in circulation is? Which was that popular book? 31) In which year alligator weed was discovered for the first time? Answer: The whale shark is a fish whereas the whale is a mammal. 53) The acid which has a connection with the soil is _____. 34) Which programme of the United Nations coordinates the organization’s environmental activities and assists developing countries in implementing environmentally sound policies and practices. By providing my phone number, I understand that Earth Day Network and its affiliates, service providers and non for profit partner organizations may use automated calling technologies and/or text message me on my cellular phone on a periodic basis. If so, what do you think is the biggest issue? Name it. 32) Distinguish whales and whale sharks biologically. 52) The element which forms by the action of bacteria during the disintegration of dead organisms is? World around you 55 ) the association of fungus with certain plants is a premium feature government! 91 ) the _____ cycle in nature will be affected after a volcanic eruption on started! Things that make earth a comfortable place to live Carson, an environmentalist, wrote a book in which... Knowledge about environment '' mixed quiz game learn quiz Questions and Answers, Fashion and Clothing Questions! Being used widely for denoting conservation and preservation of the world around you paper, glass and plastic materials for! 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